#!/bin/ksh # shapes.ksh - ask about shapes # https://www.google.com.au/search?q=%22names+of+shapes%22&client=firefox-a&hs=4nh&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=sb&tbm=isch&imgil=U1j3mNQwlbzkTM%253A%253BSYaTL9Np_bb1dM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.mathwithlarry.com%25252Flessons%25252Flesson008.htm&source=iu&fir=U1j3mNQwlbzkTM%253A%252CSYaTL9Np_bb1dM%252C_&usg=__aN2KHQOBH1cCpIrtgx2zspSXh7w%3D&sa=X&ei=3EsFVLf0Kc2VuATl54LACw&ved=0CCMQ9QEwAQ&biw=1073&bih=658#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=X633ImGRa4OjnM%253A%3BCrVgEZGLHobkqM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fromanobilingual.com%252Flessons%252Fgeometry%252Fshapes.gif%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.landscapinggallery.info%252Fshapes-and-names%252Fshapes-and-names.html%3B640%3B600 echo -n "Enter the name of a geometrical shape (lowercase please): " read SHAPE echo -n "The $SHAPE has " s="s."; case $SHAPE in point) echo -n "one point and no";; line) echo -n "two points and no interior";; circle | oval) s="."; echo -n "one interior";; *triangle) echo -n "three";; square | rectangle | rhombus | parallelogram | quadrilateral | kite | diamond | trapezoid) echo -n "four";; pentagon) echo -n "five";; hexagon) echo -n "six";; septagon) echo -n "seven";; octagon) echo -n "eight";; nonagon) echo -n "nine";; decagon) echo -n "ten";; star) echo -n "ten";; rectangular*prism | cube | hexahedron | cuboid) echo -n "six exterior planes with twelve exterior";; sphere | spheroid | geoid) s="."; echo -n "one exterior planes with one exterior";; cone) echo -n "two exterior planes with two exterior";; cylinder) echo -n "three exterior planes with three exterior";; triangular*pyramid | tetrahedron) echo -n "four exterior planes with six exterior";; rectangular*pyramid | pyramid) echo -n "five exterior planes with eight exterior";; *) echo -n "an unknown number of";; esac echo " side$s"