HTML Onmouseleave and Onmouseout Events Primer Tutorial

HTML Onmouseleave and Onmouseout Events Primer Tutorial

HTML Onmouseleave and Onmouseout Events Primer Tutorial

Further to the event disrupters of HTML Event Disrupters Primer Tutorial we’re building a proof of concept on top of another proof of concept in order to talk about two HTML mouse events, those being …

… that happen with mouse hovering from inside an element (with the event) to leaving it. On leaving it, it could be that you want it to disappear, but we leave all those thoughts for you, and we’d like to direct you to a great resource (thanks) too. For us, here, it is “proof of concept” time.

At first we thought we’d write a totally new web application as the “proof of concept” but found that the difference between mouse hovering and mouse clicking was enough so that we could just add functionality on top of the previous work, as you can see with the changed onmouseleave.html that you can play around with at this live run link.

Previous relevant HTML Event Disrupters Primer Tutorial is shown below.

HTML Event Disrupters Primer Tutorial

HTML Event Disrupters Primer Tutorial

Computer Programming has grown up a lot since the earlier languages, my favourite being, for years, FORTRAN, where a GOTO statement would not always be frowned upon, as much as anything because lazy programmers (cough, cough) could justify their “GOTO” fetishes with “well, all the error handling is GOTO anyway … so … there … ngah!”.

But has it grown up all that much? Think of all the “break” and “return” statement possibilities everywhere. The fact is, the optimists will start something off on the quite likely 99% success rate path of coding, and “break”/”return”/”GOTO” code for that other 1% of reality that still needs attention.

HTML event driven programming has its disrupters. We try here not to use them, so much so that even though yours truly loves event driven programming, I’d never, to my recollection, used …

… and used not to know the former’s benefits. You see event.stopPropagation had always been what I’d imagined I’d want, on rare occasions (when I ended up rearranging arrangements so as not to need to “disrupt” in the first place). It stops “parent” HTML elements inheriting “child” event logics that “propagate” (some references use “bubbling”) up through the HTML hierarchy. For a while I’d given “event.preventDefault” those superhuman powers, silly me! But I’m right with it now.

So why the interest? We had a parent table element with loads of onclick logics of interest, yet we introduced a new input type=button that both had …

  • a need to “geographically sit” within the confines of that table … but …
  • that button’s onclick logic represented an optional bit of functionality, and it would have been wrong to also have the other onclick logics fire off when all the user wanted to do was do that optional button logic

To better show you what we mean, we wrote a proof of concept web application called stopPropagation_preventDefault.html that you can try with this live run link.

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