// youtube_brady_bunch.js // RJM Programming // June, 2023 // Help out (eg. peer to peer twinning) ... var ptplisturls=['./the_wrecking_crew.html','./disco_version.html','./yacht_rock.html']; var newoptideas=[]; var betterhc='', ourhc=''; var ourhashis=''; var curvalis=0; var neednine=0; var fromidis='', toidis='', lbd=false, latestidis='', trectis=null, prelatestidis='', tdvw=0, tdvh=0, tdoff=0, swapdone=false, tryfrom=9, preind=-1, lastind=-1; var nogocnt=0; var ouriframes=[], ouriftds=[]; var inpvals=['_4E_924b9SU,6pR1cVgk7Is,joUEC257ZS0,IxuThNgl3YA,TLV4_xaYynY,VJDJs9dumZI,JGJdU2dpYxg,Pl9H9X1GoAc,09839DpTctU,N4bFqW_eu2I,QkF3oxziUI4,2BMT0L714S8','Fo6aKnRnBxM,HoLhKJuGhK0,lW1RAYYs8RI,447yaU_4DF8,izGwDsrQ1eQ,4TYv2PhG89A,SECVGN4Bsgg,3JWTaaS7LdU,_leMA3_maBU,ZtFUX4Y2U84,PXwF7g5wksQ','gZXKl36YS9k,HWqKPWO5T4o,AFa1-kciCb4,F2RnxZnubCM,3JWTaaS7LdU,U5zbcTxxz6M,hDaQF-LNrug,eFHdRkeEnpM,YnzgdBAKyJo,-p6OH7FoWoQ,057A1RdssoU,DhlPAj38rHc,yyV_eb3p3Zw,dfe8tCcHnKY,K69tbUo3vGs,_D0ZQPqeJkk,jA9NbU_R-y4,8XDB7GMnbUQ,z9_S411e9RI,X6ymVaq3Fqk,JYMySrHL0Fo,RuxHLzwlDY4,Wkr8iZlKaRk,4Yd2PzoF1y8,-9012SGz-yY,oXY5UWBmIFs,gCTeh8avZQI,78N2SP6JFaI,ntXJJwEk1NA','FtE3hoR_Nvo,W5IKT_xue4o,IfaGhyK78E8,BuN3yCmHb_U,TdiAwCPb_As,euZcUku9XiE,aMs0rNtBZJk,sUgoBb8m1eE,Pppexz-KKig,s-CpJpWm9Vs,hDaQF-LNrug,2WfaotSK3mI,GKkeDqJBlK8,CvFH_6DNRCY,u-_hosF7TpI,IOWN5fQnzGk,YqVRcFQagtI', 'zPv0S1-ETdI,qYf35nBq8Oo,Se3kxManWUY,i7hk-TupE5g,LnK0tnaNUag,dbH4Amzn-Rk,BL-Jg7CyqLQ,0v7Ea7kg2gA,NRjWEE0hmjQ']; var inpttls=[encodeURIComponent('Solo Guitar'),encodeURIComponent('Solo Sax'),encodeURIComponent('Movie Soundtracks'),encodeURIComponent('Slow Classical Movements'), encodeURIComponent('Mr Smith Goes To Washington')]; function newdecodeURIComponent(inbx) { if (ourhashis == '') { var inbxa=decodeURIComponent(inbx).split(','); //alert(inbxa[eval(-1 + inbxa.length)]); if (inbxa[eval(-1 + inbxa.length)].length != 11 || inbxa[eval(-1 + inbxa.length)].indexOf(' ') != -1) { ourhashis=inbxa[eval(-1 + inbxa.length)]; //alert(ourhashis); if (document.URL.indexOf('alist=') != -1 && typeof shuffle == "function") { return shuffle(decodeURIComponent(inbx).replace(',' + decodeURIComponent(ourhashis),'').replace(decodeURIComponent(ourhashis),'')); } else { return decodeURIComponent(inbx).replace(',' + decodeURIComponent(ourhashis),'').replace(decodeURIComponent(ourhashis),''); } } else if ((location.search.split('atitle=')[1] ? decodeURIComponent(location.search.split('atitle=')[1].split('&')[0]) : '') != '') { ourhashis=(location.search.split('atitle=')[1] ? (location.search.split('atitle=')[1].split('&')[0]).replace(/\%2520/g,'%20') : ''); } } return decodeURIComponent(inbx); } var ejcbl=location.search.split('videolist=')[1] ? decodeURIComponent(location.search.split('videolist=')[1].split('&')[0]) : ''; if (ejcbl == '') { ejcbl=location.search.split('alist=')[1] ? newdecodeURIComponent(location.search.split('alist=')[1].split('&')[0]) : ''; } function capitfl(intl) { var intwords=intl.split(' '); var outwords=intl; for (var mn=0; mn= eval(2 * eval('' + tdvw))) { xoff++; } } if (eval(pos4 - trectis.top) >= eval('' + tdvh)) { yoff++; if (eval(pos4 - trectis.top) >= eval(2 * eval('' + tdvh))) { yoff++; } } //alert('xoff=' + xoff + ' and yoff=' + yoff); if (prelatestidis != ouriframes[eval(tdoff + yoff * 3 + xoff)].id && lbd) { if (prelatestidis != '') { fromidis=prelatestidis; } //alert('Here in ' + ouriframes[eval(tdoff + yoff * 3 + xoff)].id + ' with button down=' + lbd + ' from ' + fromidis); } return ouriframes[eval(tdoff + yoff * 3 + xoff)].id; } function swappos(idfrom, idto) { var rectfrom=null, rectto=null, rectfroms=[], spareo=null, indfrom=-1, indto=-1; var ijkn=0; window.scrollTo(0,0); if (!swapdone) { //alert('absolution'); for (ijkn=0; ijkn= eval('' + inpvals.length)) { curvalis=0; } if (navigator.userAgent.match(/Android|BlackBerry|iPhone|iPad|iPod|Opera Mini|IEMobile/i)) { if (curvalis != wascur && document.getElementById('rshuffle').placeholder.indexOf(' ... double click for ') != -1) { document.getElementById('rshuffle').placeholder=document.getElementById('rshuffle').placeholder.split(' ... double click for ')[0] + ' ... double click for ' + decodeURIComponent(inpttls[curvalis]); } } else { if (curvalis != wascur && document.getElementById('rshuffle').placeholder.indexOf(' ... right click (or two finger gesture) for ') != -1) { document.getElementById('rshuffle').placeholder=document.getElementById('rshuffle').placeholder.split(' ... right click (or two finger gesture) for ')[0] + ' ... right click (or two finger gesture) for ' + decodeURIComponent(inpttls[curvalis]); } } } } if (!document.getElementById('selsytitle')) { if (document.getElementById('sytitle')) { var hc=document.getElementById('sytitle').innerHTML.replace(/\ \;/g,' '); ols=''; //alert(45); if (hc.toLowerCase().indexOf('' + hc + '<') == -1) { //alert('why?'); newoptideas.unshift(''); } } else { console.log(ptplisturls[inb] + ' Vs ' + hc); if (ols.indexOf('>' + capitfl(ptplisturls[inb].split('.htm')[0].split('/')[eval(-1 + ptplisturls[inb].split('.htm')[0].split('/').length)].replace(/\_/g,' ')) + '<') == -1) { console.log(ptplisturls[inb] + ' Vs1 ' + hc); if (ourhc != '' && (capitfl(ptplisturls[inb].split('.htm')[0].split('/')[eval(-1 + ptplisturls[inb].split('.htm')[0].split('/').length)].replace(/\_/g,' ')).trim() + '<').indexOf(ourhc + '<') != -1) { ourhc=ourhc; } else { console.log('">' + capitfl(ptplisturls[inb].split('.htm')[0].split('/')[eval(-1 + ptplisturls[inb].split('.htm')[0].split('/').length)].replace(/\_/g,' ')) + ' versus ' + ourhc); newoptideas.push(''); console.log(ptplisturls[inb] + ' Vs2 ' + hc + ' for ' + capitfl(ptplisturls[inb].split('.htm')[0].split('/')[eval(-1 + ptplisturls[inb].split('.htm')[0].split('/').length)].replace(/\_/g,' '))); } } } } } } if (eval('' + newoptideas.length) != 0) { for (var jnb=0; jnb🔁'; if (document.getElementById('syztitle')) { document.getElementById('syztitle').innerHTML+=ols; document.getElementById('sytitle').innerHTML+=''; setInterval(prunesyztitle, 4000); } else { document.getElementById('sytitle').innerHTML=''; } newoptideas=[]; } } if (document.getElementById('sshuffle')) { var ssos=document.getElementById('sshuffle').innerHTML.split(''); console.log('sshuffle option numbers=' + eval(-1 + ssos.length)); if (eval(-1 + ssos.length) <= 7) { if (typeof process == "function") { nogocnt++; if (nogocnt >= 3) { process(document.getElementById('sshuffle')); } } } if (neednine == 0) { //alert('' + typeof vplayer); setTimeout(nnlater, 5000); } } } function nnlater() { var lastokis=-1; if (typeof vplayer == "object") { var lastokayis=-1, vvurl='', goodu=''; for (var ipl=0; ipl tryfrom) { var jtf=tryfrom; for (var jkh=tryfrom; jkh= 0) { //alert('Try with ' + goodu + ' rather than ' + yid[ipl]); vplayer[ipl]=eval("new YT.Player('vplayer" + eval(1 + ipl) + "', { height: '260', width: '33%', videoId: '" + goodu + "', playerVars: { autoplay: 0, controls: 1, disablekb: 1, loop: 0, modestbranding: 0, showinfo: 0, autohide: 1, color: 'white', iv_load_policy: 3, theme: 'light', rel: 0 }, events: { 'onError': onProblem, 'onReady': onPlayerReady, 'onStateChange': onPlayerStateChange }})"); document.getElementById('vplayer' + eval(1 + ipl)).style.visibility='hidden'; //document.getElementById('vplayer' + eval(1 + ipl)).style.opacity='0.5'; tryfrom=eval(-1 + jkh); } } } } } else { goodu='' + vvurl.split('=')[1]; //yid[ipl].split('|')[0]; neednine++; lastokis=ipl; } } } } function noen(inen) { var outen=inen; var ensare=inen.split('>'); for (var iuy=1; iuy'); for (var iouy=0; iouy')[eval(-1 + optsa[iouy].trim().split('>').length)]) == -1) { if (optsa[iouy].trim().indexOf('%20') == -1) { newoptih+=optsa[iouy].trim() + ''; } else if (optsa[iouy].trim().indexOf('00') != -1) { for (ipn=0; ipn'; } } } } } if ((newoptih != '' && wasoptih != '') || ourhashis != '') { if (eval('' + newoptih.length) <= eval('' + wasoptih.length)) { //alert(ourhashis + ' ... ' + eval('' + newoptih.length) + ' ... ' + eval('' + wasoptih.length)); if (ourhashis != '' || 8 == 8) { // alert('HeRe ' + ourhashis + ' lsc=' + lsc); while (lsc.trim() != '') { var othint=false; for (ipn=0; ipn 1 || ynfti == -1) { // new or lastw=''; for (ipn=0; ipn= 0 && !othint) { // used to be zero window.localStorage.removeItem(git); if (git.indexOf('list') == 0) { window.localStorage.removeItem(git.replace('list','') + 'list'); } } ynfti=Math.abs(ynfti); } //alert(ynftl); } //else { //alert(ourhashis + ' ... ' + lsc); //} ynfti++; git='list' + ('000' + ynfti).slice(-3); lsc=('' + window.localStorage.getItem('list' + ('000' + ynfti).slice(-3))).replace(/^null$/g,'').replace(/^undefined$/g,''); if (lsc == '') { git=('000' + ynfti).slice(-3) + 'list'; lsc=('' + window.localStorage.getItem(('000' + ynfti).slice(-3) + 'list')).replace(/^null$/g,'').replace(/^undefined$/g,''); } } if (document.URL.indexOf('atitle=') != -1 && ourhashis != '') { if (newoptih.indexOf(decodeURIComponent(ourhashis).split(' ')[eval(-1 + decodeURIComponent(ourhashis).split(' ').length)] + '<') == -1) { newoptih='' + newoptih; } } document.getElementById('syztitle').innerHTML=noen(newoptih.replace(/Your\ List\