// aboriginal_language_regions.js // Javascript to accompany aboriginal_language_regions.html // RJM Programming // June, 2015 // Audio via lead of https://www.google.com.au/search?q=warlpiri+audio&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-ab&gfe_rd=cr&ei=mj1BWJC-EtPr8AeniafgBw#q=warlpiri+audio&tbm=vid // YouTube via Iframe API //window.onload = doonload; var coords=new Array("979","176","1169","589","786","329","519","62","622","296","616","425","531","485","553","381","559","417","120","728","746","790","949","1065","906","900","880","886","888","858","977","814","1025","826","1045","766","1087","786","1103","756","1025","724","1093","700"); var places=new Array("Cooktown","Cooktown","Brisbane","Brisbane","Mount Isa","Mount Isa","Darwin","Darwin","Tennent Creek","Tennent Creek","Alice Springs","Alice Springs","Uluru","Uluru","Yuendemu","Yuendemu","Papunya","Papunya","Perth","Perth","Adelaide","Adelaide","Hobart","Hobart","Melbourne","Melbourne","Ballarat","Ballarat","Bendigo","Bendigo","Wagga Wagga","Wagga Wagga","Canberra","Canberra","Bathurst","Bathurst","Sydney","Sydney","Newcastle","Newcastle","Dubbo","Dubbo","Tamworth","Tamworth"); var geolls=new Array("145.2833","-15.4667","153.0333","-27.4667","139.5","-20.7333","130.8333","-12.45","134.2","-19.65","133.87","-23.7","131.0361","-25.345","131.7833","-22.25","131.9","-23.2167","115.8589","-31.9522","138.601","-34.929","147.325","-42.8806","144.9631","-37.8136","143.85","-37.55","144.2667","-36.75","147.3689","-35.1189","149.1244","-35.3075","149.5778","-33.42","151.2094","-33.865","151.75","-33.9167","148.6011","-32.2569","150.9167","-31.0833"); var cbmv=false; var cbbv=false; var url = "//www.rjmprogramming.com.au/PHP/Map/map.php?title=Dublin&label=['Lat',&value='Lon','Name']&data=,[53.3478,-6.2597,~Dublin~]"; var zhr = false; var xP, yP; var aurl; var myid; var myouru=""; var myu=""; var myusuffix=""; var globaltimer; var mapurl=""; var swin=null; var mytitle=""; var mytext=""; var mylatlong=""; var mylasttext=""; var popx=0, popy=0; var omode=0; var infois=""; // Thanks to https://www.liketly.com/forum/thread/24096/yql-and-javascript-failed/ for ideas var query = 'SELECT * FROM google.books WHERE q="kauri" AND maxResults=10'; var yqlAPI = '//query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=' + encodeURIComponent(query) + '&format=json&env=store%3A%2F%2Fdatatables.org%2Falltableswithkeys&callback=?'; var wasmyi='about:blank'; $(document).ready(function () { doonload(); getInfo(); }); function getInfo() { var dinfo=document.getElementById('infoWin'); $.getJSON(yqlAPI, function (r) { var first=true; //alert(98); $.each(r.query.results.json.items, function () { if (first) { infois=""; dinfo.style.border='2px blue dashed'; dinfo.style.backgroundColor='yellow'; } first=false; infois+=("" + this.volumeInfo.title); if (this.volumeInfo.imageLinks.thumbnail.indexOf("null") == -1) { infois+=(""); } infois+="

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