// prompt.js // RJM Programming // March, 2016 // Override prompt window function along with input type=button method of asking regarding DotDotDot web applications var preinput = " "; var ourone = " "; var ourtwo = " "; var ourthree = " "; var ourccnt = 0; var within=false; var topq='', topd=''; var wino = null; var co = ''; function oldsleep(n) { // thanks to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/951021/what-do-i-do-if-i-want-a-javascript-version-of-sleep var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.open('GET', '/prompt.php?n=' + n, false); // `false` makes the request synchronous request.send(null); } function sleep(seconds) { // thanks to http://phpjs.org/functions/time_sleep_until/ var milliseconds=eval(1000 * seconds); var start = new Date().getTime(); for (var i = 0; i < 1e7; i++) { if ((new Date().getTime() - start) > milliseconds){ break; } } } function preprompt() { //document.title=document.getElementById('promptiframe').src; preinput=document.getElementById('promptinput').value; if (preinput == " ") setTimeout(preprompt, 1000); } function xpreprompt() { //document.title=document.getElementById('promptiframe').src; preinput=document.getElementById('promptinput').value; setTimeout(xpreprompt, 1000); } function tryagain() { } function nextprompt(q,d) { var retval=' '; topq=q; topd=d; ourprompt(q,d); if (preinput == " ") { if (preinput == " ") { document.getElementById('promptinput').focus(); } while (within && retval == ' ') { retval=ourprompt(q,d); } } return retval; } function fixparent(tvis) { preinput = tvis; } function jprompt(q,d) { var retscr=" function fixparent(tvis) { } "; retscr+=" $(document).ready(function() { "; retscr+=' $("#myeg").dialog({ '; retscr+=" modal: true, "; retscr+=" resizable: false, "; retscr+=" overlay: { "; retscr+=" opacity: 0.4, "; retscr+=' background: "black" '; retscr+=" }, "; retscr+=" buttons: { "; retscr+=' "Cancel": function() { '; retscr+=' $(this).dialog("close"); '; retscr+=" }, "; retscr+=' "OK": function() { '; retscr+=' $(this).dialog("close"); '; retscr+=" } "; retscr+=" } "; retscr+=" }); "; retscr+=" }); "; retscr+=""; if (wino) wino.close(); //alert("" + '' + "" + "

" + retscr + ""); //wino = window.open("","wino","fullscreen=no, toolbar=no, menubar=no,status=no,location=no,width=635,height=630,resizable=1"); //var doc = wino.document; //doc.write("" + retscr + '' + "

Modal Dialog

" + "

" + ""); //doc.write("


"); //retscr+="

"; //alert(retscr); return ""; } function cthen() { document.getElementById('promptiframe').src=co; //prompt(topq,topd); } function zthen() { prompt(topq,topd); } function prompt(q,d) { var sof; //=document.getElementById('promptiframe').src; var sofs; //=sof.split('?'); var bealert = -2, bef='', aft=''; var pmyeg=document.getElementById('myeg'); var pdivs=document.getElementsByTagName('h1'); var pdiv=document.getElementById('promptdiv'); var piframe=document.getElementById('promptiframe'); var hint=document.getElementById('hint'); var pinput; //=document.getElementById('promptinput'); var pinputval=" "; //pinput.value; var ct=-1; topp2: do { if (!within) { topq=q; topd=d; if (hint != null) { if (hint.title) bef = hint.title; if (hint.alt) aft = hint.alt; } if (pmyeg != null || document.getElementById('abutton')) { document.getElementById('myeg').title=q; $('#myeg').dialog('option', 'title', q); document.getElementById('myin').value=d; within=true; setTimeout(xpreprompt, 1000); document.getElementById('abutton').click(); if (bef != '') { //alert(630); eval("bealert=" + bef + "('" + q + "','" + d + "')"); //alert(bealert); } else { bealert = q.indexOf('Enter third of your '); } } else if (pdiv == null) { if (pdivs.length == 0) { pdivs=document.getElementsByTagName('div'); } if (pdivs.length == 0) { document.body.innerHTML+='
' + jprompt(q,d) + '
'; //alert("pdivs[0].innerHTML"); } else { pdivs[0].innerHTML+='
' + jprompt(q,d) + '' + "
"; //alert(pdivs[0].innerHTML); } sof=document.getElementById('promptiframe').src; sofs=sof.split('?'); //alert(sofs[0].replace("/zz.", "/prompt.") + '?q=' + encodeURIComponent(q) + '&d=' + encodeURIComponent(d)); //document.getElementById('promptiframe').src=sofs[0].replace("/zz.", "/prompt.") + '?q=' + encodeURIComponent(q) + '&d=' + encodeURIComponent(d); co=sofs[0].replace("/zz.", "/prompt.") + '?q=' + encodeURIComponent(q) + '&d=' + encodeURIComponent(d); setTimeout(preprompt, 1000); within=true; document.getElementById('promptiframe').src=co; //setTimeout(cthen,100); if (bef != '') { //alert(630); eval("bealert=" + bef + "('" + q + "','" + d + "')"); //alert(bealert); } else { bealert = q.indexOf('Enter third of your '); } //break topp; } else if (piframe == null) { pdiv.innerHTML=jprompt(q,d) + ''; sof=document.getElementById('promptiframe').src; sofs=sof.split('?'); document.getElementById('promptiframe').src=sofs[0].replace("/zz.", "/prompt.") + '?q=' + encodeURIComponent(q) + '&d=' + encodeURIComponent(d); co=sofs[0].replace("/zz.", "/prompt.") + '?q=' + encodeURIComponent(q) + '&d=' + encodeURIComponent(d); setTimeout(preprompt, 1000); within=true; document.getElementById('promptiframe').src=co; //setTimeout(cthen,100); if (bef != '') { //alert(630); eval("bealert=" + bef + "('" + q + "','" + d + "')"); //alert(bealert); } else { bealert = q.indexOf('Enter third of your '); } //break topp; } else { document.getElementById('promptdiv').style.display='block'; sof=document.getElementById('promptiframe').src; sofs=sof.split('?'); //alert(sofs[0] + '?q=' + encodeURIComponent(q) + '&d=' + encodeURIComponent(d)); //document.getElementById('promptiframe').src=sofs[0].replace("/zz.", "/prompt.") + '?q=' + encodeURIComponent(q) + '&d=' + encodeURIComponent(d); co=sofs[0].replace("/zz.", "/prompt.") + '?q=' + encodeURIComponent(q) + '&d=' + encodeURIComponent(d); if (sof[0].indexOf('?q=') == -1) { setTimeout(preprompt, 1000); } within=true; document.getElementById('promptiframe').src=co; //setTimeout(cthen,100); if (bef != '') { //alert(630); eval("bealert=" + bef + "('" + q + "','" + d + "')"); //alert(bealert); } else { bealert = q.indexOf('Enter third of your '); } //break topp; } //setTimeout(cthen,100); //return ' '; // Place for business logic regarding scrutiny of prompt question and/or default //alert(bef); //if (bef != '') { //alert(630); //eval("bealert=" + bef + "('" + q + "','" + d + "')"); //alert(bealert); //} else { //bealert = q.indexOf('Enter third of your '); //} } // End of place for business logic regarding scrutiny of prompt question and/or default pinput=document.getElementById('promptinput'); pinputval=pinput.value; //document.title=document.getElementById('promptiframe').src; //alert(document.getElementById('promptiframe').src); //window.open(document.getElementById('promptiframe').src,'_blank'); //,'top=50,left=50,width=50,height=50'); ct++; //while (pinputval == " ") { if (pinputval == " ") { within=true; preinput=pinput.value; pinputval = preinput; //oldsleep(5); //ct+=9; //document.title+=""; if (pinputval == " ") { sleep(10); //alert(87); //setTimeout(zthen, 1000); //alert(61 + ' ' + ct); if (ct == 0) { continue topp2; } else { ct=-1; break topp2; } } else { within=false; } } //alert(63); document.getElementById('promptinput').value=' '; // Place for business logic regarding scrutiny of prompt answer if (preinput != " ") { if (aft != '') { //alert(aft + "('" + ourone + "','" + ourtwo + "','" + ourthree + "')"); eval(aft + "('" + ourone + "','" + ourtwo + "','" + ourthree + "')"); } else { if (eval(bealert) > -1) { ourthree=pinputval; if (document.getElementById('modesel').value != '') { var was=document.getElementById('altview').innerHTML; var inps=document.getElementsByTagName('input'); ourccnt=inps.length; document.getElementById('altview').innerHTML="" + was + ""; ourccnt++; ourccnt++; } } else if (ourone == ' ') { ourone=pinputval; //alert(')' + ourone + ')'); } else { ourtwo=pinputval; } } } // End of place for business logic regarding scrutiny of prompt answer if (preinput == " ") break topp2; //alert(670 + preinput + "xx"); } while (preinput == ' ') if (preinput != " ") { within=false; pinputval = preinput; preinput = " "; return pinputval; //pinputval; } else if (preinput == '') { within=false; preinput = " "; } return ''; }