$maxl) { $maxl=$zysare[$ij]; } if ($zysare[1 + $ij] < $mint) { $mint=$zysare[1 + $ij]; } if ($zysare[1 + $ij] > $maxt) { $maxt=$zysare[1 + $ij]; } } } for ($ij=0; $ij'; } //if (isset($_POST['htmstuff'])) { // if (!file_exists('countries.htm')) { // file_put_contents('countries.htm', str_replace('block;', 'none;', str_replace(' ',' + ',str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['htmstuff']))))); // } // exit; //} //if (file_exists('countries.htm')) { // $isthere=true; // $innards=str_replace(' ',' + ',str_replace('+',' ',urldecode(file_get_contents('countries.htm')))); // $proposedwriteinnardsto=""; //} if (isset($_GET['zoom'])) { if (strlen(str_replace('+','',urldecode($_GET['zoom']))) > 0) { $factor=str_replace('+','',urldecode($_GET['zoom'])); } } if (isset($_GET['uselatlaong'])) { $dolatlong=true; $longoff=0.0; $latoff=0.0; } else if (file_exists('countries.html')) { //if (strpos(file_get_contents('countries.html'), "
" . "" . "
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" . "" . "
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var intairsuffix='', zhrb=null, kklat=0, kklong=0; function onl() { setInterval(feedhow, 8000); document.getElementById('idlabel').value='[' + String.fromCharCode(39) + 'Lat' + String.fromCharCode(39) + ','; document.getElementById('idvalue').value=String.fromCharCode(39) + 'Lon' + String.fromCharCode(39) + ',' + String.fromCharCode(39) + 'Name' + String.fromCharCode(39) + ']'; if (maybemobile(izoom) != 1.0) document.body.style.zoom=('' + eval(izoom * 100.0) + '%'); elema = document.getElementById('myacanvas'); elema.style.cursor='progress'; contexta = elema.getContext('2d'); elem = document.getElementById('mycanvas'); elem.style.cursor='progress'; context = elem.getContext('2d'); context.strokeStyle = '#000000'; context.lineWidth = 0.4; } "; $midbit=" function ouralert(athis, ctyname, isothree, isotwo, inclist) { if (goes == 0) { goes=1; answered=true; } if (('' + isotwo).length == 2) { jtwo=isotwo; } if (inclist.indexOf(',') != -1) { lastflag=''; lasttwo=''; if (isotwo.trim() != '') { lasttwo=isotwo; lastflag=' ' + orflag(isotwo); } checkdsa(athis); var cls=inclist.replace('Longitude,Latitude coordinates are ','').split(','); longlastl=ctyname + ': ' + inclist; document.getElementById('ntz').value=''; //document.getElementById('nearestif').src='/PHP/tz_places.php?place=&latitude=' + encodeURIComponent(cls[1]) + '&longitude=' + encodeURIComponent(cls[0]) + '&ntztontz=y'; //setTimeout(lookforntz, 1000); } } function drawaac(centerX, centerY) { contexta.beginPath(); contexta.globalAlpha = 0.9; //console.log('2:' + centerX + ',' + centerY); if (1 == 1) { contexta.fillStyle = 'black'; contexta.fillRect(centerX / izoom, centerY / izoom,1,1); contexta.fill(); } else { contexta.arc(centerX / izoom, centerY / izoom, 1, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); contexta.fillStyle = 'black'; contexta.fill(); contexta.lineWidth = 5; contexta.lineWidth = 0.00001; contexta.strokeStyle = '#003300'; contexta.stroke(); } return true; } function drawac(centerX, centerY) { var topllong=-180.0; var topllat=90.0; console.log('0:' + centerX / izoom + ',' + centerY / izoom); 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areg='http.' + gtwop.replace(/\ /g,'_'); enin=encodeURIComponent(' in ' + tp); if (itwo.trim() != '') { enin+='%20' + encodeURIComponent(orflag(itwo.toUpperCase())); } mapurl=mapurl.replace('~]', encodeURIComponent(' in ' + tp) + '~]'); newpeninfo=newpeninfo.replace('Your$%20Place', gtwop.replace(/\ /g,'_')); } } if (eval('' + tzls.length) > 3) { for (var ih=0; ih<3; ih++) { if (tzls[eval(1 + ih + ioff)].indexOf(' ') == -1) { prefix='/' + tzls[eval(1 + ih + ioff)] + '/'; joff++; } else { prefix='/'; } thisplace=-1; while (tzls[eval(0 + ih + ioff)].slice(thisplace).substring(0,1) != '.' && tzls[eval(0 + ih + ioff)].slice(thisplace).substring(0,1) != ' ') { wasp=prefix; prefix=tzls[eval(0 + ih + ioff)].slice(thisplace).substring(0,1) + wasp; //alert('IH=' + ih + ' and prefix=' + prefix + ' ' + tzls[eval(0 + ih + ioff)].slice(thisplace)); thisplace--; } //alert('ih=' + ih + ' and prefix=' + prefix); places[ih]=prefix; tzs[ih]=prefix; thisplace=1; ioff=joff; while (tzls[eval(1 + ih + ioff)].substring(0,thisplace).slice(-1) != '.' && tzls[eval(1 + ih + ioff)].substring(0,thisplace).slice(-1) != ' ') { places[ih]+=tzls[eval(1 + ih + ioff)].substring(0,thisplace).slice(-1); tzs[ih]+=tzls[eval(1 + ih + ioff)].substring(0,thisplace).slice(-1); thisplace++; } //alert('ih=' + ih + ' and thisplace=' + thisplace + ' and tzs[]=' + tzs[eval(0 + ih)] + ' and yourtzlist=' + yourtzlist); if (tzls[eval(1 + ih + ioff)].indexOf(' from ') != -1) { if (areg == '') { areg='HTTP.GeoJSON'; areg='http.GeoJSON'; } areg+=',http.' + places[ih].split('/')[eval(-1 + places[ih].split('/').length)].replace(/\ /g,'_'); places[ih]+=(' in ' + ('' + tzls[eval(1 + ih + ioff)].substring(thisplace).split(' from ')[0]).replace(' in ','').replace(' in ','').replace(' in ','').replace(' in ','')).replace(' in in ',' in '); lplaces[ih]+=(' in ' + ('' + tzls[eval(1 + ih + ioff)].substring(thisplace).split(' is ')[0]).replace(' in ','').replace(' in ','').replace(' in ','').replace(' in ','')).replace(' in in ',' in '); } else if (tzls[eval(1 + ih + ioff)].indexOf(' is ') != -1) { if (areg == '') { areg='HTTP.GeoJSON'; areg='http.GeoJSON'; } areg+=',http.' + places[ih].split('/')[eval(-1 + places[ih].split('/').length)].replace(/\ /g,'_'); places[ih]+=(' in ' + ('' + tzls[eval(1 + ih + ioff)].substring(thisplace).split(' is ')[0]).replace(' in ','').replace(' in ','').replace(' in ','').replace(' in ','')).replace(' in in ',' in '); lplaces[ih]+=(' in ' + ('' + tzls[eval(1 + ih + ioff)].substring(thisplace).split(' is ')[0]).replace(' in ','').replace(' in ','').replace(' in ','').replace(' in ','')).replace(' in in ',' in '); } if (yourtzlist.indexOf(tzs[ih]) != -1) { //newpeninfo+=',' + yourtzlist.split(tzs[ih])[1].split('=')[1].split(',')[0].replace(String.fromCharCode(34),'') + '|' + yourtzlist.split(tzs[ih])[1].split('=')[1].split(',')[1].replace(String.fromCharCode(34),'') + '|' + encodeURIComponent(places[ih].split('/')[eval(-1 + places[ih].split('/').length)].replace(/\ /g,'_')); //mapurl+=',[' + yourtzlist.split(tzs[ih])[1].split('=')[1].split(',')[0].replace(String.fromCharCode(34),'') + ',' + yourtzlist.split(tzs[ih])[1].split('=')[1].split(',')[1].replace(String.fromCharCode(34),'') + ',~' + encodeURIComponent(places[ih]) + '~]'; 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if (tp == '') { mapwog=window.open(lastgeourl, geotarget, 'top=80,left=600,width=' + eval(-600 + screen.width) + ',height=' + eval(-40 + screen.height)); setTimeout(mapwogz, 5000); //mapwog.document.body.style.zoom='100%'; } else { mapwog=window.open(lastgeourl, geotarget, 'top=' + eval(-400 + screen.height) + ',left=0,width=' + eval(-600 + screen.width) + ',height=400'); setTimeout(mapwogz, 5000); //mapwog.document.body.style.zoom='100%'; } } if (tp != '') { window.open(tp, '_blank', 'top=80,left=' + eval(-600 + screen.width) + ',width=600,height=600'); } } } jtwo=' '; } function mapwogz() { if (1 == 2) { mapwog.document.body.style.transform='scale(1.0)'; } } function mapwoz() { if (1 == 2) { mapwo.document.body.style.transform='scale(1.0)'; } } function withinit(abi) { var outi=''; var putin=true; for (var ii=0; ii') { putin=true; if (outi != '') { outi+=' '; } } else if (putin) { outi+=abi.substring(ii).substring(0,1); } } return outi.replace('rror :', 'rror:'); } function latercheckif() { if (waitplease) { setTimeout(latercheckif, 1000); 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'; } } return (extras + outblurb).replace(',undefined',''); } function stateChanged() { if (zhr.readyState == 4) { if (zhr.status == 200) { var bts=zhr.response.split('.src + ' + String.fromCharCode(39)); if (eval('' + bts.length) > 1) { for (var ijh=1; ijh 1) { for (var ijh=1; ijh 1) { for (var ijh=1; ijh 800) { document.getElementById('iddata').value=(p1.split('&data=')[1].split('&')[0].split('#')[0]).replace(/\&20\;/g,' '); document.getElementById('smapif').click(); return null; } return window.open(p1, p2, p3); } function apm(mu) { if (airportstuff != '' && doair) { return (mu + airportstuff).replace('&', encodeURIComponent(' and Airports') + '&'); } return mu; } function nair(klat, klong) { airportstuff=''; zhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); zhr.onreadystatechange=stateChanged; zhr.open('get', '/HTMLCSS/intair.php?num=4&lat=' + klat + '&long=' + klong, true); zhr.send(null); } function naira(klat, klong) { if (answered && doair) { answered=false; zhra = new XMLHttpRequest(); zhra.onreadystatechange=stateChangeda; console.log('/HTMLCSS/intair.php?num=6&lat=' + klat + '&long=' + klong + intairsuffix); if (intairsuffix.indexOf('&port=air') != -1) { kklat=klat; kklong=klong; zhra.open('get', '/HTMLCSS/intair.php?num=6&lat=' + klat + '&long=' + klong, true); } else { zhra.open('get', '/HTMLCSS/intair.php?num=6&lat=' + klat + '&long=' + klong + intairsuffix, true); } zhra.send(null); } } function airportplot(e) { if (answered) { var rectis=null; //document.body.getBoundingClientRect(); var blat=0, blong=0; var topllong=-180.0; var topllat=90.0; onepixelequals=eval(0.0 + eval(1.0 * izoom)); //document.title='canvasclick'; e = e || window.event; e.preventDefault(); if (e.touches) { if (e.touches[0].pageX) { //lastl='Longitude,Latitude coordinates are ' + eval(topllong + eval(-rectis.left + e.touches[0].pageX) * onepixelequals) + ',' + eval(topllat - eval(-rectis.top + e.touches[0].pageY) * onepixelequals); naira(eval(-rectisleft + e.touches[0].pageX), eval(-rectistop + e.touches[0].pageY)); //if (drawac(eval(-rectisleft + e.touches[0].pageX), eval(-rectistop + e.touches[0].pageY))) e = e; 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See Wikipedia page about ' + ourlong.split(':')[0] + lastflag + ' via Y or Yes for both this and map. ' + preface(ourlong.replace(': Longitude,', lastflag + ': Longitude and ').split(',')[0] + (',' + ourlong.split(',')[2]).replace(',undefined','')), ' '); } else { morehuh=prompt(what + ' See these on a map? See Wikipedia page about ' + ourlong.split(':')[0] + lastflag + ' via Y or Yes for both this and map. ' + preface(ourlong.replace(': Longitude', lastflag + ': Longitude')), ' '); } if (morehuh != null) { morehuh=morehuh.replace('.',' '); } if (morehuh != null) { if (morehuh.replace(' ','').trim() != morehuh.replace(' ','')) { ht='geomaps'; legs=eval(eval(morehuh.length) - eval(morehuh.trim().length)); } if (morehuh.indexOf('g') != -1) { morehuh=morehuh.replace(/g/g,'').replace(/G/g,''); gdurl='//www.google.com/maps/dir/' + lastlat + ',' + lastlong + '/' + thislat + ',' + thislong; if (legs > 1) { for (ilegs=1; ilegs ilegs) { //if (ilegs == 1) { gdurl='//www.google.com/maps/dir/' + thislat + ',' + thislong + '/' + lastlat + ',' + lastlong; } gdurl=gdurl.replace('/dir/','/dir/' + lastlats[eval(-1 - ilegs + lastlats.length)] + ',' + lastlongs[eval(-1 - ilegs + lastlongs.length)] + '/'); //gdurl+='/' + lastlats[eval(-1 - ilegs + lastlats.length)] + ',' + lastlongs[eval(-1 - ilegs + lastlongs.length)] } } } } else if (morehuh.indexOf('G') != -1) { morehuh=morehuh.replace(/G/g,''); gdurl='//www.google.com/maps/dir/' + lastlat + ',' + lastlong + '/' + thislat + ',' + thislong; if (legs > 1) { for (ilegs=1; ilegs ilegs) { //if (ilegs == 1) { gdurl='//www.google.com/maps/dir/' + thislat + ',' + thislong + '/' + lastlat + ',' + lastlong; } gdurl=gdurl.replace('/dir/','/dir/' + lastlats[eval(-1 - ilegs + lastlats.length)] + ',' + lastlongs[eval(-1 - ilegs + lastlongs.length)] + '/'); //gdurl+='/' + lastlats[eval(-1 - ilegs + lastlats.length)] + ',' + lastlongs[eval(-1 - ilegs + lastlongs.length)] } } } } } if (morehuh == null) { morehuh=''; } else if (morehuh.trim().toUpperCase() == 'Y') { morehuh=''; window.open('//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/' + encodeURIComponent(ourlong.split(':')[0]), '_blank', 'top=50,left=50,width=600,height=600'); } else if (morehuh.trim().toUpperCase().substring(0,1) == 'Y') { twop='//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/' + encodeURIComponent(ourlong.split(':')[0]); //window.open('//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/' + encodeURIComponent(ourlong.split(':')[0]), '_blank', 'top=50,left=50,width=600,height=600'); } else if (morehuh.trim() == '') { gtwop='//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/' + encodeURIComponent(ourlong.split(':')[0]); //window.open('//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/' + encodeURIComponent(ourlong.split(':')[0]), '_blank', 'top=50,left=50,width=600,height=600'); morehuh='n'; } else { gtwop='//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/' + encodeURIComponent(ourlong.split(':')[0]); //window.open('//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/' + encodeURIComponent(ourlong.split(':')[0]), '_blank', 'top=50,left=50,width=600,height=600'); morehuh='N'; } if (morehuh == '') { morehuh=false; } else { morehuh=true; } } else if (lastcwhat != what.replace(': Longitude', lastflag + ': Longitude') + ' See these on a map? ' + ourlong.replace(': Longitude', lastflag + ': Longitude')) { lastcwhat=what.replace(': Longitude', lastflag + ': Longitude') + ' See these on a map? ' + ourlong.replace(': Longitude', lastflag + ': Longitude'); morehuh=confirm(what.replace(': Longitude', lastflag + ': Longitude') + ' See these on a map? ' + ourlong.replace(': Longitude', lastflag + ': Longitude')); } } else { what=withinit(ourabi).replace(/\)/g,') '); if (what.indexOf('rror:') != -1) { alert(what.replace(/\)/g,') ').replace(': Longitude', lastflag + ': Longitude') + ' ' + ourl.replace(': Longitude', lastflag + ': Longitude')); } else if (ourlong.indexOf(': ') != -1) { if (navigator.userAgent.match(/Android|BlackBerry|iPhone|iPad|iPod|Opera Mini|IEMobile/i)) { morehuh=prompt(what.replace(': Longitude', lastflag + ': Longitude') + ' See these on a map? See Wikipedia page about ' + ourlong.split(':')[0] + lastflag + ' via Y or Yes for both this and map. ' + preface(ourlong.replace(': Longitude,', lastflag + ': Longitude and ').split(',')[0] + (',' + ourlong.split(',')[2]).replace(',undefined','')), ' '); } else { morehuh=prompt(what.replace(': Longitude', lastflag + ': Longitude') + ' See these on a map? See Wikipedia page about ' + ourlong.split(':')[0] + lastflag + ' via Y or Yes for both this and map. ' + preface(ourlong.replace(': Longitude', lastflag + ': Longitude')), ' '); } if (morehuh != null) { morehuh=morehuh.replace('.',' '); } if (morehuh != null) { if (morehuh.replace(' ','').trim() != morehuh.replace(' ','')) { ht='geomaps'; legs=eval(eval(morehuh.length) - eval(morehuh.trim().length)); } if (morehuh.indexOf('g') != -1) { morehuh=morehuh.replace(/g/g,'').replace(/G/g,''); gdurl='//www.google.com/maps/dir/' + lastlat + ',' + lastlong + '/' + thislat + ',' + thislong; if (legs > 1) { for (ilegs=1; ilegs ilegs) { //if (ilegs == 1) { gdurl='//www.google.com/maps/dir/' + thislat + ',' + thislong + '/' + lastlat + ',' + lastlong; } gdurl=gdurl.replace('/dir/','/dir/' + lastlats[eval(-1 - ilegs + lastlats.length)] + ',' + lastlongs[eval(-1 - ilegs + lastlongs.length)] + '/'); //gdurl+='/' + lastlats[eval(-1 - ilegs + lastlats.length)] + ',' + lastlongs[eval(-1 - ilegs + lastlongs.length)] } } } } else if (morehuh.indexOf('G') != -1) { morehuh=morehuh.replace(/G/g,''); gdurl='//www.google.com/maps/dir/' + lastlat + ',' + lastlong + '/' + thislat + ',' + thislong; if (legs > 1) { for (ilegs=1; ilegs ilegs) { //if (ilegs == 1) { gdurl='//www.google.com/maps/dir/' + thislat + ',' + thislong + '/' + lastlat + ',' + lastlong; } gdurl=gdurl.replace('/dir/','/dir/' + lastlats[eval(-1 - ilegs + lastlats.length)] + ',' + lastlongs[eval(-1 - ilegs + lastlongs.length)] + '/'); //gdurl+='/' + lastlats[eval(-1 - ilegs + lastlats.length)] + ',' + lastlongs[eval(-1 - ilegs + lastlongs.length)] } } } } } if (morehuh == null) { morehuh=''; } else if (morehuh.trim().toUpperCase() == 'Y') { morehuh=''; window.open('//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/' + encodeURIComponent(ourlong.split(':')[0]), '_blank', 'top=50,left=50,width=600,height=600'); } else if (morehuh.trim().toUpperCase().substring(0,1) == 'Y') { twop='//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/' + encodeURIComponent(ourlong.split(':')[0]); //window.open('//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/' + encodeURIComponent(ourlong.split(':')[0]), '_blank', 'top=50,left=50,width=600,height=600'); } else if (morehuh.trim() == '') { gtwop='//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/' + encodeURIComponent(ourlong.split(':')[0]); //window.open('//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/' + encodeURIComponent(ourlong.split(':')[0]), '_blank', 'top=50,left=50,width=600,height=600'); morehuh='n'; } else { gtwop='//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/' + encodeURIComponent(ourlong.split(':')[0]); //window.open('//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/' + encodeURIComponent(ourlong.split(':')[0]), '_blank', 'top=50,left=50,width=600,height=600'); morehuh='N'; } if (morehuh == '') { morehuh=false; } else { morehuh=true; } } else if (lastcwhat != what.replace(': Longitude', lastflag + ': Longitude') + ' See these on a map? ' + ourlong.replace(': Longitude', lastflag + ': Longitude')) { lastcwhat=what.replace(': Longitude', lastflag + ': Longitude') + ' See these on a map? ' + ourlong.replace(': Longitude', lastflag + ': Longitude'); morehuh=confirm(what.replace(': Longitude', lastflag + ': Longitude') + ' See these on a map? ' + ourlong.replace(': Longitude', lastflag + ': Longitude')); } //} else { //morehuh=confirm(what.replace(/\)/g,') ') + ' See these on a map? ' + ourl); //} } } } } if (gdurl != '') { window.open(gdurl, '_blank', 'top=60,left=60,width=1200,height=900'); } sctop=document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop; scleft=document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft; if (morehuh) { if (mixedcase) { if (ht != '') { sctop=document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop; scleft=document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft; } callmap(what, twop, jtwo.substring(0,1).toLowerCase() + jtwo.substring(1,2).toUpperCase()); if (ht != '') { document.getElementById('abt').style.display='inline-block'; document.getElementById('abb').style.display='inline-block'; document.getElementById('abd').style.display='inline-block'; document.getElementById(ht).scrollIntoView(); } } else { if (ht != '') { sctop=document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop; scleft=document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft; } callmap(what, twop, jtwo); if (ht != '') { document.getElementById('abt').style.display='inline-block'; 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} if (ampm.length > 3) { daybit=ampm.substring(5); } var minis=eval('' + gmtdatetimeis.split(':')[1]); var hris=eval(('' + gmtdatetimeis.split(':')[0]).split(' ')[eval(-1 + ('' + gmtdatetimeis.split(':')[0]).split(' ').length)]); if (('' + hoursoffgmt).indexOf('-') != -1 && eval(eval('' + hoursoffgmt.replace('+','')) + hris) < 0.0) { ampm=ampm.replace('am', 'pm'); if (daybit != '') { ampm=ampm.replace(daybit, along.split(',' + daybit)[0].split(',')[eval(-1 + along.split(',' + daybit)[0].split(',').length)]); } } else if (('' + hoursoffgmt).indexOf('-') == -1 && eval(eval('' + hoursoffgmt.replace('+','')) + hris) >= 24) { if (daybit != '') { ampm=ampm.replace(daybit, along.split(daybit + ',')[1].split(',')[0]); } } else if (('' + hoursoffgmt).indexOf('-') == -1 && eval(eval('' + hoursoffgmt.replace('+','')) + hris) >= 12) { ampm=ampm.replace('am', 'pm'); } hris+=eval(eval(24 + eval('' + hoursoffgmt.replace('+','').split('.')[0])) % 24); if (('' + hoursoffgmt.replace('+','')).indexOf('.5') != -1) { if (('' + hoursoffgmt.replace('+','')).indexOf('-') != -1 && minis >= 30) { minis-=30; } else if (('' + hoursoffgmt.replace('+','')).indexOf('-') != -1) { hris--; if (hris < 24) { hris=23; ampm=ampm.replace('am', 'pm'); if (daybit != '') { ampm=ampm.replace(daybit, along.split(',' + daybit)[0].split(',')[eval(-1 + along.split(',' + daybit)[0].split(',').length)]); } } minis+=30; } else if (('' + hoursoffgmt.replace('+','')).indexOf('-') == -1 && minis < 30) { minis+=30; } else if (('' + hoursoffgmt.replace('+','')).indexOf('-') != -1) { hris++; if (hris > 24) { hris=24; ampm=ampm.replace('pm', 'am'); if (daybit != '') { ampm=ampm.replace(daybit, along.split(daybit + ',')[1].split(',')[0]); } } minis-=30; } } else if (('' + hoursoffgmt.replace('+','')).indexOf('.25') != -1) { if (('' + hoursoffgmt.replace('+','')).indexOf('-') != -1 && minis >= 15) { minis-=15; } else if (('' + hoursoffgmt.replace('+','')).indexOf('-') != -1) { hris--; if (hris < 24) { hris=23; ampm=ampm.replace('am', 'pm'); if (daybit != '') { ampm=ampm.replace(daybit, along.split(',' + daybit)[0].split(',')[eval(-1 + along.split(',' + daybit)[0].split(',').length)]); } } minis+=15; } else if (('' + hoursoffgmt.replace('+','')).indexOf('-') == -1 && minis < 45) { minis+=15; } else if (('' + hoursoffgmt.replace('+','')).indexOf('-') != -1) { hris++; if (hris > 24) { hris=24; ampm=ampm.replace('pm', 'am'); if (daybit != '') { ampm=ampm.replace(daybit, along.split(daybit + ',')[1].split(',')[0]); } } minis-=15; } } else if (('' + hoursoffgmt.replace('+','')).indexOf('.75') != -1) { if (('' + hoursoffgmt.replace('+','')).indexOf('-') != -1 && minis >= 45) { minis-=45; } else if (('' + hoursoffgmt.replace('+','')).indexOf('-') != -1) { hris--; if (hris < 24) { hris=23; ampm=ampm.replace('am', 'pm'); if (daybit != '') { ampm=ampm.replace(daybit, along.split(',' + daybit)[0].split(',')[eval(-1 + along.split(',' + daybit)[0].split(',').length)]); } } minis+=45; } else if (('' + hoursoffgmt.replace('+','')).indexOf('-') == -1 && minis < 15) { minis+=45; } else if (('' + hoursoffgmt.replace('+','')).indexOf('-') != -1) { hris++; if (hris > 24) { hris=24; ampm=ampm.replace('pm', 'am'); if (daybit != '') { ampm=ampm.replace(daybit, along.split(daybit + ',')[1].split(',')[0]); } } minis-=45; } } //alert('' + hoursoffgmt + ' ' + hris + ' ' + minis + ' ' + gmtdatetimeis); if (minis > 45 && eval(hris % 12) == 0) { return ' ' + String.fromCodePoint(128336) + ampm; } else if (eval(hris % 12) == 0 && minis <= 15) { return ' ' + String.fromCodePoint(128347) + ampm; } else if (eval(hris % 12) == 0) { return ' ' + String.fromCodePoint(128359) + ampm; } else if (minis >= 45) { return ' ' + String.fromCodePoint(eval(eval(hris % 12) + 128336)) + ampm; } else if (minis <= 15) { return ' ' + String.fromCodePoint(eval(eval(hris % 12) + 128335)) + ampm; } else { return ' ' + String.fromCodePoint(eval(eval(hris % 12) + 128347)) + ampm; } return ''; } function emfilter(inih) { var bcxs=inih.split(' &#'); var bitis='', ib=0; var outih=inih; for (ib=1; ib= '0' && bcxs[ib].substring(0,1) <= '9'))) { outih=outih.replace('(' + bcxs[ib].split(')')[0] + ')', '(' + bcxs[ib].split(')')[0] + clockit(bcxs[ib].split(')')[0]) + ')'); } } return outih; } function orflag(thiscc) { var ccchar='', ccsuff=''; var lri='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'; var dri=['127462','127463','127464','127465','127466','127467','127468','127469','127470','127471','127472','127473','127474','127475','127476','127477','127478','127479','127480','127481','127482','127483','127484','127485','127486','127487']; for (var iccsuff=0; iccsuff= 2) { if (eval('' + cs[0]) != eval('' + cs[eval(-2 + cs.length)]) || eval('' + cs[1]) != eval('' + cs[eval(-1 + cs.length)])) { ars[ij].coords+=',' + cs[0] + ',' + cs[1]; } } } setTimeout(cursorcheck, 3000); } function cursorcheck() { if (('' + document.body.style.cursor).indexOf('progress') != -1) { elem.style.cursor='progress'; setTimeout(cursorcheck, 3000); } else { document.getElementById('myimg').title=''; elem.style.cursor='pointer'; elema.style.cursor='pointer'; " . $writeinnards . " } } function lhovin(indesc) { lhov=indesc; if (1 == 2) { document.getElementById('myimg').title=lhov; } } function lhovout(indesc) { if (1 == 2) { document.getElementById('myimg').title=document.getElementById('myimg').title.replace(lhov,''); } } function retll(x, y) { return '' + eval(-180.0 + x) + ',' + eval(90.0 - y); } function checkdsa(ath) { waitplease=true; var wasih=''; var athcoords=('' + ath.coords); //.substring(0, Math.floor(eval(0.1 * ('' + ath.coords).length))); if (document.getElementById('svgd').innerHTML.indexOf(('' + athcoords)) != -1) { wasih='
IN') !== false) { $mappings.='INKASEHSAHSOSOLSSSDSXKKOSCYCYN'; } for ($i=0; $i<(-1 + sizeof($parts)); $i++) { if (strpos($parts[$i], '"sr_sov_a3":"') !== false) { $globalattr=' data-iso3="' . str_replace("DN1","DK1",explode('"', explode('"sr_sov_a3":"', $parts[$i])[1])[0]) . '"'; if (strpos($mappings, '>' . str_replace("DN1","DK1",explode('"', explode('"sr_sov_a3":"', $parts[$i])[1])[0]) . '') !== false) { $iparts=explode('>' . str_replace("DN1","DK1",explode('"', explode('"sr_sov_a3":"', $parts[$i])[1])[0]) . '', $mappings); $globalattr.=' data-iso2="' . str_replace("DN","DK",explode('>', explode('', $iparts[0])[-2 + sizeof(explode('', $iparts[0]))])[-1 + sizeof(explode('>', explode('', $iparts[0])[-2 + sizeof(explode('', $iparts[0]))]))]) . '"'; } else if (substr(explode('"', explode('"sr_sov_a3":"', $parts[$i])[1])[0],-1,1) >= '0' && substr(explode('"', explode('"sr_sov_a3":"', $parts[$i])[1])[0],-1,1) <= '9') { $globalattr.=' data-iso2="' . str_replace("DN","DK",substr(explode('"', explode('"sr_sov_a3":"', $parts[$i])[1])[0],0,2)) . '"'; } } if (strpos($parts[$i], '"sr_subunit":"') !== false) { $globalattr.=' data-cname="' . explode('"', explode('"sr_subunit":"', $parts[$i])[1])[0] . '"'; } $coords=str_replace('[','',str_replace(']','',explode('[[' , $parts[$i])[-1 + sizeof(explode('[[' , $parts[$i]))])); $newcoords=$coords; if (!$dolatlong || 1 == 1) { $lls=explode(",", $coords); $newcoords=""; for ($j=0; $j\n"; if ($i == 0 && $innards != '') { $innards=''; } $innards.=apptohtmstuff($newcoords,$coords); //echo "\n"; } $htmlis.="  

GeoJSON World Countries

RJM Programming 🔎 January, 2023

Thanks to https://d2ad6b4ur7yvpq.cloudfront.net/naturalearth-3.3.0/ne_50m_admin_0_scale_rank.geojson

" . $innards . "
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