// wikiautocompletion.js // External Javascript to extend some HTML like wikiautocompletion.htm allowing for a dynamically created HTML div element "wikiautocompletion" (ie. dropdown + div contenteditable=true) // November, 2020 // Called via ... // // ... or dropdown populated example as per ... // var divautoc=''; var divarr=[], divarrl=[], divarru=[]; var lastdivo=null; var lastdivid=''; class Droptext { constructor(wikiautocompletion) { this.ele = document.createElement('div'); this.ele.id = ('' + wikiautocompletion).split(';')[0]; if (('' + wikiautocompletion).indexOf(';') != -1) { this.ele.setAttribute('data-dropinnards', encodeURIComponent(('' + wikiautocompletion).split(';')[1].replace('"); this.ele.setAttribute('contenteditable', true); this.ele.className = "wikiautocompletion"; this.ele.title = "Can use keyboard to add options to dropdowns of this ComboBox"; if (('' + wikiautocompletion).indexOf('') != -1) { this.ele.innerHTML = ('' + wikiautocompletion).split(';')[1].split('')[0].replace(''; // + ""; } else { this.ele.innerHTML = ('' + wikiautocompletion).split(';')[1].replace(''; // + ""; } } } present() { var teo=this.ele.outerHTML.replace('>"; // + ', it is a ' + this.dropinnards; } } function setsval(sid, slv) { var sels=document.getElementsByTagName('select'); for (var isls=0; isls') != -1 && divarr.length > 0) { if (atoih.split('')[1].trim() == '' && lastdivo.innerHTML.indexOf('ion id=') != -1) { lastdivo.innerHTML=lastdivo.innerHTML.replace(/\ion id\=/g, 'ion data-id='); lastdivo.setAttribute('data-dropinnards', encodeURIComponent(lastdivo.innerHTML)); atoih=ato.target.innerHTML; } } else if (atoih.trim() == '' && divarr.length > 0 && lastdivo.innerHTML.indexOf('ion id=') != -1) { lastdivo.innerHTML=lastdivo.innerHTML.replace(/\ion id\=/g, 'ion data-id='); lastdivo.setAttribute('data-dropinnards', encodeURIComponent(lastdivo.innerHTML)); atoih=ato.target.innerHTML; } if ((atoih + wasc) != '' && divarr.length > 0) { //document.getElementById('viapcontent').innerHTML != '') { var found=false, foundlist=''; for (var ij=0; ij') != -1) { if (!found && divarr[ij].toUpperCase().indexOf((atoih.split('')[1] + wasc).toUpperCase()) == 0) { found=true; foundlist=divarr[ij]; } else if (found && divarr[ij].toUpperCase().indexOf((atoih.split('')[1] + wasc).toUpperCase()) != 0) { foundlist=foundlist; } else if (found) { foundlist+='`' + divarr[ij]; } } else { if (!found && divarr[ij].toUpperCase().indexOf((atoih + wasc).toUpperCase()) == 0) { found=true; foundlist=''; } else if (found && divarr[ij].toUpperCase().indexOf((atoih + wasc).toUpperCase()) != 0) { foundlist=foundlist; } else if (found && foundlist.indexOf('') == -1) { foundlist+='`' + ''; } } } if (atoih.indexOf('') != -1) { //document.title=(' ' + wasc + ' Foundlist (via ' + atoih.split('')[1] + wasc + ')=' + foundlist); document.getElementById('viapcontent').innerHTML=foundlist.replace(/\`/g,'
'); if (document.getElementById('itable')) { if (1 == 6) { document.getElementById('itable').name='itable'; } document.getElementById('itable').value=btoa(document.getElementsByTagName('table')[0].outerHTML); } } else { //document.title=(' ' + wasc + ' Foundlist (via ' + atoih + wasc + ')=' + foundlist); document.getElementById('viapcontent').innerHTML=foundlist.replace(/\`/g,'
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'); if (document.getElementById('itable')) { if (1 == 6) { document.getElementById('itable').name='itable'; } document.getElementById('itable').value=btoa(document.getElementsByTagName('table')[0].outerHTML); } } else { //document.title+=(' ' + wasc + ' foundlist (via ' + atoih + wasc + ')=' + foundlist); document.getElementById('viapcontent').innerHTML=foundlist.replace(/\`/g,'
'); if (document.getElementById('itable')) { if (1 == 6) { document.getElementById('itable').name='itable'; } document.getElementById('itable').value=btoa(document.getElementsByTagName('table')[0].outerHTML); } } } return atoih; } function askaboutsort(iw, iwc) { var ioselo=null; var sels=[], isels=0; var curval=''; var ansis=''; var contarr=[], icont=0, incont=''; var ris='O'; sels=document.getElementsByTagName('select'); for (isels=0; isels'); contarr.sort(); ansis=prompt('Do you want to sort Ascending or Descending column or restore Original order ' + iwc + '? ... A or D or O', ''); } else { ris='A'; ioselo.setAttribute('data-content', encodeURIComponent(ioselo.innerHTML)); contarr=decodeURIComponent(ioselo.getAttribute('data-content')).split(''); contarr.sort(); ansis=prompt('Do you want to sort Ascending or Descending column ' + iwc + '? ... A or D', ''); } if (ansis == null) { ansis = ''; } if ((ansis + ' ').toUpperCase().substring(0,1) == 'A') { for (icont=0; icont'; } ioselo.innerHTML=incont; ioselo.value=curval; } else if ((ansis + ' ').toUpperCase().substring(0,1) == 'D') { for (icont=eval(-1 + contarr.length); icont>=0; icont--) { incont+=contarr[icont] + ''; } ioselo.innerHTML=incont; ioselo.value=curval; } else if ((ansis + ' ').toUpperCase().substring(0,1) == ris) { ioselo.innerHTML=decodeURIComponent(ioselo.getAttribute('data-content')); ioselo.value=curval; } } } function thprompts() { var wasih=''; var ths=document.getElementsByTagName('th'); for (var iths=0; iths' + wasih + ''; } } } function woit(sthis) { if (sthis.value.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(104) + String.fromCharCode(116) + String.fromCharCode(116) + String.fromCharCode(112)) == 0) { window.open(sthis.value,'_blank','top=100,left=100,width=600,height=600'); } if (sthis.outerHTML.indexOf(' data-content=') != -1) { if (decodeURIComponent(sthis.getAttribute('data-content')).replace(/\ value\=\"/g, ' value=').replace(/\ value\=\'/g, ' value=').indexOf(' value=' + sthis.value) == -1) { sthis.setAttribute('data-content', sthis.getAttribute('data-content') + encodeURIComponent('')) } } if (document.getElementById('inavigate')) { if (('' + document.getElementById('inavigate').name).replace('null','').replace('undefined','') != '') { document.getElementById('inavigate').value=sthis.value + '`' + ('' + sthis.name).replace('null','').replace('undefined',''); } } if (document.getElementById('itable')) { if (1 == 6) { document.getElementById('itable').name='itable'; } document.getElementById('itable').value=btoa(document.getElementsByTagName('table')[0].outerHTML); } } var ihs, selconts=[], selcont='', mywikiautocompletion=null, obody=null, ofound=false, jiip=0, iip=0, obs=[], ihsobs=[], iqw=0, ihsuff='', isokay=true, ioff=0, alle=[], ialle=0, sparebody=null; ihs = ""; if (document.title != document.title.trim()) { ihsobs = (" ").split('?ddlist='); } else { ihsobs = (document.head.innerHTML + document.body.innerHTML).replace(/\&ddlist\=/g,'?ddlist=').split('?ddlist='); } if (ihsobs.length > 2) { ioff = -1; ihs = decodeURIComponent((document.head.innerHTML + document.body.innerHTML).replace('&ddlist=','?ddlist=').split('?ddlist=')[1].split('&')[0].split('"')[0].split("'")[0]); // + ','; if (document.URL.indexOf('ddlist=' + encodeURIComponent(ihs)) == -1 && (document.head.innerHTML + document.body.innerHTML).indexOf('?just=one') == -1) { if (document.URL.indexOf('?') == -1) { if (ihs.indexOf('/wiki/') == -1) { location.href = document.URL.split('#')[0] + '?ddlist=' + encodeURIComponent(ihs); } ioff = -11; } else { if (ihs.indexOf('/wiki/') == -1) { location.href = document.URL.split('#')[0] + '&ddlist=' + encodeURIComponent(ihs); } ioff = -11; } } else { document.title+=' '; } } else if (ihsobs.length == 2) { ioff = -1; } for (iqw=1; iqw<=eval(ioff + eval('' + ihsobs.length)); iqw++) { ihs=""; isokay=true; var selxsuff=""; if (document.URL.indexOf('.php') != -1) { selxsuff=''; } selconts = location.search.split('ddlist=')[1] ? 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