0) { $isgif = true; } //$pngext = 'gif'; } else if (isset($_POST['isgif'])) { if (strlen($_POST['isgif']) > 0) { $isgif = true; } //$pngext = 'gif'; } } if (isset($_POST['tdsubj']) || isset($_GET['tdsubj'])) { if (isset($_GET['tdsubj'])) { $psubject = explode("~", str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_GET['tdsubj'])))[0]; if (strpos(str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_GET['tdsubj'])),"~") !== false) { $gmtblurb = explode("~", str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_GET['tdsubj'])))[1]; } } else { $psubject = explode("~", str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_POST['tdsubj'])))[0]; if (strpos(str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_POST['tdsubj'])),"~") !== false) { $gmtblurb = explode("~", str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_POST['tdsubj'])))[1]; } } } if (isset($_POST['mysubject']) && isset($_POST['myfname'])) { if (strpos($_POST['mysubject'], ' via ') !== false && strpos(($_POST['mysubject'] . ''), 'animated_gif_slideshow.gif') !== false) { sleep(9); if (file_exists('../PHP/animegif/' . server_remote_addr() . '.gif')) { $altmydurl = @file_get_contents('../PHP/animegif/' . server_remote_addr() . '.gif'); $postsubjs = explode(' via ', $_POST['mysubject']); $postsubj = str_replace(' via ' . $postsubjs[-1 + sizeof($postsubjs)], '', $_POST['mysubject']); $postfname = $_POST['myfname']; if (strpos($_POST['myfname'], '.' . $pngext) !== false) { $postfname = str_replace('.' . $pngext, '.gif', $_POST['myfname']); } else { $postfname = $_POST['myfname']; } $pngext = 'gif'; } else { $postsubjs = explode(' via ', $_POST['mysubject']); $postsubj = str_replace(' via ' . $postsubjs[-1 + sizeof($postsubjs)], '', $_POST['mysubject']); $postfname = $_POST['myfname']; } } else { $postsubj = $_POST['mysubject']; $postfname = $_POST['myfname']; } } else if (isset($_GET['mysubject']) && isset($_GET['myfname'])) { if (strpos($_GET['mysubject'], ' via ') !== false && strpos(($_GET['mysubject'] . ''), 'animated_gif_slideshow.gif') !== false) { sleep(9); if (file_exists('../PHP/animegif/' . server_remote_addr() . '.gif')) { $altmydurl = @file_get_contents('../PHP/animegif/' . server_remote_addr() . '.gif'); $postsubjs = explode(' via ', $_GET['mysubject']); $postsubj = str_replace(' via ' . $postsubjs[-1 + sizeof($postsubjs)], '', $_GET['mysubject']); $postfname = $_GET['myfname']; if (strpos($_GET['myfname'], '.' . $pngext) !== false) { $postfname = str_replace('.' . $pngext, '.gif', $_GET['myfname']); } else { $postfname = $_GET['myfname']; } $pngext = 'gif'; } else { $postsubjs = explode(' via ', $_GET['mysubject']); $postsubj = str_replace(' via ' . $postsubjs[-1 + sizeof($postsubjs)], '', $_GET['mysubject']); $postfname = $_GET['myfname']; } } else { $postsubj = $_GET['mysubject']; $postfname = $_GET['myfname']; } } function server_remote_addr() { $rma = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $ua = strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); // you can add different browsers with the same way .. if(preg_match('/(chromium)[ \/]([\w.]+)/', $ua)) $rma = '000000'.$rma; elseif(preg_match('/(chrome)[ \/]([\w.]+)/', $ua)) $rma = '00000'.$rma; elseif(preg_match('/(safari)[ \/]([\w.]+)/', $ua)) $rma = '0000'.$rma; elseif(preg_match('/(opera)[ \/]([\w.]+)/', $ua)) $rma = '000'.$rma; elseif(preg_match('/(msie)[ \/]([\w.]+)/', $ua)) $rma = '00'.$rma; elseif(preg_match('/(mozilla)[ \/]([\w.]+)/', $ua)) $rma = '0'.$rma; return $rma; } function ourpremail($ris, $ssis, $tis, $his) { global $okay, $atendis, $idata, $pngext, $postfname, $postfname, $altmydurl; $imdata = ""; $otherccs=""; $xris=""; //$ris; $spareris=""; $toaststyling=" "; $xxris=explode(",", $ris); for ($iy=0; $iy" . $xxris[$iy] . ""; } if (isset($_GET['cc'])) { $xxris=explode(",", urldecode($_GET['cc'])); $spareris=""; for ($iy=0; $iy" . $xxris[$iy] . ""; } if ($_GET['cc'] != "") $otherccs.="
CC: " . $spareris; } else if (isset($_POST['cc'])) { $xxris=explode(",", urldecode($_POST['cc'])); $spareris=""; for ($iy=0; $iy" . $xxris[$iy] . ""; } if ($_POST['cc'] != "") $otherccs.="
CC: " . $spareris; } if (isset($_GET['bcc'])) { $xxris=explode(",", urldecode($_GET['bcc'])); $spareris=""; for ($iy=0; $iy" . $xxris[$iy] . ""; } if ($_GET['bcc'] != "") $otherccs.="
BCC: " . $spareris; } else if (isset($_POST['bcc'])) { $xxris=explode(",", urldecode($_POST['bcc'])); $spareris=""; for ($iy=0; $iy" . $xxris[$iy] . ""; } if ($_POST['bcc'] != "") $otherccs.="
BCC: " . $spareris; } $hgt="200"; $xsis = $ssis; $altwin=''; if (1 == 1 && $idata != "") { if ($altmydurl != '') { $imdata=""; } else { $imdata=""; } $hgt="480"; } try { //file_put_contents("aaaaa.00aaa", $ris . " " . $xsis); //mail("rmetcalfe15@gmail.com", $xsis, "My Body", $his); mail($ris, $xsis, $tis, $his); $altwin = "" . $toaststyling . "Email sent successfully
To: " . $xris . $otherccs . "
Subject: " . $ssis . "
" . $imdata . "
'); setTimeout(andthenx,7000); \">"; } catch (Exception $merr) { $okay = 0; if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . "/mail.prob")) { file_put_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . "/mail.prob", file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . "/mail.prob") . "\n\n" . date('l jS \of F Y h:i:s A') . " ... " . $merr->getMessage()); $altwin = "" . $merr->getMessage() . " sending to
" . $ris . $otherccs . "

'); setTimeout(andthenx,7000); \">"; } else { file_put_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . "/mail.prob", date('l jS \of F Y h:i:s A') . " ... " . $merr->getMessage()); $altwin = "" . $merr->getMessage() . " sending to
" . $ris . $otherccs . "

'); setTimeout(andthenx,7000); \">"; } } if ($atendis != "") { echo $atendis; $atendis=''; exit; } else if ($altwin != "") { echo $altwin; $altwin=''; exit; } } function issetgetaudiodata($which) { global $bigbits; if (isset($_POST[$which])) { return true; } else if (sizeof($bigbits) == 2) { if (strpos($bigbits[0], $which . "=") !== false) { return true; } } return false; } function getaudiodata($which) { global $bigbits; if (isset($_POST[$which])) { return $_POST[$which]; } else if (sizeof($bigbits) == 2) { if (strpos($bigbits[0], $which . "=") !== false) { $xxx=explode($which . "=", $bigbits[0]); $yyy=explode("&", $xxx[1]); return $yyy[0]; } } return ""; } function send_email($tem, $mysubject, $mybody) { global $idata, $bigbits, $atendis, $pngext, $postfname, $postfname, $altmydurl, $isgif, $psubject, $gmtblurb; if ($psubject != "") { $mysubject=$psubject; } $aext = ".wav"; $cno = 0; $mobilewav = ""; $pref=""; $defone = ""; //"Please see or download image (first) before any download and double clicking of image clickable and applicable web application below:"; $eol = PHP_EOL; if (issetgetaudiodata('mapclick1') && issetgetaudiodata('mapcoords1') && issetgetaudiodata('mapaudio1')) { if (urldecode(getaudiodata('mapcoords1')) != "") { $cfound = 0; $cno = 1; while ((issetgetaudiodata('mapclick' . $cno) || issetgetaudiodata('mapaudio' . $cno)) && issetgetaudiodata('mapcoords' . $cno)) { if (issetgetaudiodata('mapclick' . $cno)) { if (urldecode(getaudiodata('mapclick' . $cno)) != "" && urldecode(getaudiodata('mapcoords' . $cno)) != "") { $cfound = 1; if ($defone == "") { $defone = $pref . "Please see or download image (first) before any download and double clicking of image clickable and applicable web application below ... please note mobile web email clients are preferred to mobile email clients:"; } else if (strpos($defone, " audio") !== false) { $defone = $pref . "Please see or download image (first) and audios (second) before any download and double clicking of image clickable and applicable web application below ... please note mobile web email clients are preferred to mobile email clients:"; } else { $defone = $pref . "Please see or download image (first) before any download and double clicking of image clickable and applicable web application below ... please note mobile web email clients are preferred to mobile email clients:"; } } } if (issetgetaudiodata('mapaudio' . $cno)) { if (urldecode(getaudiodata('mapaudio' . $cno)) != "" && urldecode(getaudiodata('mapcoords' . $cno)) != "") { $cfound = 1; if ($defone == "") { $defone = $pref . "Please see or download audio (first) before any download and double clicking of image clickable and applicable web application below ... please note mobile web email clients are preferred to mobile email clients:"; } else if (strpos($defone, "download image") !== false) { $defone = $pref . "Please see or download image (first) and audios (second) before any download and double clicking of image clickable and applicable web application below ... please note mobile web email clients are preferred to mobile email clients:"; } else { $defone = $pref . "Please see or download audios (first) before any download and double clicking of image clickable and applicable web application below ... please note mobile web email clients are preferred to mobile email clients:"; } } } else if (sizeof($bigbits) == 2) { if (strpos($bigbits[0], "mapaudio") !== false) { $pref = ""; //"huh "; $defone = $pref . $defone; } } $cno++; } $cno = $cfound; } } else if (issetgetaudiodata('mapclick1') && issetgetaudiodata('mapcoords1')) { //if (urldecode(getaudiodata('mapclick1') != "" && urldecode(getaudiodata('mapcoords1') != "") { if (urldecode(getaudiodata('mapcoords1')) != "") { $cfound = 0; $cno = 1; while (issetgetaudiodata('mapclick' . $cno) && issetgetaudiodata('mapcoords' . $cno)) { if (urldecode(getaudiodata('mapclick' . $cno)) != "" && urldecode(getaudiodata('mapcoords' . $cno)) != "") { $cfound = 1; } $cno++; } $cno = $cfound; } } if (strpos($tem, ",") !== false) { $hs = explode(",", $tem); for ($ihs=0; $ihs "; $ais="audio"; $bigais=""; if (issetgetaudiodata('maptype' . $cno)) { if (str_replace("img","",urldecode(getaudiodata('maptype' . $cno))) != "") { $bigais=urldecode(getaudiodata('maptype' . $cno)); $bs=explode("/",$bigais); $ais=$bs[0]; } else { $bigais=$ais . '/' . strtolower(str_replace(".","",$aext)); } } $mobilewav .= "<" . $ais . " id='au" . $cno . "' controls='controls' autobuffer='autobuffer'> "; if (strpos(urldecode(getaudiodata('mapaudio' . $cno)), ";base64,") !== false) { if (strpos(urldecode(getaudiodata('mapaudio' . $cno)), "data:;base64,") !== false) { $mobilewav .= ' '; } else { $mobilewav .= ' '; } } else { $mobilewav .= ' '; } $mobilewav .= " "; $mobilewav .= "
"; $content = chunk_split(getaudiodata('mapaudio' . $cno)); $fwav=$befdots[0] . "_" . $cno . $aext; //".wav"; $headers .= "Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=\"" . $fwav . "\"" . $eol; $headers .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" . $eol; $headers .= "Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=\"" . $fwav . "\"" . $eol; $headers .= $content . $eol . $eol; $headers .= "--" . $separator . $eol; //"--"; } $cno++; } $cno = $origcno; $somehtml = ''; $somehtml .= ''; $somehtml .= ''; $somehtml .= 'Web Application for Clickable ' . $filename . ''; $somehtml .= ''; //$somehtml .= 'click map'; $somehtml .= 'click map'; $somehtml .= ''; $somehtml .= ''; $somehtml .= '
'; $somehtml .= ''; $somehtml .= ''; if (issetgetaudiodata('mapclick1') && issetgetaudiodata('mapcoords1') && issetgetaudiodata('mapaudio1')) { while (issetgetaudiodata('mapclick' . $cno) && issetgetaudiodata('mapcoords' . $cno) && issetgetaudiodata('mapaudio' . $cno)) { if (urldecode(getaudiodata('mapclick' . $cno)) != "" && urldecode(getaudiodata('mapaudio' . $cno)) == "" && urldecode(getaudiodata('mapcoords' . $cno)) != "") { $somehtml = str_replace('Navigate ' . $cno . '' . 'Listen and Navigate ' . $cno . '' . 'Listen ' . $cno . '' . 'Navigate ' . $cno . '' . '", $mobilewav . "", $somehtml)))); $filename="mobile_" . $befdots[0] . ".htm"; $headers .= "Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=\"" . $filename . "\"" . $eol; $headers .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" . $eol; $headers .= "Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=\"" . $filename . "\"" . $eol; $headers .= $content . $eol . $eol; } $headers .= "--" . $separator . "--"; } //file_put_contents("aaa.aaa", $filename); ourpremail($tem, $mysubject, "", $headers); } } if ($contents == '') { // on fail //file_put_contents("aaa.aaa", "fail"); ourpremail($tem, $mysubject, $mybody, $headers); } } return ""; } if (isset($_GET['lookfor'])) { // audio content if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], "rjmprogramming.com.au") !== false) { while (!file_exists("../MarkItUp/html/audio/audio" . $_GET['lookfor'] . "_" . str_replace(":","",str_replace(".","",server_remote_addr())) . ".wav")) { sleep(5); } //sleep(2); $audioc = file_get_contents("../MarkItUp/html/audio/audio" . $_GET['lookfor'] . "_" . str_replace(":","",str_replace(".","",server_remote_addr())) . ".wav"); unlink("../MarkItUp/html/audio/audio" . $_GET['lookfor'] . "_" . str_replace(":","",str_replace(".","",server_remote_addr())) . ".wav"); echo " parent.document.getElementById('mapaudio" . $_GET['lookfor'] . "').value='" . base64_encode($audioc) . "'; parent.document.getElementById('mapxaudio" . $_GET['lookfor'] . "').value='" . base64_encode($audioc) . "'; "; } exit; } else { // email work if ($altmydurl != "") { $mydurl = $altmydurl; $idata = $mydurl; } else { $bigbits = explode("mydurl=", file_get_contents('php://input')); if (sizeof($bigbits) == 2) { //if (strlen($bigbits[1]) < 35) { // sleep(13); // $bigbits = explode("&mydurl=", file_get_contents('php://input')); //} //$putfp = fopen('php://input', 'r'); //$putdata = ''; //while ($data = fread($putfp, 1024)) { // $putdata .= $data; //} //fclose($putfp); //$bigbits[1]=$putdata; $mydurl = urldecode($bigbits[1]); //file_put_contents("aaaaa.aaaaa", $mydurl); if (isset($_POST['mydurl'])) { if (strlen(urldecode($_POST['mydurl'])) > strlen($mydurl)) { $mydurl=urldecode($_POST['mydurl']); } } $idata = base64_decode(explode("&from=",$mydurl)[0]); } } if (isset($_GET['mode']) || isset($_POST['mode']) || isset($_POST['ismobile'])) { //file_put_contents("aaa.aaa", "a.a"); if (isset($_POST['ismobile'])) { $gmode .= " "; $ismobile = $_POST['ismobile']; if (!isset($_POST['mydurl']) && $mydurl == '') { // && isset($_POST['myfname'])) { if ($altmydurl != "") { $mydurl = $altmydurl; $idata = $mydurl; } else { $bigbits = explode("mydurl=", file_get_contents('php://input')); if (sizeof($bigbits) == 2) { $mydurl = urldecode($bigbits[1]); //file_put_contents("aaaa.aaaa", $mydurl); if (isset($_POST['mydurl'])) { if (strlen(urldecode($_POST['mydurl'])) > strlen($mydurl)) { $mydurl=urldecode($_POST['mydurl']); } } $idata = base64_decode(explode("&from=",$mydurl)[0]); } } } } if (isset($_GET['mode'])) $gmode .= $_GET['mode']; if (isset($_POST['mode'])) $gmode .= $_POST['mode']; //file_put_contents("aaaaa.0aaa", $lworld . " " . $postfname); if (strlen(str_replace("*feedback_", "", ("*" . $postfname))) != strlen(("*" . $postfname))) { $tem = urldecode($_POST['to']); //file_put_contents("aaaaa.02aaa", $lworld . " " . $postfname); if (strlen(str_replace("." . $pngext . "*", "", ($postfname . "*"))) != strlen(($postfname . "*")) && strlen(str_replace("*" . $lworld . "_", "", ("*" . $postfname))) != strlen(("*" . $postfname))) { //file_put_contents("aaaaa.002aaa", $lworld . " " . $postfname); //file_put_contents("aaa.aaa", "aaa.aaa"); if ($mydurl != '') { $idata = base64_decode(explode("&from=",$mydurl)[0]); //file_put_contents(urldecode($postfname), explode("&from=",$mydurl)[0]); if (isset($_GET['showimage']) || isset($_POST['showimage'])) { if ($altmydurl != "") { $atendis=""; } else { $atendis="'; \">"; } } } else { $idata = base64_decode(explode("&from=",urldecode($_POST['mydurl']))[0]); //file_put_contents(urldecode($postfname), explode("&from=",($_POST['mydurl']))[0]); if (isset($_GET['showimage']) || isset($_POST['showimage'])) { if ($altmydurl != "") { $atendis=""; } else { $atendis="'; \">"; } } } // //file_put_contents($postfname, $idata); //file_put_contents(urldecode($postfname), $idata); //file_put_contents("aaa.aaa", ""); $mysubject = $postsubj; //file_put_contents("aaa.aaa", urldecode($mysubject)); $mybody = $postfname; //file_put_contents("aaa.aaa", $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); send_email($tem, urldecode($mysubject), urldecode($mybody)); } } else if ($gmode != '' && $ismobile == '' && (isset($_POST['mydurl']) || $mydurl != '') && isset($_POST['myfname'])) { //file_put_contents("aaa.aaa", "aa.aa"); //$tem = urldecode($_POST['to']); //file_put_contents("aaaaa.1aaa", $lworld . " " . $postfname); if (strlen(str_replace("." . $pngext . "*", "", ($postfname . "*"))) != strlen(($postfname . "*")) && strlen(str_replace("*" . $lworld . "_", "", ("*" . $postfname))) != strlen(("*" . $postfname))) { if ($altmydurl != '') { $idata = $altmydurl; //base64_decode(explode("&from=",$altmydurl)[0]); } else if ($mydurl != '') { $idata = base64_decode(explode("&from=",$mydurl)[0]); } else { $idata = base64_decode(explode("&from=",urldecode($_POST['mydurl']))[0]); } file_put_contents($postfname, $idata); } } else if ($ismobile != '' && (isset($_POST['mydurl']) || $mydurl != '') && isset($_POST['myfname']) && isset($_POST['to'])) { //file_put_contents("aaa.aaa", "aaa.aa"); $tem = urldecode($_POST['to']); //file_put_contents("aaaaa.02aaa", $lworld . " " . $postfname); if (strlen(str_replace("." . $pngext . "*", "", ($postfname . "*"))) != strlen(($postfname . "*")) && strlen(str_replace("*" . $lworld . "_", "", ("*" . $postfname))) != strlen(("*" . $postfname))) { //file_put_contents("aaaaa.002aaa", $lworld . " " . $postfname); //file_put_contents("aaa.aaa", "aaa.aaa"); if ($altmydurl != '') { $idata = $altmydurl; //base64_decode(explode("&from=",$altmydurl)[0]); } else if ($mydurl != '') { $idata = base64_decode(explode("&from=",$mydurl)[0]); } else { $idata = base64_decode(explode("&from=",urldecode($_POST['mydurl']))[0]); } //file_put_contents($postfname, $idata); //file_put_contents("aaa.aaa", ""); $mysubject = $postsubj; //file_put_contents("aaa.aaa", urldecode($mysubject)); $mybody = $postfname; //file_put_contents("aaa.aaa", $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); send_email($tem, urldecode($mysubject), urldecode($mybody)); if ($okay == 0) { echo " parent.document.getElementById('estatus').style.color='red'; parent.document.getElementById('estatus').innerHTML=' X '; "; } else { echo " parent.document.getElementById('estatus').style.color='green'; parent.document.getElementById('estatus').innerHTML=' ✓ '; "; } } } } } ?>