', $wbits); $w30bits=explode('0', $wbits); for ($iw=0; $iw<(-1 + sizeof($w30bits)); $iw+=1) { // used to be +=2 if (strpos($w30bits[$iw], " title=") !== false) { $onebits=explode('', $w30bits[$iw]); $suffixg=""; $suffixd=""; if (sizeof($onebits) > 1) { //$preonebits=explode('"UTC', $w30bits[1 + $iw]); $preonebits=explode('>', $w30bits[1 + $iw]); if (strpos($onebits[-1 + sizeof($onebits)], ":3") !== false) $suffixg=".5"; if (strpos($preonebits[-1 + sizeof($preonebits)], ":3") !== false) $suffixd=".5"; $xdst=str_replace("−0", "-", str_replace("+", "", str_replace("+0", "", str_replace("-0", "-", str_replace(":0", "", str_replace(":3", "", $preonebits[-1 + sizeof($preonebits)])))))) . $suffixd; $preonebits=explode('>', $onebits[-1 + sizeof($onebits)]); $xgmt=str_replace("−0", "-", str_replace("+", "", str_replace("+0", "", str_replace("-0", "-", str_replace(":0", "", str_replace(":3", "", $preonebits[-1 + sizeof($preonebits)])))))) . $suffixg; if (strpos($w30bits[1 + $iw], " title=") !== false) $xdst=$xgmt; $preonebits=explode('>', $onebits[-2 + sizeof($onebits)]); $vs=$preonebits[-1 + sizeof($preonebits)]; } $onebits=explode('', $w30bits[$iw]); if (sizeof($onebits) > 3) { $preonebits=explode('>', $onebits[-4 + sizeof($onebits)]); $latlong=$preonebits[-1 + sizeof($preonebits)]; if (strpos($vs, "°") === false) $overallextra .= "\n" . ' "TimeZoneId ' . $latlong . display_latlong($latlong, $vs) . '" : "' . str_replace("@%@/@%@", "-", $vs) . '", "DST" : "' . $xdst . '", "GMT" : "' . $xgmt . '" '; } } } file_put_contents("wbits.html", $overallextra); $wcont=@file_get_contents("wbits.html"); } return $wcont; } function display_latlong($inll, $vis) { global $mapsuffix, $clickall, $toplace, $place; $mapsplace=$vis; $visbits=explode("/", $vis); if (sizeof($visbits) == 3) { $mapsplace=$visbits[2] . "/" . $visbits[1] . "/" . $visbits[0]; } else if (sizeof($visbits) > 1) { $mapsplace=substr($vis, (strlen($visbits[0]) + 1)) . "/" . $visbits[0]; } $outll=str_replace("~", "", str_replace("~ ", "", str_replace("+", " ", str_replace("-", " -", "~" . $inll)))); $obits=explode(" ", $outll); if (sizeof($obits) != 2) return ""; $factor=1.0; if (strpos($obits[0], "-") !== false) $factor=-1.0; $latl=strlen(str_replace("-", "", $obits[0])); $latis=0.0; if ($latl >= 5) { $latis+=substr($obits[0], strlen($obits[0]) - 2, 2) / 3600.0; $latis+=substr($obits[0], strlen($obits[0]) - 4, 2) / 60.0; $latis+=str_replace("-", "", substr($obits[0], 0, strlen($obits[0]) - 4)); $latis*=$factor; } else if ($latl >= 3) { $latis+=substr($obits[0], strlen($obits[0]) - 2, 2) / 60.0; $latis+=str_replace("-", "", substr($obits[0], 0, strlen($obits[0]) - 2)); $latis*=$factor; } else { $latis+=str_replace("-", "", substr($obits[0], 0, strlen($obits[0]) - 0)); $latis*=$factor; } $factor=1.0; if (strpos($obits[1], "-") !== false) $factor=-1.0; $longl=strlen(str_replace("-", "", $obits[1])); $longis=0.0; if ($longl >= 6) { $longis+=substr($obits[1], strlen($obits[1]) - 2, 2) / 3600.0; $longis+=substr($obits[1], strlen($obits[1]) - 4, 2) / 60.0; $longis+=str_replace("-", "", substr($obits[1], 0, strlen($obits[1]) - 4)); $longis*=$factor; } else if ($longl >= 4) { $longis+=substr($obits[1], strlen($obits) - 2, 2) / 60.0; $longis+=str_replace("-", "", substr($obits[1], 0, strlen($obits[1]) - 2)); $longis*=$factor; } else { $longis+=str_replace("-", "", substr($obits[1], 0, strlen($obits[1]) - 0)); $longis*=$factor; } if ($place != "" && $toplace != "") { return " ,[" . str_replace("3333333", "33", str_replace("6666667", "66", $latis)) . "," . str_replace("3333333", "33", str_replace("6666667", "66", $longis)) . str_replace("place1", str_replace(" ", "%20", $mapsplace), $mapsuffix) . str_replace(" ", "%20", $vis) . "~]"; } else { return " ,[" . str_replace("3333333", "33", str_replace("6666667", "66", $latis)) . "," . str_replace("3333333", "33", str_replace("6666667", "66", $longis)) . ",~" . $vis . "~]"; } } if (isset($_GET['url'])) { $prebits=explode("&", urldecode($_GET['url'])); $bits=explode("/", $prebits[0]); $zonematch=str_replace("−", "-", $bits[-1 + sizeof($bits)]); if (file_exists("wbits.html")) { $acontobodyinnerHTML=@file_get_contents("wbits.html"); } else if (11 == 11) { $acontobodyinnerHTML=dowbits(); } else { $acontobodyinnerHTML=@file_get_contents(urldecode($_GET['url'])); } $datacnt=1; $pretablebit="" . "'; $formbit="" . "'; $posttablebit="
"; //$formbit="
Optional Google Map May Go Below

Optional Google Map May Go Below

"; $mapbit=""; //Optional Google Map May Go Below"; $tablestuff="" . $mapbit . "
Time Zone IDDaylight Saving Time (Now)Greenwich Mean Time(zone)
"; $disp=true; $stuff=explode(" : ", $acontobodyinnerHTML); if (sizeof($stuff) > 1) { for ($i=1; $i 1) { $mapsplace=substr($tzi, (strlen($visbits[0]) + 1)) . "/" . $visbits[0]; } $thistitle=",[" . str_replace('"', '', str_replace(",~", str_replace("place1", str_replace(" ", "%20", $mapsplace), $mapsuffix), $dqstuff[-1 + sizeof($dqstuff)])); } else { $thistitle=",[" . str_replace('"', '', $dqstuff[-1 + sizeof($dqstuff)]); } } else { $thistitle=",[" . str_replace('"', '', substr($dqstuff[-1 + sizeof($dqstuff)], 0, strpos($dqstuff[-1 + sizeof($dqstuff)], ",%22A")) . ",~" . str_replace(" ", "%20", $tzi) . "~]"); } } $dqstuff=explode('"', $stuff[(1 + $i)]); $dst=str_replace("−", "-", $dqstuff[1]); $dqstuff=explode('"', $stuff[(2 + $i)]); $gmt=str_replace("−", "-", $dqstuff[1]); $disp=true; $okay=true; $timestamp = time(); if ($zonematch != "") { if (strpos(("~" . $gmt . "."), "~" . $zonematch . ".") === false) $disp=false; } if ($region != "") { if (strpos(("~" . $tzi), "~" . $region . "-") === false && strpos(("~" . $tzi), "~" . $region . "/") === false) $disp=false; } if ($place != "" && $toplace != "") { $clickall=' class="onload" '; if (strpos(strtolower(str_replace("_", " ", $tzi)), strtolower(str_replace("_", " ", $place))) === false && strpos(strtolower(str_replace("_", " ", $tzi)), strtolower(str_replace("_", " ", $toplace))) === false) $disp=false; } else if ($place != "") { if (strpos(strtolower(str_replace("_", " ", $tzi)), strtolower(str_replace("_", " ", $place))) === false) $disp=false; } else if ($toplace != "") { if (strpos(strtolower(str_replace("_", " ", $tzi)), strtolower(str_replace("_", " ", $toplace))) === false) $disp=false; } if ($disp) { // Thanks to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/851574/how-do-i-get-greenwich-mean-time-in-php $okay = date_default_timezone_set(str_replace("-", "/", $tzi)); $dr = date('r', $timestamp); $drs = explode(" +", str_replace("+0", "+", str_replace("30", ".5", str_replace("00", "", str_replace("000", "0", $dr))))); if (sizeof($drs) == 1) { $drs = explode(" -", str_replace("-0", "-", str_replace("30", ".5", str_replace("00", "", str_replace("000", "0", $dr))))); if (sizeof($drs) == 2) $drs[1]="-" . $drs[1]; } if (sizeof($drs) == 2) { if ($drs[1] == "") $drs[1] = "0"; } if (!$okay && $firstgood != "") { $dst = $gmt; $dr = $firstgood; } if ($okay && sizeof($drs) == 2) $dst = $drs[1]; if ($dst != $gmt) { //if ($okay && sizeof($drs) == 2) $dst = $drs[1]; $datacnt++; //$tablestuff=str_replace("", "" . $tzi . "" . $dst . " (" . $dr . ")" . $gmt . "" . $formbit . "", $tablestuff); if ($datacnt >= 3 && $clickall != "" && strpos(strtolower(str_replace("_", " ", $tzi)), strtolower(str_replace("_", " ", $place))) !== false) { $tablestuff=str_replace("", "" . $tzi . "" . $dst . " (" . $dr . ")" . $gmt . "", $tablestuff); } else { $tablestuff=str_replace("", "" . $tzi . "" . $dst . " (" . $dr . ")" . $gmt . "" . $formbit . $posttablebit, $tablestuff); } $tablestuff=str_replace("= 3 && $clickall != "" && strpos(strtolower(str_replace("_", " ", $tzi)), strtolower(str_replace("_", " ", $place))) !== false) { $tablestuff=str_replace("", "", $tablestuff); } else { $tablestuff=str_replace("
" . $tzi . "" . $dst . " (" . $dr . ")" . $gmt . "
", "" . $tzi . "" . $dst . " (" . $dr . ")" . $gmt . "" . $formbit . $posttablebit, $tablestuff); } $tablestuff=str_replace(" var rt="' . str_replace("+", " ", urlencode(str_replace(" rowspan=1 ", " rowspan=" . $datacnt . " ", $tablestuff))) . '"; '; } } echo $retstuff; ?>