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"\"" . $eol . $eol; $headers .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit" . $eol; $headers .= "This is a MIME encoded message." . $eol . $eol; // message $headers .= "--" . $separator . $eol; $headers .= "Content-Type: text/" . $plain . "; charset=\"iso-8859-1\"" . $eol; $headers .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit" . $eol . $eol; if ($icno != 0) { $headers .= $defone . $eol . $eol; } else { $headers .= "Please see attached " . $ftype . " file below:" . $eol . $eol; } //ourpremail($tem, $mysubject, "", $headers . "--" . $separator . "--"); // attachment $headers .= "--" . $separator . $eol; $headers .= "Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=\"" . $filename . "\"" . $eol; $headers .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" . $eol; $headers .= "Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=\"" . $filename . 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" . $merr->getMessage()); } } } $find_media = array('.wav', '.m4a', '.m4v', '.mp4', '.mp3', '.mp2', '.bmp', '.tif', '.png', '.jpeg', 'jpg', '.gif', '.ogg', '.mov', '.flv'); $cont = ""; $delim = ""; $ilist=""; if (isset($_GET['url'])) $ilist=$_GET['url']; if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], "") === false) { echo ''; } else if ($ilist == "insectlist.html") { echo file_get_contents('/home/rjmprogr/insectlist.html'); } else if ($ilist == "amphibianlist.php") { echo file_get_contents('/home/rjmprogr/amphibianlist.php'); } else if (isset($_POST['to']) && isset($_POST['urlbig']) && isset($_POST['subject'])) { $mybody=urldecode($_POST['urlbig']); $mysubject=urldecode($_POST['subject']); $myflist=""; if (isset($_POST['url'])) { $f = strpos($_POST['url'], '%'); if ($f === false) { if ($_POST['url'] != "") { $cont=@file_get_contents(str_replace("https:","http:",($_POST['url']))); } else if (strpos($mybody, " 1) { for ($ii=1; $ii function aemail(ame) { = ame.href; } "; } else { if ($mybody == "Emoji Slideshow is as attached below.") $myflist = " "; //if ($mybody == "Emoji Slideshow is as attached below.") echo " function aemail(ame) { = ame.href; } "; ourpremail(urldecode($_POST['to']), $mysubject, $mybody, getheaders($cont, $myflist)); } } else if (isset($_GET['to']) && isset($_GET['urlbig']) && isset($_GET['subject'])) { $mybody=urldecode($_GET['urlbig']); $mysubject=urldecode($_GET['subject']); $myflist=""; if (isset($_GET['url'])) { $f = strpos($_GET['url'], '%'); if ($f === false) { if ($_GET['url'] != "") $cont=@file_get_contents(str_replace("https:","http:",($_GET['url']))); $myflist=($_GET['url']); if ($_GET['url'] != "") $delim = ";"; } else { if ($_GET['url'] != "") $cont=@file_get_contents(str_replace("https:","http:",urldecode($_GET['url']))); if ($_GET['url'] != "") $delim = ";"; $myflist=urldecode($_GET['url']); } } $myfiles=explode(";", $mybody); if (sizeof($myfiles) > 1) { for ($ii=1; $ii function aemail(ame) { = ame.href; } "; } else { if ($mybody == "Emoji Slideshow is as attached below.") $myflist = " "; //if ($mybody == "Emoji Slideshow is as attached below.") echo " function aemail(ame) { = ame.href; } "; ourpremail(urldecode($_GET['to']), $mysubject, $mybody, getheaders($cont, $myflist)); } } else if (isset($_GET['url'])) { $f = strpos($_GET['url'], '%'); if ($f === false) { if ((isset($_GET['to']) || strpos($_GET['url'], 'file:') === 0) && strpos($_GET['url'], '.wav') !== false) { $cont=file_get_contents(str_replace("https:","http:",$_GET['url'])); if (isset($_GET['to']) && isset($_GET['urlbig']) && isset($_GET['subject'])) { $mybody=urldecode($_GET['urlbig']); $mysubject=urldecode($_GET['subject']); $myflist=$_GET['url']; $myfiles=explode(";", $mybody); if (sizeof($myfiles) > 1) { for ($ii=1; $ii function aemail(ame) { = ame.href; } "; } else { ourpremail(urldecode($_GET['to']), $mysubject, $mybody, getheaders($cont, $myflist)); } } else { header('Cache-Control: max-age=604800'); header('Content-type: audio/x-wav'); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($_GET['url'])); echo $cont; } } else { echo file_get_contents(str_replace("https:","http:",$_GET['url'])); } } else if ($f < 7) { if ((isset($_GET['to']) || strpos($_GET['url'], 'file:') === 0) && strpos(urldecode($_GET['url']), '.wav') !== false) { $cont=file_get_contents(str_replace("https:","http:",urldecode($_GET['url']))); if (isset($_GET['to']) && isset($_GET['urlbig']) && isset($_GET['subject'])) { $mybody=urldecode($_GET['urlbig']); $mysubject=urldecode($_GET['subject']); $myflist=urldecode($_GET['url']); $myfiles=explode(";", $mybody); if (sizeof($myfiles) > 1) { for ($ii=1; $ii function aemail(ame) { = ame.href; } "; } else { ourpremail(urldecode($_GET['to']), $mysubject, $mybody, getheaders($cont, $myflist)); } } else { header('Cache-Control: max-age=604800'); header('Content-type: audio/x-wav'); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); header('Content-Length: ' . filesize(urldecode($_GET['url']))); echo $cont; } } else { echo file_get_contents(urldecode(str_replace("https:","http:",$_GET['url']))); } } else { if ((isset($_GET['to']) || strpos($_GET['url'], 'file:') === 0) && strpos($_GET['url'], '.wav') !== false) { $cont=file_get_contents(str_replace("https:","http:",$_GET['url'])); if (isset($_GET['to']) && isset($_GET['urlbig']) && isset($_GET['subject'])) { $mybody=urldecode($_GET['urlbig']); $mysubject=urldecode($_GET['subject']); $myflist=$_GET['url']; $myfiles=explode(";", $mybody); if (sizeof($myfiles) > 1) { for ($ii=1; $ii function aemail(ame) { = ame.href; } "; } else { ourpremail(urldecode($_GET['to']), $mysubject, $mybody, getheaders($cont, $myflist)); } } else { header('Cache-Control: max-age=604800'); header('Content-type: audio/x-wav'); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($_GET['url'])); echo $cont; } } else { echo file_get_contents(str_replace("https:","http:",$_GET['url'])); } } } else { echo ""; } ?>