0) { $fgapp=$_GET['filterstuff']; } } if (isset($_POST['filterstuff'])) { if (strlen(trim(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['filterstuff'])))) > 0) { $fgapp=$_POST['filterstuff']; } } if (isset($_GET['score']) && isset($_GET['secs'])) { $scorebit="Score " . explode('.',$_GET['score'])[0] . '/' . $_GET['secs']; $recallit.='?score=' . explode('.',$_GET['score'])[0] . '/' . $_GET['secs']; if (isset($_GET['topic'])) { if (strlen(trim(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['topic'])))) > 0) { $prescore='topic=' . $_GET['topic'] . '&'; $recallit='./inhouse_blog_game.php?topic=' . $_GET['topic'] . '&score=' . explode('.',$_GET['score'])[0] . '/' . $_GET['secs']; $fhapp=$_GET['topic']; $topapp=' ' . trim(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['topic']))); } } } else if (isset($_POST['score']) && isset($_POST['secs'])) { $scorebit="Score " . explode('.',$_POST['score'])[0] . '/' . $_POST['secs']; $recallit.='?score=' . explode('.',$_POST['score'])[0] . '/' . $_POST['secs']; if (isset($_POST['topic'])) { if (strlen(trim(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['topic'])))) > 0) { $prescore='topic=' . $_POST['topic'] . '&'; $recallit='./inhouse_blog_game.php?topic=' . $_POST['topic'] . '&score=' . explode('.',$_POST['score'])[0] . '/' . $_POST['secs']; $fhapp=$_POST['topic']; $topapp=' ' . trim(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['topic']))); } } } else { if (isset($_GET['topic'])) { if (strlen(trim(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['topic'])))) > 0) { $prescore='topic=' . $_GET['topic'] . '&'; $recallit.='?topic=' . $_GET['topic']; $fhapp=$_GET['topic']; $topapp=' ' . trim(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['topic']))); } } else if (isset($_POST['topic'])) { if (strlen(trim(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['topic'])))) > 0) { $prescore='topic=' . $_POST['topic'] . '&'; $recallit.='?topic=' . $_POST['topic']; $fhapp=$_POST['topic']; $topapp=' ' . trim(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['topic']))); } } } if ($fgapp != '') { $prescore.='filterstuff=' . $fgapp . '&'; if (strpos($recallit, '?') === false) { $recallit.='?filterstuff=' . $fgapp; } else { $recallit.='&filterstuff=' . $fgapp; } $topapp.=' ' . trim(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($fgapp))); } if ($recallit == './inhouse_blog_game.php' && !isset($_GET['reload'])) { echo "Experimental Drag and Drop - RJM Programming- July, 2023 ... thanks to https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/DataTransfer/setData"; exit; } function toyyyymmdd($indateis) { $dps=explode(' ', $indateis); $dpsp=explode('+', $indateis); if (sizeof($dps) == 3) { return '' . $dps[2] . str_replace('January','01',str_replace('February','02',str_replace('March','03',str_replace('April','04',str_replace('May','05',str_replace('June','06',str_replace('July','07',str_replace('August','08',str_replace('September','09',str_replace('October','10',str_replace('November','11',str_replace('December','12',$dps[1])))))))))))) . substr(('0' . $dps[0]), -2, 2); } else if (sizeof($dpsp) == 3) { return '' . $dpsp[2] . str_replace('January','01',str_replace('February','02',str_replace('March','03',str_replace('April','04',str_replace('May','05',str_replace('June','06',str_replace('July','07',str_replace('August','08',str_replace('September','09',str_replace('October','10',str_replace('November','11',str_replace('December','12',$dpsp[1])))))))))))) . substr(('0' . $dpsp[0]), -2, 2); } return urlencode($indateis); } $typedescstuff="1 ONE 1#//www.rjmprogramming.com.au/ITblog/600" . $fhapp . "/400" . $fgapp . "/?random=" . $ourrand . "1437195 2 TWO 2#//www.rjmprogramming.com.au/ITblog/600" . $fhapp . "/400" . $fgapp . "/?random=" . $ourrand . "2437195 3 THREE 3#//www.rjmprogramming.com.au/ITblog/600" . $fhapp . "/400" . $fgapp . "/?random=" . $ourrand . "3437195 4 FOUR 4#//www.rjmprogramming.com.au/ITblog/600" . $fhapp . "/400" . $fgapp . "/?random=" . $ourrand . "4437195 5 FIVE 5#//www.rjmprogramming.com.au/ITblog/600" . $fhapp . "/400" . $fgapp . "/?random=" . $ourrand . "5437195 6 SIX 6#//www.rjmprogramming.com.au/ITblog/600" . $fhapp . "/400" . $fgapp . "/?random=" . $ourrand . "6437195 7 SEVEN 7#//www.rjmprogramming.com.au/ITblog/600" . $fhapp . "/400" . $fgapp . "/?random=" . $ourrand . "7437195 8 EIGHT 8#//www.rjmprogramming.com.au/ITblog/600" . $fhapp . "/400" . $fgapp . "/?random=" . $ourrand . "8437195 9 NINE 9#//www.rjmprogramming.com.au/ITblog/600" . $fhapp . "/400" . $fgapp . "/?random=" . $ourrand . "9437195"; $thisis=file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'inhouse_blog_game.php'); $lastotherde=''; $categorizations=[]; $wikistuffs=explode("\n", $typedescstuff); $wikidesignations=[]; $wikidescriptions=[]; $crandlist=''; $randlist=[]; $thisde=''; $otherde=''; for ($i=0; $i' . $i . '<', '>##' . $rrandlist[-1 + $i] . '<', $templategame); } } $templategame=str_replace('>##', '>', $templategame); $templategame=str_replace('', '', $templategame); $templategame=str_replace('>Game<', '>Inhouse Bl' . 'og' . $topapp . ' Game ... drag to matching correct answer to score<', $templategame); $templategame=str_replace('>', '>' . $scorebit . '', $templategame); $thepsource=explode('f0;">', explode("

", $templategame)[0])[-1 + sizeof(explode('f0;">', explode("

", $templategame)[0]))]; $templategame=str_replace(' July, 2023<', ' September, 2023<', $templategame); $templategame=str_replace('>Reset example<', ' style="display:none;">Reset example<', $templategame); $templategame=str_replace('RJM Programming - ', 'RJM Programming + ', $templategame); $templategame=str_replace('RJM Programming - ', 'RJM Programming + ', $templategame); $templategame=str_replace('RJM Programming - ', 'RJM Programming + ', $templategame); //echo $crandlist . "\n" . $thepsource . "\n" . $correctans . "\n"; //exit; //echo $crandlist . "\n"; //echo "" . $randlist[$correctans] . "\n" . $wikidescriptions[$randlist[$correctans]] . "\n" . $wikidesignations[$randlist[$correctans]]; //exit; //file_put_contents('x.x', '' . $randmode . "\n" . $crandlist . "\n" . $thepsource . "\n" . $correctans . "\n" . $crandlist . "\n" . $randlist[$correctans] . "\n" . $wikidescriptions[$randlist[$correctans]] . "\n" . $wikidesignations[$randlist[$correctans]]); $precall=''; $subwhat=""; if ($randmode == 0) { // designation up top and descriptions in drop zone $ordns=['ZERO','ONE','TWO','THREE','FOUR','FIVE','SIX','SEVEN','EIGHT','NINE']; $jkh=0; while (strpos($badlist, ',' . explode(' ... ', $wikidescriptions[$grandlist[$correctans]])[0] . ',') !== false) { $jkh++; $correctans=rand(0,8); if ($jkh > 20) { header('Location: ' . $recallit); exit; } } $subwhat=$categorizations[$correctans]; $precall=file_get_contents('http:' . str_replace('http:','',explode('#', $wikidesignations[$correctans])[1])); $templategame=str_replace('>' . (1 + $correctans) . '<', ' data-answer="' . explode(' ... ', $categorizations[$grandlist[$correctans]])[0] . '">' . explode('#',$wikidesignations[$correctans])[0] . '<', $templategame); //$templategame=str_replace('>' . (1 + $correctans) . '<', ' data-answer="' . explode(' ... ', $wikidescriptions[$randlist[$correctans]])[0] . '">' . $categorizations[$correctans] . '<', $templategame); if (strpos($wikidesignations[$grandlist[$correctans]], '#') !== false) { $templategame=str_replace(' style="background-color:#f0f0f0;"', ' ', $templategame); //$templategame=str_replace('>' . $thepsource . '<', ' data-answer="' . explode(' ... ', $wikidescriptions[$grandlist[$correctans]])[0] . '" style="background-color:#f0f0f0;background:URL(' . str_replace('http:','',explode('#', $wikidesignations[$grandlist[$correctans]])[1]) . '); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: contain;background-position: center right;border:5px dashed pink;" alt="f0;"> 
' . explode('#', $wikidesignations[$grandlist[$correctans]])[0] . '
 <', $templategame); $templategame=str_replace('>' . $thepsource . '<', ' data-answer="' . explode(' ... ', $wikidescriptions[$grandlist[$correctans]])[0] . '" style="background-color:#f0f0f0;background:URL(' . str_replace('http:','',explode('#', $wikidesignations[$grandlist[$correctans]])[1]) . '); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: contain;background-position: center right;border:5px dashed pink;" alt="f0;"> 
' . '
 <', $templategame); } else { $templategame=str_replace('>' . $thepsource . '<', ' data-answer="' . explode(' ... ', $wikidescriptions[$grandlist[$correctans]])[0] . '">' . explode('#', $wikidesignations[$grandlist[$correctans]])[0] . '<', $templategame); } for ($i=1; $i<=9; $i++) { if ((-1 + $i) != $correctans) { //$templategame=str_replace('>' . $i . '' . $categorizations[-1 + $i] . '' . $i . '' . explode('#',$wikidesignations[-1 + $i])[0] . '' . explode("\n", explode($lookforis, $cont)[0])[-1 + sizeof(explode("\n", explode($lookforis, $cont)[0]))] . '

'; $templategame=str_replace('>

', $tois, $templategame); if (1 == 1) { for ($iw=1; $iw<=9; $iw++) { $lookforis='?random=' . $ourrand . $iw; $parts=explode('>' . $iw . '', $templategame); if (sizeof($parts) >= 2) { $dtois=''; $xtois=explode("\n", explode($lookforis, $cont)[0])[-1 + sizeof(explode("\n", explode($lookforis, $cont)[0]))]; $tois=explode(' (', explode("\n", explode($lookforis, $cont)[0])[-1 + sizeof(explode("\n", explode($lookforis, $cont)[0]))])[0]; if (strpos(explode("\n", explode($lookforis, $cont)[0])[-1 + sizeof(explode("\n", explode($lookforis, $cont)[0]))], ' (') !== false) { $dtois=explode(')', explode(' (', explode("\n", explode($lookforis, $cont)[0])[-1 + sizeof(explode("\n", explode($lookforis, $cont)[0]))])[1])[0]; $templategame=str_replace('?random=' . $ourrand . $iw . '437195', '?mustbedated=' . toyyyymmdd($dtois), $templategame); $parts=explode('>' . $iw . '', $templategame); } $templategame=str_replace($parts[0], $parts[0] . ' data-blogtitle="' . $tois . '"' . ' data-blogdate="' . $dtois . '" title="Double click for hint" ondblclick="window.open(' . "'//www.rjmprogramming.com.au/slideshow.html?title=' + encodeURIComponent(this.getAttribute('data-blogtitle')),'_blank','top=50,left=50,width=800,height=800'" . ');" oncontextmenu="window.open(' . "'//www.rjmprogramming.com.au/ITblog/' + thefauxencodeURIComponent(this.getAttribute('data-blogtitle')),'_blank','top=60,left=60,width=800,height=800'" . ');"', $templategame); $templategame=str_replace('>' . $iw . '', '>' . $xtois . '', $templategame); $templategame=str_replace(' data-answer="' . $ordns[$iw] . '"', ' data-answer="' . $xtois . '"', $templategame); } } } } //} else { // file_put_contents('x.x', $lookforis . ' ... ' . $cont); // exit; } $templategame=str_replace(' contenteditable=', ' data-contenteditable=', $templategame); echo $templategame; } else { // description up top and designations in drop zone while (strpos($badlist, ',' . explode(' ... ', $wikidescriptions[$randlist[$correctans]])[0] . ',') !== false) { $jkh++; $correctans=rand(0,8); if ($jkh > 20) { header('Location: ' . $recallit); exit; } } if (strpos($wikidesignations[$grandlist[$correctans]], '#') !== false) { $templategame=str_replace(' style="background-color:#f0f0f0;"', ' ', $templategame); //$precall=file_get_contents('http' . str_replace('http:','',explode('#', $wikidesignations[$grandlist[$correctans]])[1])); $templategame=str_replace('>' . (1 + $correctans) . '<', ' data-answer="' . explode('#', $wikidesignations[$grandlist[$correctans]])[0] . '" style="background-color:#f0f0f0;background:URL(' . str_replace('http:','',explode('#', $wikidesignations[$grandlist[$correctans]])[1]) . '); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: contain;background-position: center right;" alt="f0;">' . explode('#', $wikidesignations[$grandlist[$correctans]])[0] . '<', $templategame); } else { //$precall=file_get_contents('http' . str_replace('http:','',explode('#', $wikidesignations[$grandlist[$correctans]])[1])); $templategame=str_replace('>' . (1 + $correctans) . '<', ' data-answer="' . explode('#', $wikidesignations[$grandlist[$correctans]])[0] . '">' . explode('#', $wikidesignations[$grandlist[$correctans]])[0] . '<', $templategame); } if (strpos($wikidesignations[$grandlist[$correctans]], '#') !== false && 1 == 7) { $precall=file_get_contents('http:' . str_replace('http:','',explode('#', $wikidesignations[$grandlist[$correctans]])[1])); $templategame=str_replace('>' . $thepsource . '<', ' data-answer="' . explode('#',$wikidesignations[$grandlist[$correctans]])[0] . '" style="background:URL(' . str_replace('http:','',explode('#', $wikidesignations[$grandlist[$correctans]])[1]) . '); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: contain;background-position: center right;border:5px dashed pink;" alt="f0;"> 
' . $wikidescriptions[$grandlist[$correctans]] . '
 <', $templategame); } else { $templategame=str_replace(' style="border:5px dashed pink;background-color:#f0f0f0;"', ' ', $templategame); $subwhat=$wikidescriptions[$grandlist[$correctans]]; $precall=file_get_contents('http:' . str_replace('http:','',explode('#', $wikidesignations[$grandlist[$correctans]])[1])); $templategame=str_replace('>' . $thepsource . '<', ' style="border:5px dashed pink;background-color:#f0f0f0;" data-answer="' . explode('#', $wikidesignations[$grandlist[$correctans]])[0] . '"><', $templategame); //$templategame=str_replace('>' . $thepsource . '<', ' style="border:5px dashed pink;background-color:#f0f0f0;" data-answer="' . explode('#', $wikidesignations[$randlist[$correctans]])[0] . '">' . $wikidescriptions[$randlist[$correctans]] . '<', $templategame); } for ($i=1; $i<=9; $i++) { if ((-1 + $i) != $correctans) { if (strpos($wikidesignations[$grandlist[-1 + $i]], '#') !== false) { $precall=file_get_contents('http:' . str_replace('http:','',explode('#', $wikidesignations[$grandlist[-1 + $i]])[1])); $templategame=str_replace('>' . $i . '' . explode('#', $wikidesignations[$grandlist[-1 + $i]])[0] . '' . $i . '' . explode('#', $wikidesignations[$grandlist[-1 + $i]])[0] . '' . explode("\n", explode($lookforis, $cont)[0])[-1 + sizeof(explode("\n", explode($lookforis, $cont)[0]))] . '

'; $templategame=str_replace('>

', $tois, $templategame); if (1 == 1) { for ($iw=1; $iw<=9; $iw++) { $lookforis='?random=' . $ourrand . $iw; $parts=explode('>' . $iw . '', $templategame); if (sizeof($parts) >= 2) { $dtois=''; $tois=explode(' (', explode("\n", explode($lookforis, $cont)[0])[-1 + sizeof(explode("\n", explode($lookforis, $cont)[0]))])[0]; if (strpos(explode("\n", explode($lookforis, $cont)[0])[-1 + sizeof(explode("\n", explode($lookforis, $cont)[0]))], ' (') !== false) { $dtois=explode(')', explode(' (', explode("\n", explode($lookforis, $cont)[0])[-1 + sizeof(explode("\n", explode($lookforis, $cont)[0]))])[1])[0]; $templategame=str_replace('?random=' . $ourrand . $iw . '437195', '?mustbedated=' . toyyyymmdd($dtois), $templategame); $parts=explode('>' . $iw . '', $templategame); } $templategame=str_replace($parts[0], $parts[0] . ' data-blogtitle="' . $tois . '"' . ' data-blogdate="' . $dtois . '" title="Double click for hint" ondblclick="window.open(' . "'//www.rjmprogramming.com.au/slideshow.html?title=' + encodeURIComponent(this.getAttribute('data-blogtitle')),'_blank','top=50,left=50,width=800,height=800'" . ');" oncontextmenu="window.open(' . "'//www.rjmprogramming.com.au/ITblog/' + thefauxencodeURIComponent(this.getAttribute('data-blogtitle')),'_blank','top=60,left=60,width=800,height=800'" . ');"', $templategame); } } } } //} else { // file_put_contents('x.x', $lookforis . ' ... ' . $cont); // exit; } $templategame=str_replace(' contenteditable=', ' data-contenteditable=', $templategame); echo $templategame; } ?>