= 'a' && substr($goes, $ii, 1) <= 'z') { $xgoes.="[a-z]"; } else if (substr($goes, $ii, 1) >= 'A' && substr($goes, $ii, 1) <= 'Z') { $xgoes.="[A-Z]"; } else if (substr($goes, $ii, 1) >= '0' && substr($goes, $ii, 1) <= '9') { $xgoes.="[0-9]"; } else { $xgoes.=substr($goes, $ii, 1); } } $extension=".xml"; if (isset($_GET['extension'])) { $extension=str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_GET['extension'])); } else if (isset($_POST['extension'])) { $extension=str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_POST['extension'])); } $doit=true; $couldhave=""; if (isset($_GET['preview'])) { $doit=false; $couldhave="could have "; } else if (isset($_POST['preview'])) { $doit=false; $couldhave="could have "; } if (isset($_GET['path'])) { $path=str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_GET['path'])); $htmlis="

Rename Report ...

Filename: act-1989-76-2017-07-01.xml ... replace act- with ACT~AUS~NSW~Y. and delete the date at the end -2017-07-01 ... this will vary with each file

"; foreach (glob($path . $prefix . "*" . $xgoes . $extension) as $xmlfil) { $predotxml=explode($extension, $xmlfil); $postdotxml=explode($prefix, substr($predotxml[0],0,(strlen($predotxml[0]) - strlen($goes)))); $renfile=$postdotxml[0] . $newprefix . $postdotxml[1] . $extension; $htmlis=str_replace("", "
File candidate called " . $xmlfil . " found that we " . $couldhave . "renamed to " . $renfile . "", $htmlis); if ($doit) { rename($xmlfil, $renfile); } } echo $htmlis; exit; } else if (isset($_POST['path'])) { $path=str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_POST['path'])); $htmlis="

Rename Report ...

Filename: act-1989-76-2017-07-01.xml ... replace act- with ACT~AUS~NSW~Y. and delete the date at the end -2017-07-01 ... this will vary with each file

"; foreach (glob($path . $prefix . "*" . $xgoes . $extension) as $xmlfil) { $predotxml=explode($extension, $xmlfil); $postdotxml=explode($prefix, substr($predotxml[0],0,(strlen($predotxml[0]) - strlen($goes)))); $renfile=$postdotxml[0] . $newprefix . $postdotxml[1] . $extension; $htmlis=str_replace("", "
File candidate called " . $xmlfil . " found that we " . $couldhave . "renamed to " . $renfile . "", $htmlis); if ($doit) { rename($xmlfil, $renfile); } } echo $htmlis; exit; } else { if (!isset($_GET['nothing'])) { $htmlis="

Rename Run ...

Filename: act-1989-76-2017-07-01.xml ... replace act- with ACT~AUS~NSW~Y. and delete the date at the end -2017-07-01 ... this will vary with each file

PathPrefix ... to ...
New Prefix
(in terms of
its length)
Preview Only?

... to ...

Preview Only?

"; echo $htmlis; exit; } else { exit; } } ?>