1) { $llong = explode("+", substr($latlong, 1)); if (sizeof($llong) == 1) { $llong = explode("-", substr($latlong, 1)); if (sizeof($llong) == 1) { $llong = explode(" ", substr($latlong, 1)); } else { $longp = "-"; } } } if (sizeof($llong) > 1) { $xmyh2 = "Location is Latitude: " . str_replace("+", "", substr($latlong[0],0,1)) . substr($latlong[0],1) . " and Longitude: " . str_replace("+", "", $longp) . $llong[1]; } } } if (isset($_GET['thelist'])) { if (isset($_GET['thelist']) != "") $seeother = urldecode($_GET['thelist']); $theblurb = file_get_contents(urlencode($seeother) . ".txt"); $thename = file_get_contents(urlencode($seeother) . ".thename"); $theplace = file_get_contents(urlencode($seeother) . ".theplace"); $themap = file_get_contents(urlencode($seeother) . ".themap"); $none = "block"; $ol = ' window.open("' . $themap . '", "_blank"); loadgo = 0; var ww="' . urldecode($themap) . '"; '; if ($themap == "") { $ol = "getLocation(); loadgo = 0; "; } else { //http://maps.google.com/maps?z=20&t=e&q=loc:-33.9074847 151.17642300000003 $latlong = explode("loc:", urldecode($themap)); $llong = explode(":", "x"); if (sizeof($latlong) > 1) { $llong = explode("+", substr($latlong[1], 1)); if (sizeof($llong) == 1) { $llong = explode("-", substr($latlong[1], 1)); if (sizeof($llong) == 1) { $llong = explode(" ", substr($latlong[1], 1)); } else { $longp = "-"; } } } if (sizeof($llong) > 1) { $xmyh2 = "Location is Latitude: " . str_replace("+", "", substr($latlong[1],0,1)) . substr($llong[0],1) . " and Longitude: " . str_replace("+", "", $longp) . $llong[1]; } } } if (isset($_POST['thename']) && $seeother == "") { if (($_POST['thename'] . $_POST['theplace'] . $_POST['themap'] . $_POST['theblurb']) != "") { $tval = urldecode($_POST['thename']); $val = str_replace(" ", "_", urldecode($_POST['thename'])); if ($tval == "") { if ($_POST['theplace'] != "") { $tval .= "I live in " . urldecode($_POST['theplace']); $val = str_replace(" ", "_", $tval); } else if ($_POST['themap'] != "") { $tval .= "I live at Google Map URL " . urldecode($_POST['themap']); $val = str_replace(" ", "_", urlencode($tval)); } else { $tval .= urldecode($_POST['theblurb']); $val = str_replace(" ", "_", $tval); } } else if ($_POST['theplace'] != "") { $tval .= " of " . urldecode($_POST['theplace']); } else if ($_POST['themap'] != "") { $tval .= " at Google Map URL " . urlencode($_POST['themap']); } } $none = "none"; //$theblurb = urldecode($_POST['theblurb']); file_put_contents($val . ".txt", urldecode($_POST['theblurb'])); file_put_contents($val . ".thename", urldecode($_POST['thename'])); file_put_contents($val . ".theplace", urldecode($_POST['theplace'])); file_put_contents($val . ".themap", urldecode($_POST['themap'])); file_put_contents("more_geolocation.txt", file_get_contents("more_geolocation.txt") . '' . "\n"); } ?> Geolocation - Get Your Latitude and Longitude - thanks to http://www.tutorialspoint.com/html5/html5_geolocation.htm - RJM Programming - July, 2014

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