'; if (isset($_GET['ajaxindiaplusstate'])) { if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . "/" . str_replace(" ", "+", strtolower(urldecode($_GET['ajaxindiaplusstate']))) . ".smalltalk")) { echo "

Thanks to Wikipedia ...

" . file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . "/" . str_replace(" ", "+", strtolower(urldecode($_GET['ajaxindiaplusstate']))) . ".smalltalk"); exit; } } else if (isset($_GET['indiaplusstate'])) { if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . "/" . str_replace(" ", "+", strtolower(urldecode($_GET['indiaplusstate']))) . ".smalltalk")) { $divinfo = "

Thanks to Wikipedia ...

" . file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . "/" . str_replace(" ", "+", strtolower(urldecode($_GET['indiaplusstate']))) . ".smalltalk"); } } $piechart = ""; $numstates = 0; $wording = array(); $coordstring = array(); $urls = array(); $blurbs = array(); $cols = array("#afeeee", "#ffe4b5", "#d3d3d3", "#ffdead", "#eee8aa", "#ffebcd", "#fff8dc", "#ffa500", "#faebd7", "#f8f8ff", "#f0fff0", "#fffafa", "#ffffe0", "#e0ffff", "#fff0f5", "#e6e6fa", "#f5f5f5", "#fffacd", "#f0ffff", "#fffff0", "#f5fffa", "#ffefd5", "#f0e68c", "#ffe4c4", "#fdf5e6", "#fffaf0"); // $mobilefishstring = ' click map Tamil Nadu Kerala Goa Jammu and Kashmir Himachal Pradesh Punjab Uttarakhand National Capital Territory of New Delhi Haryana Uttar Pradesh Bihar Jharkhand West Bengal Sikkim Arunachal Pradesh Tripura Meghalaya Assam Odisha Chhattisgarh Telangana Andhra Pradesh Karnataka Maharashtra Madhya Pradesh Gujarat Rajasthan Mizoram Manipur Nagaland '; function relative_to_absolute($inth) { global $udirname; //$low = strtolower($inth); $outth = $inth; $ideas = array(" href='", ' href="', " Href='", ' Href="', " HREF='", ' HREF="', " href=", " Href=", " HREF=", " src='", ' src="', " Src='", ' Src="', " SRC='", ' SRC="', " src=", " Src=", " SRC="); if ($udirname != "") { for ($m=0; $m 1) { for ($ii=(sizeof($huhs) - 1); $ii>=1; $ii--) { if (strtolower(str_replace("file", "http", strtolower(substr($huhs[$ii], 0, 4)))) == "http") { $outth = $outth; } else if (substr($huhs[$ii], 0, 1) != "/" && substr($huhs[$ii], 0, 1) != "'" && substr($huhs[$ii], 0, 1) != '"') { $outth = str_replace($huhs[$ii], $udirname . $huhs[$ii], $outth); } else if (substr($huhs[$ii], 1, 1) != "/" && substr($huhs[$ii], 0, 1) != "'" && substr($huhs[$ii], 0, 1) != '"') { $outth = str_replace($huhs[$ii], substr($udirname, 0, (strlen($udirname) - 1)) . $huhs[$ii], $outth); } } } } } return $outth; } function processmap($inmap) { global $numstates, $wording, $coordstring, $urls, $blurbs, $piechart, $downbot, $cols; $suffix = "
"; $atitle = explode(' title="', $inmap); for ($i=1; $ipreserveWhiteSpace = FALSE; $before = libxml_use_internal_errors(true); $doc->loadHTML($blurbs[sizeof($urls) - 1]); libxml_use_internal_errors($before); $docb = true; foreach ($doc->getElementsByClassName("infobox") as $link) { file_put_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . "/" . str_replace(" ", "+", strtolower($wording[sizeof($urls) - 1])) . ".smalltalk", $link->C14N()); } } catch (Exception $e) { throw new Exception( 'Something really wrong', 0, $e); } } else if (!file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . "/" . str_replace(" ", "+", strtolower($wording[sizeof($urls) - 1])) . ".smalltalk")) { $idiv = explode("infobox", relative_to_absolute($blurbs[sizeof($urls) - 1])); if (sizeof($idiv) > 1) { $aprefix = '
", $idiv[1]); $jdiv = explode("", $idiv[1]); $jdivs = explode("
strlen($jdiv[0]) && strlen($jdivt[0]) > strlen($jdivs[0])) { file_put_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . "/" . str_replace(" ", "+", strtolower($wording[sizeof($urls) - 1])) . ".smalltalk", $aprefix . $jdivt[0] . "
"); } else if (strlen($jdivs[0]) < strlen($jdiv[0])) { file_put_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . "/" . str_replace(" ", "+", strtolower($wording[sizeof($urls) - 1])) . ".smalltalk", $aprefix . $jdiv[0] . ""); } else { file_put_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . "/" . str_replace(" ", "+", strtolower($wording[sizeof($urls) - 1])) . ".smalltalk", $aprefix . $jdivs[0] . ""); } } } } $acoords = explode(' coords="', $inmap); for ($i=1; $i', "\n" . '', $downbot); $coords = explode(',', $coordstring[sizeof($coordstring) - 1]); $x = $coords[0]; $rjj = 1.0; for ($ii=2; $ii<(sizeof($coords) - 2); $ii+=2) { $x = ($rjj * $x + $coords[$ii]) / (1.0 + $rjj); $rjj = $rjj + 1.0; } $y = $coords[1]; $rjj = 1.0; for ($ii=3; $ii<(sizeof($coords) - 2); $ii+=2) { $y = ($rjj * $y + $coords[$ii]) / (1.0 + $rjj); $rjj = $rjj + 1.0; } $presuffix = " onmouseout='yehbut();' onmouseover='zok=1; url=\"" . str_replace("=%22", "=%22Famous+People+from+", $urls[sizeof($coordstring) - 1]) . "\"; parseurl(); setTimeout(xget, 4000); ' "; $suffix = str_replace("", "" . str_replace("National Capital Territory of New Delhi", "NCTND", $wording[sizeof($coordstring) - 1]) . "", $suffix); } return str_replace('img src', 'img style="opacity:0.6;z-index:0;" src', $inmap) . $suffix; } ?> Political Map of India - Thanks to http://www.mapsofindia.com/free-download/free-download-india-political-maps.html


  • Hover over Indian map states for Famous People and/or Wikipedia information to right (thanks)
  • Click/touch Indian map state for Web information on new webpage