// signature_signature.js // RJM Programming // May, 2017 // Help out signature_signature.html and others like it var topfirst=true,toplthere=false, topelem=null, topielem=null, topcontext=null, topwidth=0, topheight=0, topvswidth=0, topvsheight=0, topvswidthoff=0, topvsheightoff=0; var firstcall=true;savenow=0, lastsavenow=0, ppx=-1,ppy=-1,pmore='', isScribble=1; //0; var xua = navigator.userAgent; var isiPad = /iPad/i.test(xua) || /iPhone/i.test(xua) || /iPhone OS 3_1_2/i.test(xua) || /Andrxoid/i.test(xua) || /iPhone OS 3_2_2/i.test(xua); var isTouch = /touch/i.test(xua) || /Touch/i.test(xua); var sscoords = (location.search.split('sscoords=')[1] ? decodeURIComponent(location.search.split('sscoords=')[1].split('&')[0]) : ''); var ninehundred = (location.search.split('ninehundred=')[1] ? eval(decodeURIComponent(location.search.split('ninehundred=')[1].split('&')[0])) : 900); if (ninehundred > 900) sscoords=''; function ssj_setCookie(thisg) { // thanks to JavaScript and Ajax by Tom Negrino and Dori Smith var expireDate = new Date(); 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