// world.js // RJM Programming // March, 2016 // Help out world.html and others like it var icover=false; var icontain=false; var myimgdata=""; var beforetransparent="black"; var midataw=0; var midatah=0; var longhover=""; var firsthover=1; var winois=null; var onlyonce=true; var ssuffix='', forlater='', naming=[]; var ovr=0; var lasturl=''; var agdu=''; var maptype='img'; var mapext=''; var start=0, stop=0; var bmode=' an image '; var imageclickmode=0; // 0=scaling not based on cligck/touch, 1=fit to click/touch dimensions, 2=scale proportionally to fit width, 3=scale proportionally to fit height var rotcmd='', xxtds; var dmfcnt=0; var ewtwo=0.0; ehtwo=0.0; var zeroone=0.0; var txtoffx=0.0, txtoffy=0.0; var rotoffx=0.0, rotoffy=0.0; var scalex=1.0, scaley=1.0; var origih=0.0, origiw=0.0; var curih=0.0, curiw=0.0; var newih=0.0, newiw=0.0; var cropx=0.00, cropy=0.00; var cropwidth=100.00, cropheight=100.00; var butnotfirst=0; var fcont, w, isScribble=0, isSnapshot=0; var xua = navigator.userAgent; 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ij'; if (eval(1 + ij) != eval(lines.length)) { storecanvascommands(lines[ij], false); majors[laststop]=ij; } else { storecanvascommands(lines[ij], false); majors[laststop]=ij; } } //setcurrentsnapshot(startdatauriimage); //redo(); for (var iup=0; iup < canvascommands.length; iup++) { eval(reworked(canvascommands[iup])); } if (document.getElementById('dsnapshot').innerHTML.indexOf('Overlay snapshot ' + nameof(isuffix) + '<') == -1) forlater=forlater.replace('',''); } } //if (ij == 0) document.getElementById('dsnapshot').innerHTML = '' + document.getElementById('dsnapshot').innerHTML + ''; if (eval(1 + ij) != eval(lines.length)) { storecanvascommands(lines[ij], false); majors[laststop]=ij; } else { storecanvascommands(lines[ij], false); majors[laststop]=ij; } } //setcurrentsnapshot(startdatauriimage); //redo(); for (var iup=0; iup < canvascommands.length; iup++) { eval(reworked(canvascommands[iup])); } if (document.getElementById('dsnapshot').innerHTML.indexOf('Overlay snapshot ' + nameof(isuffix) + '<') == -1) forlater=forlater.replace('',''); 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return eval(pxoff + Math.abs(Math.sin(deg*Math.PI/180)) * nh / 2 + Math.abs(Math.cos(deg*Math.PI/180)) * nw / 2); } return pxoff; } function offxmaybe(pyoff, nw, nh) { var deg; if (imageclickmode != 0 && eval(document.getElementById('rotation').value) != 0) { deg=eval(document.getElementById('rotation').value); //alert("Ywas=" + pyoff + " but now to become " + eval(pyoff + Math.abs(Math.cos(deg*Math.PI/180)) * nw / 2 + Math.abs(Math.sin(deg*Math.PI/180)) * nh / 2)); return eval(pyoff + Math.abs(Math.cos(deg*Math.PI/180)) * nw / 2 + Math.abs(Math.sin(deg*Math.PI/180)) * nh / 2); } return pyoff; } function postscalew(proposedscalew, oh, ow) { var deg; deg=eval(document.getElementById('rotation').value); var yy=Math.abs(Math.sin(deg*Math.PI/180)) * Math.abs(lasty - y) + Math.abs(Math.cos(deg*Math.PI/180)) * Math.abs(lastx - x); var xx=Math.abs(Math.sin(deg*Math.PI/180)) * Math.abs(lastx - x) + Math.abs(Math.cos(deg*Math.PI/180)) * Math.abs(lasty - y); if (imageclickmode == 0 || xx == 0.0) return proposedscalew; if (imageclickmode == 1) { //alert("proposedscalew=" + proposedscalew + " vs returned=" + Math.abs(xx) / Math.abs(ow)); return Math.abs(xx) / Math.abs(ow); } if (imageclickmode == 2) return Math.abs(xx) / Math.abs(ow); //alert("Math.abs(lasty - y)=" + Math.abs(lasty - y) + " and proposedH=" + Math.abs(oh) + " and Math.abs(lastx - x)=" + Math.abs(lastx - x) + " so newiw becomes=" + eval( (Math.abs(lasty - y) / Math.abs(oh)) * Math.abs(lastx - x))); return eval( (Math.abs(yy) / Math.abs(oh)) * Math.abs(ow)) / Math.abs(oh); //lastx - x)); } function postscaleh(proposedscaleh, ow, oh) { var deg; deg=eval(document.getElementById('rotation').value); var yy=Math.abs(Math.sin(deg*Math.PI/180)) * Math.abs(lasty - y) + Math.abs(Math.cos(deg*Math.PI/180)) * Math.abs(lastx - x); var xx=Math.abs(Math.sin(deg*Math.PI/180)) * Math.abs(lastx - x) + Math.abs(Math.cos(deg*Math.PI/180)) * Math.abs(lasty - y); if (imageclickmode == 0 || yy == 0.0) return proposedscaleh; if (imageclickmode == 1) { //alert("proposedscaleh=" + proposedscaleh + " vs returned=" + Math.abs(yy) / Math.abs(oh)); return Math.abs(yy) / Math.abs(oh); } if (imageclickmode == 3) return Math.abs(yy) / Math.abs(oh); return eval( (Math.abs(xx) / Math.abs(ow)) * Math.abs(oh)) / Math.abs(ow); //lasty - y)); } function okpostscalew(proposedscalew, oh, ow) { if (imageclickmode == 0 || Math.abs(lastx - x) == 0.0) return proposedscalew; if (imageclickmode == 1) { //alert("proposediw=" + proposediw + " vs returned=" + Math.abs(lastx - x)); return Math.abs(lastx - x) / Math.abs(ow); } if (imageclickmode == 2) return Math.abs(lastx - x) / Math.abs(ow); //alert("Math.abs(lasty - y)=" + Math.abs(lasty - y) + " and proposedH=" + Math.abs(oh) + " and Math.abs(lastx - x)=" + Math.abs(lastx - x) + " so newiw becomes=" + eval( (Math.abs(lasty - y) / Math.abs(oh)) * Math.abs(lastx - x))); return eval( (Math.abs(lasty - y) / Math.abs(oh)) * Math.abs(ow)) / Math.abs(oh); //lastx - x)); } function okpostscaleh(proposedscaleh, ow, oh) { if (imageclickmode == 0 || Math.abs(lasty - y) == 0.0) return proposedscaleh; if (imageclickmode == 1) { //alert("proposedih=" + proposedih + " vs returned=" + Math.abs(lasty - y)); return Math.abs(lasty - y) / Math.abs(oh); } if (imageclickmode == 3) return Math.abs(lasty - y) / Math.abs(oh); return eval( (Math.abs(lastx - x) / Math.abs(ow)) * Math.abs(oh)) / Math.abs(ow); //lasty - y)); } function postnewiw(proposediw, oh, ow, oheight, ycrop) { if (imageclickmode == 0 || Math.abs(lastx - x) == 0.0) return proposediw; if (imageclickmode == 1) { //alert("proposediw=" + proposediw + " vs returned=" + Math.abs(lastx - x)); return Math.abs(lastx - x); } if (imageclickmode == 2) return Math.abs(lastx - x); //alert("Math.abs(lasty - y)=" + Math.abs(lasty - y) + " and proposedH=" + Math.abs(oh) + " and Math.abs(lastx - x)=" + Math.abs(lastx - x) + " so newiw becomes=" + eval( (Math.abs(lasty - y) / Math.abs(oh)) * Math.abs(lastx - x))); return eval( (Math.abs(lasty - y) / Math.abs(oh)) * Math.abs(ow)); //lastx - x)); } function postnewih(proposedih, ow, oh, owidth, xcrop) { if (imageclickmode == 0 || Math.abs(lasty - y) == 0.0) return proposedih; if (imageclickmode == 1) { //alert("proposedih=" + proposedih + " vs returned=" + Math.abs(lasty - y)); return Math.abs(lasty - y); } if (imageclickmode == 3) return Math.abs(lasty - y); return eval( (Math.abs(lastx - x) / Math.abs(ow)) * Math.abs(oh)); //lasty - y)); } function capture(toh, tos, toe) { if (navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/i)) alert('iscontact=' + iscontact); //if (iscontact != -1 && navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/i)) alert(700000); if (navigator.userAgent.match(/Android|BlackBerry|iPhone|iPad|iPod|Opera Mini|IEMobile/i) && iscontact == -1) { if (document.getElementById('myiemail').value.indexOf('@') == -1) { var femail = prompt('Please supply the Email To address', ''); if (femail == null) femail = ''; if (femail.indexOf('@') != -1) { fixmyemail(femail, 0); } } } else { //if (iscontact != -1 && navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/i)) alert(70000); //if (iscontact != -1 && !document.getElementById('myiemail')) alert(7); if (document.getElementById('myiemail')) { if (document.getElementById('myiemail').value.indexOf('@') != -1) { // if (iscontact != -1) alert(70); document.getElementById('mode').value = ''; 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//alert("newiw=" + newiw + " and newih=" + newih); if (imageclickmode != 0) { ourDrawImage(origimg,Math.min(x,lastx),Math.min(y,lasty),newiw,newih); } else if (eval(cropwidth) != 100.00 || eval(cropheight) != 100.000 || eval(cropx) != 0.00 || eval(cropy) != 0.00) { ourDrawImage(origimg,eval(cropx),eval(cropy),eval(eval(origiw - cropx) * cropwidth / ((document.getElementById('cselwidth').value == '%') ? 100.0 : 1.00)),eval(eval(origih - cropy) * cropheight / ((document.getElementById('cselheight').value == '%') ? 100.0 : 1.00)),0,0,newiw,newih); } else { ourDrawImage(origimg,0,0,newiw,newih); } } else { ourDrawImage(origimg,0,0); } if (eval(upto) >= 0) { for (var iup=0; iup <= upto; iup++) { eval(reworked(canvascommands[iup])); } } } function undo() { var upto=-1, iup; if (butnotfirst != 0) { if (oimg != null) origimg=oimg; upto=eval(-1 + canvascommands.length); elem.style.backgroundColor='transparent'; } else if (eval(laststop) > 0) { laststop--; upto = majors[laststop]; } else if (eval(laststop) == 0) { laststop = -1; } context.clearRect(0, 0, elem.width, elem.height); if (imageclickmode != 0 || eval(scalex) != 1.0 || eval(scaley) != 1.0 || eval(cropwidth) != 100.00 || eval(cropheight) != 100.000 || eval(cropx) != 0.00 || eval(cropy) != 0.00) { newiw=postnewiw(eval(eval(origiw - cropx) * scalex), eval(origih - cropy), eval(origiw - cropx), origih, cropy); newih=postnewih(eval(eval(origih - cropy) * scaley), eval(origiw - cropx), eval(origih - cropy), origiw, cropx); //alert("neWiw=" + newiw + " and newih=" + newih); if (imageclickmode != 0) { if (butnotfirst == 0) { ourDrawImage(origimg,Math.min(x,lastx),Math.min(y,lasty),newiw,newih); } } else if (eval(cropwidth) != 100.00 || eval(cropheight) != 100.000 || eval(cropx) != 0.00 || eval(cropy) != 0.00) { if (butnotfirst == 0) { ourDrawImage(origimg,eval(cropx),eval(cropy),eval(eval(origiw - cropx) * cropwidth / ((document.getElementById('cselwidth').value == '%') ? 100.0 : 1.00)),eval(eval(origih - cropy) * cropheight / ((document.getElementById('cselheight').value == '%') ? 100.0 : 1.00)),0,0,newiw,newih); } } else { if (butnotfirst == 0) { ourDrawImage(origimg,0,0,newiw,newih); } } } else { if (butnotfirst == 0) { ourDrawImage(origimg,0,0); } } if (eval(upto) >= 0) { for (var iup=0; iup <= upto; iup++) { eval(canvascommands[iup]); } } butnotfirst = 0; } function storecanvascommands(thecmd, major) { //alert(thecmd + " " + ewtwo + "," + ehtwo); if (thecmd.indexOf('.drawImage(') != -1) { if (document.getElementById('vsiurl').value.replace('+','') != '') { thecmd+=' /' + '/ ' + document.getElementById('vsiurl').value.replace('+','') + ';'; } } canvascommands.push(thecmd); if (major) { laststop = majors.length; majors.push(canvascommands.length); } } function fixmyemail(tval, issubj) { // mailto:fill.in.email@address?subject=My%20World%20Map&body= if (tval != '') { ourbits = document.getElementById('myemail').href.split('?subject='); if (issubj == 0) { if (ourbits.length > 1) { prebits = ourbits[0].split(':'); document.getElementById('to').value = tval; if (iscontact != -1) { document.getElementById('myemail').href = prebits[0] + ':' + encodeURIComponent(tval) + '?subject=' + ourbits[eval(-1 + ourbits.length)] + '&body=' + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('myfeedback').value); 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March, 2016 if (eval(document.getElementById('rotation').value) != 0 && rotcmd == "" && 'dorectangle' != 'dorectangle') { rotcmd="dorectangle();"; drawRotated(eval(document.getElementById('rotation').value)); } else { rotcmd=""; //context.strokeStyle=document.getElementById('mycolour').value; context.fillStyle=document.getElementById('mycolour').value; storecanvascommands("context.fillStyle='" + document.getElementById('mycolour').value + "';", false); context.fillRect(eval(rotoffx + Math.min(x,lastx)), eval(rotoffy + Math.min(y,lasty)), Math.abs(x - lastx), Math.abs(y - lasty)); storecanvascommands("context.fillRect(" + eval(rotoffx + Math.min(x,lastx)) + "," +eval(rotoffy + Math.min(y,lasty)) + "," + Math.abs(x - lastx) + "," + Math.abs(y - lasty) + ");", true); rotoffx=0.0; rotoffy=0.0; } } function dorectangleborder() { // new idea ... March, 2016 if (eval(document.getElementById('rotation').value) != 0 && rotcmd == "" && 'dorectangle' != 'dorectangle') { rotcmd="dorectangleborder();"; drawRotated(eval(document.getElementById('rotation').value)); } else { rotcmd=""; context.strokeStyle=document.getElementById('mycolour').value; //context.fillStyle=document.getElementById('mycolour').value; storecanvascommands("context.strokeStyle='" + document.getElementById('mycolour').value + "';", false); context.rect(eval(rotoffx + Math.min(x,lastx)), eval(rotoffy + Math.min(y,lasty)), Math.abs(x - lastx), Math.abs(y - lasty)); storecanvascommands("context.rect(" + eval(rotoffx + Math.min(x,lastx)) + "," + eval(rotoffy + Math.min(y,lasty)) + "," + Math.abs(x - lastx) + "," + Math.abs(y - lasty) + ");", false); context.stroke(); storecanvascommands("context.stroke();", true); rotoffx=0.0; rotoffy=0.0; } } function docircle() { // new idea ... March, 2016 if (eval(document.getElementById('rotation').value) != 0 && rotcmd == "" && 'docircle' != 'docircle') { rotcmd="docircle();"; drawRotated(eval(document.getElementById('rotation').value)); } else { rotcmd=""; context.strokeStyle=document.getElementById('mycolour').value; storecanvascommands("context.strokeStyle='" + document.getElementById('mycolour').value + "';", false); context.beginPath(); storecanvascommands("context.beginPath();", false); context.arc(eval(rotoffx + (x + lastx) / 2.0),eval(rotoffy + (y + lasty) / 2.0),eval(Math.pow(Math.abs(x - lastx) * Math.abs(x - lastx) + Math.abs(y - lasty) * Math.abs(y - lasty),0.5) / 2.0),0,2*Math.PI); storecanvascommands("context.arc(" + eval(rotoffx + (x + lastx) / 2.0) + "," + eval(rotoffy + (y + lasty) / 2.0) + "," + eval(Math.pow(Math.abs(x - lastx) * Math.abs(x - lastx) + Math.abs(y - lasty) * Math.abs(y - lasty),0.5) / 2.0) + ",0," + 2*Math.PI + ");", false); context.stroke(); storecanvascommands("context.stroke();", true); rotoffx=0.0; rotoffy=0.0; } } function doline() { // new idea ... March, 2016 //alert(4); if (eval(document.getElementById('rotation').value) != 0 && rotcmd == "" && 'doline' != 'doline') { //alert(14); rotcmd="doline();"; drawRotated(eval(document.getElementById('rotation').value)); //alert(24); } else { if (1 == 7) { if (x == 0 && y == 0 && elements) { x=elements[eval(-1 + elements.length)].left; y=elements[eval(-1 + elements.length)].top; //alert('74 ' + x + ',' + y); } if (lastx == 0 && lasty == 0 && elements) { lastx=elements[eval(-2 + elements.length)].left; lasty=elements[eval(-2 + elements.length)].top; //alert('84 ' + lastx + ',' + lasty); } } //alert('34 ' + rotoffx + ' ... ' + x + ' ' + + lastx + ' ' + document.getElementById('mycolour').value); rotcmd=""; context.strokeStyle=document.getElementById('mycolour').value; storecanvascommands("context.strokeStyle='" + document.getElementById('mycolour').value + "';", false); context.beginPath(); storecanvascommands("context.beginPath();", false); context.moveTo(x,y); storecanvascommands("context.moveTo(" + eval(rotoffx + x) + "," + eval(rotoffy + y) + ");", false); context.lineTo(lastx,lasty); storecanvascommands("context.lineTo(" + eval(rotoffx + lastx) + "," + eval(rotoffy + lasty) + ");", false); context.stroke(); storecanvascommands("context.stroke();", true); rotoffx=0.0; rotoffy=0.0; //alert(44); } //alert(94); } function clearall() { // new idea ... March, 2016 context.clearRect(0, 0, elem.width, elem.height); storecanvascommands("context.clearRect(" + 0 + "," + 0 + "," + elem.width + "," + elem.height + ");", false); elem.style.borderRight='1px solid black'; storecanvascommands("elem.style.borderRight='1px solid black';", false); elem.style.borderBottom='1px solid black'; storecanvascommands("elem.style.borderBottom='1px solid black';", true); rotoffx=0.0; rotoffy=0.0; } function placeannotation(anno) { // new idea ... March, 2016 if (eval(document.getElementById('rotation').value) != 0 && rotcmd == "" && anno.value != '') { rotcmd="placeannotation(document.getElementById('" + anno.id + "'));"; //if (eval(document.getElementById('rotation').value) != 0) alert(rotcmd); txtoffx=eval(0 + 2 + Math.min(x,lastx)); txtoffy=eval((Math.min(y,lasty) + Math.max(y,lasty)) / 2); drawRotated(eval(document.getElementById('rotation').value)); } else { rotcmd=""; //if (eval(document.getElementById('rotation').value) != 0) alert('before:' + anno.value); if (anno.value != '') { //if (eval(document.getElementById('rotation').value) != 0) alert(anno.value); if (anno.id == 'jannotation') { context.clearRect(eval(rotoffx + Math.min(x,lastx)), eval(rotoffy + Math.min(y,lasty)), Math.abs(x - lastx), Math.abs(y - lasty)); storecanvascommands("context.clearRect(" + eval(rotoffx + Math.min(x,lastx)) + "," + eval(rotoffx + Math.min(y,lasty)) + "," + Math.abs(x - lastx) + "," + Math.abs(y - lasty) + ");", false); context.strokeStyle = "black"; storecanvascommands("context.strokeStyle = 'black';", false); document.getElementById('iannotation').value=''; storecanvascommands("document.getElementById('iannotation').value='';", false); } else { context.strokeStyle = "blue"; storecanvascommands("context.strokeStyle = 'blue';", false); document.getElementById('jannotation').value=''; storecanvascommands("document.getElementById('jannotation').value='';", false); } //context.font = cf; context.font = document.getElementById('myfont').value; storecanvascommands("context.font = '" + document.getElementById('myfont').value + "';", false); context.strokeStyle=document.getElementById('mycolour').value; storecanvascommands("context.strokeStyle='" + document.getElementById('mycolour').value + "';", false); context.strokeText(anno.value,eval(rotoffx + 2 + Math.min(x,lastx)),eval(rotoffy + eval((Math.min(y,lasty) + Math.max(y,lasty)) / 2))); storecanvascommands("context.strokeText(" + anno.value + "," + eval(rotoffx + 2 + Math.min(x,lastx)) + "," + eval(rotoffy + eval((Math.min(y,lasty) + Math.max(y,lasty)) / 2)) + ");", false); anno.value = ''; storecanvascommands("document.getElementById('" + anno.id + "').value='';", true); rotoffx=0.0; rotoffy=0.0; txtoffx=0.0; txtoffy=0.0; } } } function readUBlob(uval, opt_startByte, opt_stopByte) { //var oimg; dmyformit(-1); ewtwo = eval(zeroone * eval( Math.min(x,lastx) + Math.abs(x - lastx) / 2 )); ehtwo = eval(zeroone * eval( Math.min(y,lasty) + Math.abs(y - lasty) / 2 )); if (uval.replace('+','') != '') { if (uval.substring(0,1) == '+') { document.getElementById('spareimg').src=uval.substring(1); //document.getElementById('spareimg').style.filter="brightness(50%) sepia(100%) saturate(100%) hue-rotate(25deg)"; //alert('YeS'); lasturl=uval.substring(1); oimg=document.getElementById('spareimg'); curih=oimg.height; curiw=oimg.width; if (eval(document.getElementById('rotation').value) != 0) { drawRotated(eval(document.getElementById('rotation').value)); } else { lasturl=uval; ewtwo -= eval(zeroone * oimg.width / 2); ehtwo -= eval(zeroone * oimg.height / 2); if (imageclickmode != 0 || eval(scalex) != 1.0 || eval(scaley) != 1.0 || eval(cropwidth) != 100.00 || eval(cropheight) != 100.000 || eval(cropx) != 0.00 || eval(cropy) != 0.00) { curih=oimg.height; curiw=oimg.width; newiw=postnewiw(eval(eval(curiw - cropx) * scalex), eval(curih - cropy), eval(curiw - cropx), curih, cropy); newih=postnewih(eval(eval(curih - cropy) * scaley), eval(curiw - cropx), eval(curih - cropy), curiw, cropx); //alert("newiw=" + newiw + " and newIh=" + newih); if (imageclickmode != 0) { ourDrawImage(ximg,Math.min(x,lastx),Math.min(y,lasty),newiw,newih); storecanvascommands("ourDrawImage(oimg," + Math.min(x,lastx) + "," + Math.min(y,lasty) + "," + newiw + "," + newih + ");", true); //alert(7); } else if (eval(cropwidth) != 100.00 || eval(cropheight) != 100.000 || eval(cropx) != 0.00 || eval(cropy) != 0.00) { ourDrawImage(oimg,eval(cropx),eval(cropy),eval(eval(curiw - cropx) * cropwidth / ((document.getElementById('cselwidth').value == '%') ? 100.0 : 1.00)),eval(eval(curih - cropy) * cropheight / ((document.getElementById('cselheight').value == '%') ? 100.0 : 1.00)),eval(eval(ewtwo) + eval(document.getElementById("xoff").value)),eval(eval(ehtwo) + eval(document.getElementById("yoff").value)),newiw,newih); storecanvascommands("ourDrawImage(oimg," + cropx + "," + cropy + "," + eval(eval(curiw - cropx) * cropwidth / ((document.getElementById('cselwidth').value == '%') ? 100.0 : 1.00)) + "," + eval(eval(curih - cropy) * cropheight / ((document.getElementById('cselheight').value == '%') ? 100.0 : 1.00)) + "," + eval(eval(ewtwo) + eval(document.getElementById("xoff").value)) + "," + eval(eval(ehtwo) + eval(document.getElementById("yoff").value)) + "," + newiw + "," + newih + ");", true); //alert(77); } else { ourDrawImage(oimg,eval(eval(ewtwo) + eval(document.getElementById("xoff").value)),eval(eval(ehtwo) + eval(document.getElementById("yoff").value)),newiw,newih); storecanvascommands("ourDrawImage(oimg," + eval(eval(ewtwo) + eval(document.getElementById("xoff").value)) + "," + eval(eval(ehtwo) + eval(document.getElementById("yoff").value)) + "," + newiw + "," + newih + ");", true); //alert(777); } } else { ourDrawImage(oimg,eval(eval(ewtwo) + eval(document.getElementById("xoff").value)),eval(eval(ehtwo) + eval(document.getElementById("yoff").value))); storecanvascommands("ourDrawImage(oimg," + eval(eval(ewtwo) + eval(document.getElementById("xoff").value)) + "," + eval(eval(ehtwo) + eval(document.getElementById("yoff").value)) + ");", true); //alert(7777); } } } else { context.clearRect(0,0,elem.width,elem.height); document.getElementById('spareimg').src=uval; //document.getElementById('spareimg').style.filter="brightness(50%) sepia(100%) saturate(100%) hue-rotate(25deg)"; //alert('YES'); oimg=document.getElementById('spareimg'); curih=oimg.height; curiw=oimg.width; if (eval(document.getElementById('rotation').value) != 0) { drawRotated(eval(document.getElementById('rotation').value)); } else { if (imageclickmode != 0 || eval(scalex) != 1.0 || eval(scaley) != 1.0 || eval(cropwidth) != 100.00 || eval(cropheight) != 100.000 || eval(cropx) != 0.00 || eval(cropy) != 0.00) { newiw=postnewiw(eval(eval(curiw - cropx) * scalex), eval(curih - cropy), eval(curiw - cropx), curih, cropy); newih=postnewih(eval(eval(curih - cropy) * scaley), eval(curiw - cropx), eval(curih - cropy), curiw, cropx); //alert("newiW=" + newiw + " and newih=" + newih); if (imageclickmode != 0) { ourDrawImage(oimg,Math.min(x,lastx),Math.min(y,lasty),newiw,newih); storecanvascommands("ourDrawImage(oimg," + Math.min(x,lastx) + "," + Math.min(y,lasty) + "," + newiw + "," + newih + ");", true); //alert(8); } else if (eval(cropwidth) != 100.00 || eval(cropheight) != 100.000 || eval(cropx) != 0.00 || eval(cropy) != 0.00) { ourDrawImage(oimg,eval(cropx),eval(cropy),eval(eval(curiw - cropx) * cropwidth / ((document.getElementById('cselwidth').value == '%') ? 100.0 : 1.00)),eval(eval(curih - cropy) * cropheight / ((document.getElementById('cselheight').value == '%') ? 100.0 : 1.00)),eval(eval(ewtwo) + eval(document.getElementById("xoff").value)),eval(eval(ehtwo) + eval(document.getElementById("yoff").value)),newiw,newih); storecanvascommands("ourDrawImage(oimg," + cropx + "," + cropy + "," + eval(eval(curiw - cropx) * cropwidth / ((document.getElementById('cselwidth').value == '%') ? 100.0 : 1.00)) + "," + eval(eval(curih - cropy) * cropheight / ((document.getElementById('cselheight').value == '%') ? 100.0 : 1.00)) + "," + eval(eval(ewtwo) + eval(document.getElementById("xoff").value)) + "," + eval(eval(ehtwo) + eval(document.getElementById("yoff").value)) + "," + newiw + "," + newih + ");", true); //alert(88); } else { ourDrawImage(oimg,eval(eval(ewtwo) + eval(document.getElementById("xoff").value)),eval(eval(ehtwo) + eval(document.getElementById("yoff").value)),newiw,newih); storecanvascommands("ourDrawImage(oimg," + eval(eval(ewtwo) + eval(document.getElementById("xoff").value)) + "," + eval(eval(ehtwo) + eval(document.getElementById("yoff").value)) + "," + newiw + "," + newih + ");", true); //alert(888); } } else { ourDrawImage(oimg,eval(eval(ewtwo) + eval(document.getElementById("xoff").value)),eval(eval(ehtwo) + eval(document.getElementById("yoff").value))); storecanvascommands("ourDrawImage(oimg," + eval(eval(ewtwo) + eval(document.getElementById("xoff").value)) + "," + eval(eval(ehtwo) + eval(document.getElementById("yoff").value)) + ");", true); //alert(8888); } } } } } function readOBlob(opt_startByte, opt_stopByte) { for (var ii=0; ii<1; ii++) { ewtwo = eval(zeroone * eval( Math.min(x,lastx) + Math.abs(x - lastx) / 2 )); ehtwo = eval(zeroone * eval( Math.min(y,lasty) + Math.abs(y - lasty) / 2 )); var files = document.getElementById("file").files; if (!files.length) { var ivo=document.getElementById('vsiurl'); if (ivo) { if (ivo.value.replace('+','') == '') alert("Please select " + bmode + " file!"); } else { alert("Please select " + bmode + " file!"); } return; } else { var w = files[0].name; document.getElementById("fil").value = w; } var file = files[0]; // Only process image files. if (bmode == ' an image ' && !file.type.match('image.*')) { continue; } //maptype='img'; if (bmode != ' an image ' && file.type.match('video.*')) { maptype=file.type; //'video'; mapext=''; var vexts=file.name.split('.'); if (vexts.length > 1) { mapext='.' + vexts[eval(-1 + vexts.length)]; } else { mapext='.mv4'; } document.getElementById('mapext' + eval(-1 + dmfcnt)).value=mapext; document.getElementById('maptype' + eval(-1 + dmfcnt)).value=maptype; document.getElementById('mapxext' + eval(-1 + dmfcnt)).value=mapext; document.getElementById('mapxtype' + eval(-1 + dmfcnt)).value=maptype; } else if (bmode != ' an image ') { maptype=file.type; //'audio'; mapext=''; var exts=file.name.split('.'); if (exts.length > 1) { mapext='.' + exts[eval(-1 + exts.length)]; } else { mapext='.ma4'; } document.getElementById('mapext' + eval(-1 + dmfcnt)).value=mapext; document.getElementById('maptype' + eval(-1 + dmfcnt)).value=maptype; document.getElementById('mapxext' + eval(-1 + dmfcnt)).value=mapext; document.getElementById('mapxtype' + eval(-1 + dmfcnt)).value=maptype; } start = parseInt(opt_startByte) || 0; stop = parseInt(opt_stopByte) || file.size - 1; if (eval(file.size) > 8000000) { alert('Sorry ... too big ' + maptype + " (" + file.type + ")"); continue; } dmyformit(-1); var reader = new FileReader(); // If we use onloadend, we need to check the readyState. reader.onloadend = function(evt) { if (evt.target.readyState == FileReader.DONE) { // DONE == 2 //cis = window.open("", "_blank", "top=20,left=20,width=200,height=200"); //ww = cis; //cis.document.write(evt.target.result); //document.getElementById("url").value = evt.target.result; //document.getElementById("acont").value = evt.target.result; //document.getElementById("submit").click(); //cis.document.write(evt.target.result.replace(//g, ">")); //document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML + "
" + evt.target.result.replace(//g, ">") + "
"; document.getElementById("byte_content").textContent = evt.target.result; document.getElementById("byte_range").textContent = ["Read bytes: ", start + 1, " - ", stop + 1, " of ", file.size, " byte file"].join(""); if (mapext == '.gif' && document.getElementById('tdhuhta')) { agdu="data:image/gif;base64," + windowbtoa(evt.target.result); } else { agdu=""; } process(evt.target.result); } }; var blob = file.slice(start, stop + 1); reader.readAsDataURL(blob); // Thanks to //stackoverflow.com/questions/22255580/javascript-upload-image-file-and-draw-it-into-a-canvas reader.onload = function(e) { ximg = new Image(); ximg.onload = function() { if (eval(document.getElementById('rotation').value) != 0) { oimg = ximg; curih=oimg.height; curiw=oimg.width; drawRotated(eval(document.getElementById('rotation').value)); } else { ewtwo -= eval(zeroone * ximg.width / 2); ehtwo -= eval(zeroone * ximg.height / 2); if (imageclickmode != 0 || eval(scalex) != 1.0 || eval(scaley) != 1.0 || eval(cropwidth) != 100.00 || eval(cropheight) != 100.000 || eval(cropx) != 0.00 || eval(cropy) != 0.00) { curih=ximg.height; curiw=ximg.width; newiw=postnewiw(eval(eval(curiw - cropx) * scalex), eval(curih - cropy), eval(curiw - cropx), curih, cropy); newih=postnewih(eval(eval(curih - cropy) * scaley), eval(curiw - cropx), eval(curih - cropy), curiw, cropx); //alert("newiw=" + newiw + " and nEwih=" + newih); if (imageclickmode != 0) { //alert("newiw=" + newiw + " and NEwih=" + newih); ourDrawImage(ximg,Math.min(x,lastx),Math.min(y,lasty),newiw,newih); storecanvascommands("ourDrawImage(oimg," + Math.min(x,lastx) + "," + Math.min(y,lasty) + "," + newiw + "," + newih + ");", true); alert(9); } else if (eval(cropwidth) != 100.00 || eval(cropheight) != 100.000 || eval(cropx) != 0.00 || eval(cropy) != 0.00) { ourDrawImage(ximg,eval(cropx),eval(cropy),eval(eval(curiw - cropx) * cropwidth / ((document.getElementById('cselwidth').value == '%') ? 100.0 : 1.00)),eval(eval(curih - cropy) * cropheight / ((document.getElementById('cselheight').value == '%') ? 100.0 : 1.00)),eval(eval(ewtwo) + eval(document.getElementById("xoff").value)),eval(eval(ehtwo) + eval(document.getElementById("yoff").value)),newiw,newih); storecanvascommands("ourDrawImage(oimg," + cropx + "," + cropy + "," + eval(eval(curiw - cropx) * cropwidth / ((document.getElementById('cselwidth').value == '%') ? 100.0 : 1.00)) + "," + eval(eval(curih - cropy) * cropheight / ((document.getElementById('cselheight').value == '%') ? 100.0 : 1.00)) + "," + eval(rwtwo + document.getElementById("xoff").value) + "," + eval(eval(ehtwo) + eval(document.getElementById("yoff").value)) + "," + newiw + "," + newih + ");", true); alert(99); } else { ourDrawImage(ximg,eval(eval(ewtwo) + eval(document.getElementById("xoff").value)),eval(eval(ehtwo) + eval(document.getElementById("yoff").value)),newiw,newih); storecanvascommands("ourDrawImage(oimg," + eval(eval(ewtwo) + eval(document.getElementById("xoff").value)) + "," + eval(eval(ehtwo) + eval(document.getElementById("yoff").value)) + "," + newiw + "," + newih + ");", true); alert(999); } } else { if (icover && !icontain) { ourDrawImage(ximg,0,0,elem.width,elem.height); storecanvascommands("ourDrawImage(ximg,0,0," + elem.width + "," + elem.height + ");", true); icover=false; icontain=false; } else if (icontain && eval(eval('' + ximg.width) / eval('' + elem.width)) >= eval(eval('' + ximg.height) / eval('' + elem.height))) { //alert('19999 width ratio=' + eval(eval('' + ximg.width) / eval('' + elem.width)) + ' height ratio=' + eval(eval('' + ximg.height) / eval('' + elem.height))); ourDrawImage(ximg,0,0,elem.width,eval(eval('' + ximg.height) / eval(eval('' + ximg.width) / eval('' + elem.width)))); storecanvascommands("ourDrawImage(ximg,0,0," + elem.width + "," + eval(eval('' + ximg.height) / eval(eval('' + ximg.width) / eval('' + elem.width))) + ");", true); icover=false; icontain=false; } else if (icontain) { //alert('29999 width ratio=' + eval(eval('' + ximg.width) / eval('' + elem.width)) + ' height ratio=' + eval(eval('' + ximg.height) / eval('' + elem.height)) + ' img=(' + ximg.width + ',' + ximg.height + ') canvas=(' + elem.width + ',' + elem.height + ')'); ourDrawImage(ximg,0,0,eval(eval('' + ximg.width) / eval(eval('' + ximg.height) / eval('' + elem.height))),elem.height); storecanvascommands("ourDrawImage(ximg,0,0," + eval(eval('' + ximg.width) / eval(eval('' + ximg.height) / eval('' + elem.height))) + "," + elem.height + ");", true); icover=false; icontain=false; } else { ourDrawImage(ximg,eval(eval(ewtwo) + eval(document.getElementById("xoff").value)),eval(eval(ehtwo) + eval(document.getElementById("yoff").value))); storecanvascommands("ourDrawImage(oimg," + eval(eval(ewtwo) + eval(document.getElementById("xoff").value)) + "," + eval(eval(ehtwo) + eval(document.getElementById("yoff").value)) + ");", true); } //alert(9999); } } } ximg.src = e.target.result; //ximg.style.filter="brightness(50%) sepia(100%) saturate(100%) hue-rotate(25deg)"; //alert('yes'); }; } } function readBlob(opt_startByte, opt_stopByte) { for (var ii=0; ii<1; ii++) { ewtwo = eval(zeroone * eval( Math.min(x,lastx) + Math.abs(x - lastx) / 2 )); ehtwo = eval(zeroone * eval( Math.min(y,lasty) + Math.abs(y - lasty) / 2 )); var files = document.getElementById("file").files; if (!files.length) { var ivo=document.getElementById('vsiurl'); if (ivo) { if (ivo.value.replace('+','') == '') alert("Please select " + bmode + " file!"); } else { alert("Please select " + bmode + " file!"); } return; } else { var w = files[0].name; document.getElementById("fil").value = w; } var file = files[0]; // Only process image files. if (bmode == ' an image ' && !file.type.match('image.*')) { continue; } //maptype='img'; if (bmode != ' an image ' && file.type.match('video.*')) { maptype=file.type; //'video'; mapext=''; var vexts=file.name.split('.'); if (vexts.length > 1) { mapext='.' + vexts[eval(-1 + vexts.length)]; } document.getElementById('mapext' + eval(-1 + dmfcnt)).value=mapext; document.getElementById('maptype' + eval(-1 + dmfcnt)).value=maptype; document.getElementById('mapxext' + eval(-1 + dmfcnt)).value=mapext; document.getElementById('mapxtype' + eval(-1 + dmfcnt)).value=maptype; } else if (bmode != ' an image ') { maptype=file.type; //'audio'; mapext=''; var exts=file.name.split('.'); if (exts.length > 1) { mapext='.' + exts[eval(-1 + exts.length)]; } document.getElementById('mapext' + eval(-1 + dmfcnt)).value=mapext; document.getElementById('maptype' + eval(-1 + dmfcnt)).value=maptype; document.getElementById('mapxext' + eval(-1 + dmfcnt)).value=mapext; document.getElementById('mapxtype' + eval(-1 + dmfcnt)).value=maptype; } start = parseInt(opt_startByte) || 0; stop = parseInt(opt_stopByte) || file.size - 1; if (eval(file.size) > 8000000) { alert('Sorry ... too big ... ' + maptype + " (" + file.type + ")"); continue; } dmyformit(-1); var reader = new FileReader(); // If we use onloadend, we need to check the readyState. reader.onloadend = function(evt) { if (evt.target.readyState == FileReader.DONE) { // DONE == 2 //cis = window.open("", "_blank", "top=20,left=20,width=200,height=200"); //ww = cis; //cis.document.write(evt.target.result); //document.getElementById("url").value = evt.target.result; //document.getElementById("acont").value = evt.target.result; //document.getElementById("submit").click(); //cis.document.write(evt.target.result.replace(//g, ">")); //document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML + "
" + evt.target.result.replace(//g, ">") + "
"; document.getElementById("byte_content").textContent = evt.target.result; document.getElementById("byte_range").textContent = ["Read bytes: ", start + 1, " - ", stop + 1, " of ", file.size, " byte file"].join(""); if (mapext == '.gif' && document.getElementById('tdhuhta')) { agdu="data:image/gif;base64," + windowbtoa(evt.target.result); } else { agdu=""; } process(evt.target.result); } }; var blob = file.slice(start, stop + 1); reader.readAsDataURL(blob); // Thanks to //stackoverflow.com/questions/22255580/javascript-upload-image-file-and-draw-it-into-a-canvas reader.onload = function(e) { ximg = new Image(); ximg.onload = function() { context.clearRect(0,0,elem.width,elem.height); storecanvascommands("context.clearRect(" + 0 + "," + 0 + "," + elem.width + "," + elem.height + ");", false); if (eval(document.getElementById('rotation').value) != 0) { oimg = ximg; curih=oimg.height; curiw=oimg.width; drawRotated(eval(document.getElementById('rotation').value)); } else { //alert('zeroone=' + zeroone + ' ximg.width=' + ximg.width); ewtwo -= eval(zeroone * ximg.width / 2); ehtwo -= eval(zeroone * ximg.height / 2); if (document.URL.indexOf('/whatdowestandfor.') != -1 || imageclickmode != 0 || eval(scalex) != 1.0 || eval(scaley) != 1.0 || eval(cropwidth) != 100.00 || eval(cropheight) != 100.000 || eval(cropx) != 0.00 || eval(cropy) != 0.00) { curih=ximg.height; curiw=ximg.width; newiw=postnewiw(eval(eval(curiw - cropx) * scalex), eval(curih - cropy), eval(curiw - cropx), curih, cropy); newih=postnewih(eval(eval(curih - cropy) * scaley), eval(curiw - cropx), eval(curih - cropy), curiw, cropx); //alert("newiw=" + newiw + " and Newih=" + newih); if (imageclickmode != 0 || document.URL.indexOf('/whatdowestandfor.') != -1) { if (icover && !icontain) { //alert(496); ourDrawImage(ximg,0,0,elem.width,elem.height); storecanvascommands("ourDrawImage(ximg,0,0," + elem.width + "," + elem.height + ");", true); icover=false; icontain=false; } else if (icontain && eval(eval('' + ximg.width) / eval('' + elem.width)) >= eval(eval('' + ximg.height) / eval('' + elem.height))) { //alert('19999 width ratio=' + eval(eval('' + ximg.width) / eval('' + elem.width)) + ' height ratio=' + eval(eval('' + ximg.height) / eval('' + elem.height))); ourDrawImage(ximg,0,0,elem.width,eval(eval('' + ximg.height) / eval(eval('' + ximg.width) / eval('' + elem.width)))); storecanvascommands("ourDrawImage(ximg,0,0," + elem.width + "," + eval(eval('' + ximg.height) / eval(eval('' + ximg.width) / eval('' + elem.width))) + ");", true); icover=false; icontain=false; } else if (icontain) { //alert('29999 width ratio=' + eval(eval('' + ximg.width) / eval('' + elem.width)) + ' height ratio=' + eval(eval('' + ximg.height) / eval('' + elem.height)) + ' img=(' + ximg.width + ',' + ximg.height + ') canvas=(' + elem.width + ',' + elem.height + ')'); //alert(456); ourDrawImage(ximg,0,0,eval(eval('' + ximg.width) / eval(eval('' + ximg.height) / eval('' + elem.height))),elem.height); storecanvascommands("ourDrawImage(ximg,0,0," + eval(eval('' + ximg.width) / eval(eval('' + ximg.height) / eval('' + elem.height))) + "," + elem.height + ");", true); icover=false; icontain=false; } else { //alert(46); ourDrawImage(ximg,Math.min(x,lastx),Math.min(y,lasty),newiw,newih); storecanvascommands("ourDrawImage(ximg," + Math.min(x,lastx) + "," + Math.min(y,lasty) + "," + newiw + "," + newih + ");", true); } //alert(12); } else if (eval(cropwidth) != 100.00 || eval(cropheight) != 100.000 || eval(cropx) != 0.00 || eval(cropy) != 0.00) { // alert(746); ourDrawImage(ximg,eval(cropx),eval(cropy),eval(eval(curiw - cropx) * cropwidth / ((document.getElementById('cselwidth').value == '%') ? 100.0 : 1.00)),eval(eval(curih - cropy) * cropheight / ((document.getElementById('cselheight').value == '%') ? 100.0 : 1.00)),eval(eval(ewtwo) + eval(document.getElementById("xoff").value)),eval(eval(ehtwo) + eval(document.getElementById("xoff").value)),eval(eval(ehtwo) + eval(document.getElementById("yoff").value)),newiw,newih); storecanvascommands("ourDrawImage(ximg," + cropx + "," + cropy + "," + eval(eval(curiw - cropx) * cropwidth / ((document.getElementById('cselwidth').value == '%') ? 100.0 : 1.00)) + "," + eval(eval(curih - cropy) * cropheight / ((document.getElementById('cselheight').value == '%') ? 100.0 : 1.00)) + "," + eval(eval(ewtwo) + eval(document.getElementById("xoff").value)) + "," + eval(eval(ehtwo) + eval(document.getElementById("yoff").value)) + "," + newiw + "," + newih + ");", true); //alert(112); } else { // alert(846); ourDrawImage(ximg,eval(eval(ewtwo) + eval(document.getElementById("xoff").value)),eval(eval(ehtwo) + eval(document.getElementById("yoff").value)),newiw,newih); storecanvascommands("ourDrawImage(ximg," + eval(eval(ewtwo) + eval(document.getElementById("xoff").value)) + "," + eval(eval(ehtwo) + eval(document.getElementById("yoff").value)) + "," + newiw + "," + newih + ");", true); //alert(1112); } } else { if (icover && !icontain) { // alert(86); ourDrawImage(ximg,0,0,elem.width,elem.height); storecanvascommands("ourDrawImage(ximg,0,0," + elem.width + "," + elem.height + ");", true); icover=false; icontain=false; } else if (icontain && eval(eval('' + ximg.width) / eval('' + elem.width)) >= eval(eval('' + ximg.height) / eval('' + elem.height))) { //alert('19999 width ratio=' + eval(eval('' + ximg.width) / eval('' + elem.width)) + ' height ratio=' + eval(eval('' + ximg.height) / eval('' + elem.height))); // alert(986); ourDrawImage(ximg,0,0,elem.width,eval(eval('' + ximg.height) / eval(eval('' + ximg.width) / eval('' + elem.width)))); storecanvascommands("ourDrawImage(ximg,0,0," + elem.width + "," + eval(eval('' + ximg.height) / eval(eval('' + ximg.width) / eval('' + elem.width))) + ");", true); icover=false; icontain=false; } else if (icontain) { //alert('29999 width ratio=' + eval(eval('' + ximg.width) / eval('' + elem.width)) + ' height ratio=' + eval(eval('' + ximg.height) / eval('' + elem.height)) + ' img=(' + ximg.width + ',' + ximg.height + ') canvas=(' + elem.width + ',' + elem.height + ')'); // alert(9986); ourDrawImage(ximg,0,0,eval(eval('' + ximg.width) / eval(eval('' + ximg.height) / eval('' + elem.height))),elem.height); storecanvascommands("ourDrawImage(ximg,0,0," + eval(eval('' + ximg.width) / eval(eval('' + ximg.height) / eval('' + elem.height))) + "," + elem.height + ");", true); icover=false; icontain=false; } else { // alert('4486 ' + ximg); // alert('4486.2 ' + eval(eval(ewtwo) + eval(document.getElementById("xoff").value)) + ',' + eval(ehtwo + eval(document.getElementById("yoff").value))); ourDrawImage(ximg,eval(eval(ewtwo) + eval(document.getElementById("xoff").value)),eval(ehtwo + eval(document.getElementById("yoff").value))); storecanvascommands("ourDrawImage(ximg," + eval(eval(ewtwo) + eval(document.getElementById("xoff").value)) + "," + eval(eval(ehtwo) + eval(document.getElementById("yoff").value)) + ");", true); } //alert(11112); } } } ximg.src = e.target.result; //ximg.style.filter="brightness(50%) sepia(100%) saturate(100%) hue-rotate(25deg)"; //alert('Yes'); }; } } function flop(ioo, ione, itwo, ithree, ifour, ifive, isix, iseven, ieight) { // thanks to https://www.w3schools.com/tags/canvas_getimagedata.asp var wasw=eval(eval('' + ithree) - eval('' + ione)), wash=eval(eval('' + ifour) - eval('' + itwo)); var origw=eval('' + elem.width), origh=eval('' + elem.height); elem.width=wasw; elem.height=wash; context.translate(wasw/2, wash/2); context.scale(1, -1); context.drawImage(ioo, -wasw/2, -wash/2, wasw, wash); var huhi=elem.toDataURL('image/png'); ioo.src=huhi; ioo.style.display='inline-block'; elem.width=origw; elem.height=origh; context.drawImage(ioo,ione,itwo); } function flip(ioo, ione, itwo, ithree, ifour, ifive, isix, iseven, ieight) { // thanks to https://www.w3schools.com/tags/canvas_getimagedata.asp var wasw=elem.width, wash=elem.height, huhi=''; elem.width=wasw; elem.height=wash; context.translate(wasw/2, wash/2); context.scale(-1, 1); context.drawImage(imgi, -wasw/2, -wash/2, wasw, wash); huhi=elem.toDataURL('image/png'); ioo.src=huhi; ioo.style.display='inline-block'; elem.width=wasw; elem.height=wash; context.drawImage(ioo,ione,itwo); alert('flip done'); if (1 == 56) { //var wasw=eval(eval('' + ithree) - eval('' + ione)), wash=eval(eval('' + ifour) - eval('' + itwo)); var wasw=elem.width, wash=elem.height, huhi=''; var origw=elem.width, origh=elem.height; var xelem = document.createElement("canvas"); xelem.width=ioo.width; xelem.height=ioo.height; //elem.width=wasw; //elem.height=wash; var xcontext=xelem.getContext('2d'); if (typeof ieight !== 'undefined') { xcontext.drawImage(ioo, ione, itwo, ithree, ifour); } else if (typeof isix !== 'undefined') { xcontext.drawImage(ioo, ione, itwo, ithree, ifour); } else { xcontext.drawImage(ioo, ione, itwo, ithree, ifour); } xcontext.translate(wasw/2, wash/2); xcontext.scale(-1, 1); //xcontext.drawImage(ioo, -wasw/2, -wash/2, wasw, wash); huhi=xelem.toDataURL('image/png'); ioo.src=huhi; ioo.style.display='inline-block'; //elem.width=origw; //elem.height=origh; context.drawImage(ioo,ione,itwo); } } function process(infilecontents) { //if (1 == 7) { alert(infilecontents); } //var ourlines = infilecontents.split(String.fromCharCode(10)); //var ourwords = infilecontents.split(String.fromCharCode(32)); //var myfis = "

Filename is " + escape(document.getElementById("file").files[0].mozFullPath + document.getElementById("file").value) + " ... Type is (" + (document.getElementById("file").files[0].type || "n/a") + ") ... Date is " + (document.getElementById("file").files[0].lastModifiedDate ? document.getElementById("file").files[0].lastModifiedDate.toLocaleDateString() : "n/a") + " ... Size is " + infilecontents.length + " bytes ... Line Count is " + ourlines.length + " ... Word Count is " + ourwords.length + "

"; //document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML + myfis; //var huh = document.URL.split("?"); //if (huh.length > 1) { // location.href = huh[0] + "?myf=" + decodeURIComponent(myfis); //} else { // location.href = document.URL + "?myf=" + decodeURIComponent(myfis); //} //alert(infilecontents); fcont = infilecontents; //document.getElementById("byte_content").style.display='block'; document.getElementById("byte_range").style.display='block'; if (bmode != ' an image ') { //alert(bmode); var areader = new FileReader(); areader.onload = function(e) { //xaudio = new Audio(); //alert(e.target.result); }; areader.readAsDataURL(infilecontents); // Thanks to //stackoverflow.com/questions/22255580/javascript-upload-image-file-and-draw-it-into-a-canvas //alert(infilecontents.substring(0,30)); //alert("document.getElementById('mapcoords" + eval(-1 + dmfcnt) + "').value='" + document.getElementById('mapcoords' + eval(-1 + dmfcnt)).value + "'"); //alert("document.getElementById('mapaudio" + eval(-1 + dmfcnt) + "').value='" + infilecontents.substring(0,30) + "'"); document.getElementById('mapaudio' + eval(-1 + dmfcnt)).value=infilecontents; document.getElementById('mapxaudio' + eval(-1 + dmfcnt)).value=infilecontents; bmode = ' an image '; } } function intwo() { x=0; y=0; lastx=0; lasty=0; isScribble=2; } function touchWindowHandler(event) // thanks to //stackoverflow.com/questions/1517924/javascript-mapping-touch-events-to-mouse-events { var touches = event.changedTouches, first = touches[0], type = ""; switch(event.type) { case "touchstart": type = "onclick"; //alert(88 + moid + event.targetTouches.length); break; default: return; } //initMouseEvent(type, canBubble, cancelable, view, clickCount, // screenX, screenY, clientX, clientY, ctrlKey, // altKey, shiftKey, metaKey, button, relatedTarget); var simulatedEvent = document.createEvent("MouseEvent"); simulatedEvent.initMouseEvent(type, true, true, window, 1, first.screenX, first.screenY, first.clientX, first.clientY, false, false, false, false, 0/*left*/, null); first.target.dispatchEvent(simulatedEvent); event.preventDefault(); } function touchHandler(event) // thanks to //stackoverflow.com/questions/1517924/javascript-mapping-touch-events-to-mouse-events { var touches = event.changedTouches, first = touches[0], type = ""; //if (event.targetTouches.length == 1) { switch(event.type) { //case "touchstart": type="mousedown"; break; case "touchmove": type="mousemove"; break; case "touchend": type="mouseup"; break; default: return; } //initMouseEvent(type, canBubble, cancelable, view, clickCount, // screenX, screenY, clientX, clientY, ctrlKey, // altKey, shiftKey, metaKey, button, relatedTarget); var simulatedEvent = document.createEvent("MouseEvent"); simulatedEvent.initMouseEvent(type, true, true, window, 1, first.screenX, first.screenY, first.clientX, first.clientY, false, false, false, false, 0/*left*/, null); first.target.dispatchEvent(simulatedEvent); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); switch(type) { //case "mousedown": if (isScribble == 1) { isScribble=2; storecanvascommands("context=context;", false); } break; case "mousemove": if (isScribble == 2 || isScribble == 1) { if (x == 0 && y == 0 && lastx == 0 && lasty == 0) { if (event.pageX || event.pageY) { x = event.pageX - elemLeft; y = event.pageY - elemTop; } else { x = event.clientX - elemLeft; y = event.clientY - elemTop; } lastx=x; lasty=y; } else { lastx=x; lasty=y; if (event.pageX || event.pageY) { x = event.pageX - elemLeft; y = event.pageY - elemTop; } else { x = event.clientX - elemLeft; y = event.clientY - elemTop; } } if (isScribble == 2) { if (x != lastx || y != lasty) { document.getElementById('divannotation').style.display='block'; document.getElementById('myisubject').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('myiemail').style.display = 'inline'; context.strokeStyle=document.getElementById('mycolour').value; storecanvascommands("context.fillStyle='" + document.getElementById('mycolour').value + "';", false); context.beginPath(); storecanvascommands("context.beginPath();", false); context.moveTo(x,y); storecanvascommands("context.moveTo(" + x + "," + y + ");", false); context.lineTo(lastx,lasty); storecanvascommands("context.lineTo(" + lastx + "," + lasty + ");", false); context.stroke(); storecanvascommands("context.stroke();", false); } } isScribble=2; } break; case "mouseup": if (isScribble == 2) { x=0; y=0; lastx=0; lasty=0; isScribble=1; storecanvascommands("context=context;", true); } break; default: return; } //} } function drawRotated(degrees) { // thanks to //stackoverflow.com/questions/17411991/html5-canvas-rotate-image var needflip=0; var wasf=document.getElementById('rotation').value; var spareewtwo = eval(zeroone * eval( Math.min(x,lastx) + Math.abs(x - lastx) / 2 )); var spareehtwo = eval(zeroone * eval( Math.min(y,lasty) + Math.abs(y - lasty) / 2 )); ewtwo = eval(elem.width/2); ehtwo = eval(elem.height/2); if (document.getElementById('rof').value.indexOf('of ') != -1) { storecanvascommands("context.clearRect(" + 0 + "," + 0 + "," + elem.width + "," + elem.height + ");", false); context.clearRect(0,0,elem.width,elem.height); } //if (document.getElementById('rof').value == '' && oimg != null) { //storecanvascommands("context.clearRect(" + 0 + "," + 0 + "," + elem.width + "," + elem.height + ");", false); //context.clearRect(0,0,elem.width,elem.height); // save the unrotated context of the canvas so we can restore it later // the alternative is to untranslate & unrotate after drawing storecanvascommands("context.save();", false); context.save(); //} // move to the center of the canvas if (eval(txtoffx) != 0.0 || eval(txtoffy) != 0.0) { //alert("Ewtwo,Ehtwo=" + ewtwo + "," + ehtwo); storecanvascommands("context.translate(" + txtoffx + "," + txtoffy + ");", false); context.translate(txtoffx,txtoffy); if (rotcmd != '') { rotoffx=eval(-txtoffx); rotoffy=eval(-txtoffy); } } else if (eval(document.getElementById("xoff").value) != 0 || eval(document.getElementById("yoff").value) != 0) { ewtwo = eval(eval(spareeewtwo) * 0 + eval(document.getElementById("xoff").value)); ehtwo = eval(eval(spareeehtwo) * 0 + eval(document.getElementById("yoff").value)); //alert("Ewtwo,ehtwo=" + ewtwo + "," + ehtwo); storecanvascommands("context.translate(" + ewtwo + "," + ehtwo + ");", false); context.translate(ewtwo,ehtwo); ewtwo = eval(-ewtwo); ehtwo = eval(-ehtwo); } else if (0 == 0) { curih=oimg.height; curiw=oimg.width; //if (eval(degrees) >= 180) { // needflip=true; // degrees = eval(360 - wasf); // document.getElementById('rotation').value=degrees; //} var dx=0, dy=0; newiw=postnewiw(eval(eval(curiw - cropx) * scalex), eval(curih - cropy), eval(curiw - cropx), curih, cropy); newih=postnewih(eval(eval(curih - cropy) * scaley), eval(curiw - cropx), eval(curih - cropy), curiw, cropx); //alert(newiw + ' ' + newih); //ewtwo = eval(eval( Math.min(x,lastx) + 1 * offxmaybe(eval(document.getElementById("xoff").value),newih,newiw) + Math.abs(x - lastx) / 2 - postscalew(scalex,oimg.height,oimg.width) * oimg.width / 2 )); //ehtwo = eval(eval( Math.min(y,lasty) + 1 * offymaybe(eval(document.getElementById("yoff").value),newiw,newih) + Math.abs(y - lasty) / 2 - postscaleh(scaley,oimg.width,oimg.height) * oimg.height / 2 )); ewtwo = eval(eval( Math.min(x,lastx) + 1 * offxmaybe(eval(document.getElementById("xoff").value),newih,newiw) + Math.abs(x - lastx) / 2 - postscalew(scalex,oimg.height,oimg.width) * oimg.width / 2 )); ehtwo = eval(eval( Math.min(y,lasty) + 1 * offymaybe(eval(document.getElementById("yoff").value),newiw,newih) + Math.abs(y - lasty) / 2 - postscaleh(scaley,oimg.width,oimg.height) * oimg.height / 2 )); //alert("ewtwo,ehtwo=" + ewtwo + "," + ehtwo); if (eval(degrees) >= 270) { needflip=1; } else if (eval(degrees) >= 180) { needflip=-1; } storecanvascommands("context.translate(" + ewtwo + "," + ehtwo + ");", false); context.translate(ewtwo,ehtwo); if (needflip != 0) { context.scale(needflip, -needflip); storecanvascommands("context.scale(" + eval(needflip) + "," + eval(-needflip) + ");", false); } //ewtwo = eval(-ewtwo + Math.min(x,lastx) + 1 * offxmaybe(eval(document.getElementById("xoff").value),newih,newiw) + Math.abs(x - lastx) / 2 - postscalew(scalex,oimg.height,oimg.width) * oimg.width / 2 ); //ehtwo = eval(-ehtwo + Math.min(y,lasty) + 1 * offymaybe(eval(document.getElementById("yoff").value),newiw,newih) + Math.abs(y - lasty) / 2 - postscaleh(scaley,oimg.width,oimg.height) * oimg.height / 2 ); ewtwo = eval(-ewtwo + Math.min(x,lastx) + dx + 1 * offxmaybe(eval(document.getElementById("xoff").value),newih,newiw) + Math.abs(x - lastx) / 2 - postscalew(scalex,oimg.height,oimg.width) * oimg.width / 2 ); ehtwo = eval(-ehtwo + Math.min(y,lasty) + dy + 1 * offymaybe(eval(document.getElementById("yoff").value),newiw,newih) + Math.abs(y - lasty) / 2 - postscaleh(scaley,oimg.width,oimg.height) * oimg.height / 2 ); // New idea below ewtwo = eval(dx - (offxmaybe(eval(document.getElementById("xoff").value),newih,newiw))); //eval(-ewtwo + Math.min(x,lastx) + 1 * offxmaybe(eval(document.getElementById("xoff").value),newih,newiw) + Math.abs(x - lastx) / 2 - postscalew(scalex,oimg.height,oimg.width) * oimg.width / 2 ); ehtwo = eval(dy - (offymaybe(eval(document.getElementById("yoff").value),newiw,newih))); //eval(-ehtwo + Math.min(y,lasty) + 1 * offymaybe(eval(document.getElementById("yoff").value),newiw,newih) + Math.abs(y - lasty) / 2 - postscaleh(scaley,oimg.width,oimg.height) * oimg.height / 2 ); //alert("ewTwo,ehTwo=" + ewtwo + "," + ehtwo); } else { //alert("ewTwo,ehtwo=" + ewtwo + "," + ehtwo); storecanvascommands("context.translate(" + ewtwo + "," + ehtwo + ");", false); context.translate(ewtwo,ehtwo); ewtwo = eval(-ewtwo); ehtwo = eval(-ehtwo); } // rotate the canvas to the specified degrees storecanvascommands("context.rotate(" + degrees*Math.PI/180 + ");", false); context.rotate(degrees*Math.PI/180); if (rotcmd != '') { var sparerotcmd=rotcmd; //rotcmd=''; //alert("sparerotcmd=" + sparerotcmd); eval(sparerotcmd); } else { if (document.getElementById('rof').value != '') { oimg = origimg; curih=oimg.height; curiw=oimg.width; } if (document.getElementById('rof').value == '' || oimg != null) { // draw the image // since the context is rotated, the image will be rotated also if (imageclickmode != 0 || eval(scalex) != 1.0 || eval(scaley) != 1.0 || eval(cropwidth) != 100.00 || eval(cropheight) != 100.000 || eval(cropx) != 0.00 || eval(cropy) != 0.00) { curih=oimg.height; curiw=oimg.width; newiw=postpostnewiw(eval(eval(curiw - cropx) * scalex), eval(curih - cropy), eval(curiw - cropx), curih, cropy); newih=postpostnewih(eval(eval(curih - cropy) * scaley), eval(curiw - cropx), eval(curih - cropy), curiw, cropx); if (imageclickmode != 0) { ourDrawImage(oimg,eval(ewtwo + eval(document.getElementById("xoff").value)),eval(ehtwo + eval(document.getElementById("yoff").value)),newiw,newih); storecanvascommands("ourDrawImage(oimg," + eval(ewtwo + eval(document.getElementById("xoff").value)) + "," + eval(ehtwo + eval(document.getElementById("yoff").value)) + "," + newiw + "," + newih + ");", true); alert(13); } else if (eval(cropwidth) != 100.00 || eval(cropheight) != 100.000 || eval(cropx) != 0.00 || eval(cropy) != 0.00) { //alert("newiw=" + newiw + " and newiH=" + newih); ourDrawImage(oimg,eval(cropx),eval(cropy),eval(eval(curiw - cropx) * cropwidth / ((document.getElementById('cselwidth').value == '%') ? 100.0 : 1.00)),eval(eval(curih - cropy) * cropheight / ((document.getElementById('cselheight').value == '%') ? 100.0 : 1.00)),eval(ewtwo + eval(document.getElementById("xoff").value)),eval(ehtwo + eval(document.getElementById("yoff").value)),newiw,newih); //storecanvascommands("ourDrawImage(oimg," + cropx + "," + cropy + "," + eval(eval(curiw - cropx) * cropwidth / ((document.getElementById('cselwidth').value == '%') ? 100.0 : 1.00)) + "," + eval(eval(curih - cropy) * cropheight / ((document.getElementById('cselheight').value == '%') ? 100.0 : 1.00)) + "," + -oimg.width/2 + eval(document.getElementById("xoff").value) + "," + -oimg.height/2 + eval(document.getElementById("yoff").value) + "," + newiw + "," + newih + ");", true); storecanvascommands("ourDrawImage(oimg," + cropx + "," + cropy + "," + eval(eval(curiw - cropx) * cropwidth / ((document.getElementById('cselwidth').value == '%') ? 100.0 : 1.00)) + "," + eval(eval(curih - cropy) * cropheight / ((document.getElementById('cselheight').value == '%') ? 100.0 : 1.00)) + "," + eval(ewtwo + eval(document.getElementById("xoff").value)) + "," + eval(ehtwo + eval(document.getElementById("yoff").value)) + "," + newiw + "," + newih + ");", true); alert(113); } else { ourDrawImage(oimg,eval(ewtwo + eval(document.getElementById("xoff").value)),eval(ehtwo + eval(document.getElementById("yoff").value)),newiw,newih); storecanvascommands("ourDrawImage(oimg," + eval(ewtwo + eval(document.getElementById("xoff").value)) + "," + eval(ehtwo + eval(document.getElementById("yoff").value)) + "," + newiw + "," + newih + ");", true); alert(1113); } } else { storecanvascommands("ourDrawImage(oimg," + eval(ewtwo + eval(document.getElementById("xoff").value)) + "," + eval(ehtwo + eval(document.getElementById("yoff").value)) + ");", false); //ourDrawImage(oimg, //eval(elem.width/2 + eval(document.getElementById("xoff").value) - Math.sin(degrees*Math.PI/180)*(oimg.height/1)*1), //eval(elem.height/2 + eval(document.getElementById("yoff").value) - Math.sin(degrees*Math.PI/180)*(oimg.width/1)*1)); //alert(98); ourDrawImage(oimg,eval(ewtwo + eval(document.getElementById("xoff").value)),eval(ehtwo + eval(document.getElementById("yoff").value))); alert(11113); } //alert(980); document.getElementById('rof').value = ''; oimg = null; } } // we’re done with the rotating so restore the unrotated context storecanvascommands("context.restore();", false); context.restore(); document.getElementById('rotation').value=wasf; } function maybe(tv) { if (tv != "" && eval(document.getElementById("rotation").value) != 0) { drawRotated(eval(document.getElementById("rotation").value)); } } function audiomaybe() { if (bmode == ' an audio ') { if (document.getElementById('oic')) { document.getElementById('oic').click(); } else { document.getElementById('ocbut').click(); } } else if (bmode == ' an image ') { var xfiles = document.getElementById("file").files; var xfile = xfiles[0]; if (xfile.type.match('image.gif')) { mapext='.gif'; } else { mapext=''; } } } function noforeach() { if (foreachon) { foreachon=false; try { blobc='transparent'; } catch(ewq) { } } } function closewinois() { if (winois != null) { winois.close(); winois=null; } } function switchzn() { if (longhover.trim() != "") { switchit(0, longhover); } } function switchit(aclick, blurb) { if (aclick == 0 && firsthover == 1) { if (longhover == "") { longhover=blurb; setTimeout(switchzn, 2000); return; } else { var bfp=confirm(blurb + ' ... OK proceeds on this basis, else Cancel will only listen for a click/touch of the Copy button here'); if (bfp == true) { firsthover=0; } else { firsthover=-1; } } } if (aclick == 1 || firsthover != -1) { var canvuri = elem.toDataURL("image/png",0); winois=window.open('','_blank','top=30,left=30,width=1000,height=800'); winois.document.write(''); setTimeout(closewinois, 5000); } longhover=" "; } function aemail(ame) { // thanks to //www.telerik.com/forums/proper-way-to-do-mailto-and-tel-links( //alert(ame.href); //navigator.app.loadUrl(ame.href, { openExternal:true } ); window.top.location = ame.href; } function tryit() { var tds, hstuff='', koff=-1; //alert(9800); var imageurl = location.search.split('urlimage=')[1] ? location.search.split('urlimage=')[1].split('&')[0] : ''; var imageoverlay = location.search.split('overlay=')[1] ? location.search.split('overlay=')[1].split('&')[0] : ''; if (document.getElementById('myiframe')) { document.getElementById('myiframe').width='400px'; } tds=document.getElementsByTagName('img'); if (document.URL.indexOf('/india.') != -1) koff--; if (tds.length > 0) { origimg=tds[eval(koff + tds.length)]; lasturl=tds[eval(koff + tds.length)].src; origih=origimg.height; origiw=origimg.width; if (('~' + decodeURIComponent(imageurl)).toLowerCase().replace('file:','').replace('sftp:','').replace('ftp:','').indexOf('~http') == 0) { if (imageoverlay == '') { tds[eval(koff + tds.length)].src=decodeURIComponent(imageurl); tds=document.getElementsByTagName('img'); origimg=tds[eval(koff + tds.length)]; origih=origimg.height; origiw=origimg.width; context.clearRect(0, 0, elem.width, elem.height); elem.width=origiw; elem.height=origih; document.getElementById('myiframe').style.left=origiw + 'px'; ourDrawImage(tds[eval(koff + tds.length)],0,0); alert(14); } else { tds[eval(koff + tds.length)].src=decodeURIComponent(imageurl); tds=document.getElementsByTagName('img'); ourDrawImage(tds[eval(koff + tds.length)],0,0); alert(114); } } } tds=document.getElementsByTagName('td'); // if (iscontact == -1) alert("tds.length=" + tds.length); var scalestuff="Scale Width: Height:
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