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} "; } } else { if (ifstr.indexOf('if ') == -1) { ifstr+=" if (eval(propx) <= eval(" + eval(1 + lh) + ".0 / " + maxlh + ") && eval(propy) <= eval(" + eval(1 + kh) + ".0 / " + ccnums.length + ")) { gval=' '; } "; } else { ifstr+=" else if (eval(propx) <= eval(" + eval(1 + lh) + ".0 / " + maxlh + ") && eval(propy) <= eval(" + eval(1 + kh) + ".0 / " + ccnums.length + ")) { gval=' '; } "; } } lh++; } } ih+="
"; kh++; lh=0; } } if (maxlh == 0) { maxlh=lh; } //alert(ifstrone); document.getElementById('ix').style.marginLeft='1px'; document.getElementById('ix').style.marginRight='3px'; if (/chrome/i.test( navigator.userAgent )) { document.getElementById('ix').style.width='' + Math.round(eval(0 + cnumx.length) * 8.0) + 'px'; document.getElementById('ixandy').style.width='' + Math.round(eval(0 + maxlh) * 7.5) + 'px'; } else { document.getElementById('ix').style.width='' + Math.round(eval(0 + cnumx.length) * 6.75) + 'px'; document.getElementById('ixandy').style.width='' + Math.round(eval(0 + maxlh) * 7.5) + 'px'; // 8.0 } document.getElementById('ixandy').style.height='' + Math.floor(eval(eval('' + ccnums.length) * 14) + 4) + 'px'; document.getElementById('bxandy').innerHTML=ih.replace(/\>\ \<\/span\>/g, '> '); document.getElementById('bx').innerHTML=ih.replace(/\/g,'').replace(/bxandy/g,'bx'); document.getElementById('ix').title='Please click a character or double click to define onclick logic.'; document.getElementById('ixandy').title='Please click a character or double click to define onclick logic.'; document.getElementById('n1').innerHTML='character'; document.getElementById('n2').innerHTML='character'; } else { document.getElementById('ix').style.marginLeft='1px'; document.getElementById('ix').style.marginRight='3px'; if (/chrome/i.test( navigator.userAgent )) { document.getElementById('ix').style.width='' + Math.round(eval(0 + cnumx.length) * 8.0) + 'px'; document.getElementById('ixandy').style.width='' + Math.round(eval(0 + 6) * 7.5) + 'px'; } else { document.getElementById('ix').style.width='' + Math.round(eval(0 + cnumx.length) * 6.75) + 'px'; document.getElementById('ixandy').style.width='' + Math.round(eval(0 + 6) * 7.5) + 'px'; // 8.0 } document.getElementById('ixandy').style.height='' + Math.floor(eval(eval('' + '3') * 14) + 4) + 'px'; } if (cmediacontent.indexOf('divbxandy">') != -1) { document.getElementById('bxandy').innerHTML+='
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Multipurpose Buttons for

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